Friday, April 26, 2024
Mining PC

Are Cryptocurrency Mining PC’s Worth It?

Short answer: For most people, no.  They require a high initial investment of money.  Expect to put down $1000-6000 worth of capital for it to...

When is it the “Right Time” to Build a PC?

No matter what year you build a PC, the following year is usually going to have lower prices and better processors introduced (and you...
Thermaltake Core V1 Black Edition SPCC Mini ITX Cube Computer Chassis

Tips for Building a Compact PC

Define how small If you want a PC tiny enough to easily carry around in one hand, it is possible, but you will need to...

How to buy a Mid-Range Smartphone – They Are Underrated!

I currently own a Galaxy S8 because I was able to get it at a substantial discount.  Some of my friends and family ask...
BenQ Gaming Monitor

Guide to Frame Rates, Resolution and Monitors

What is Frame Rate? Frame rate is how many frames per second (fps) are being displayed on the screen.  Movies run at 24 fps, console...

How to add a web site icon shortcut to your Home Screen on Android...

Simple Steps to add a website to your Android Home Screen Since our web site is mobile-friendly, we'll use as an example.  It's simple...
mic shield

Do Mic Shield Block Noise Effectively?

Also called sound shields, isolator shields, reflectors, and so on.  They are used to block echoes. Mic shields have their place in certain setups, but...

Are Gaming Keyboards Worth It?

In the case of a gaming mouse, I definitely see utility.  Being able to aim very precisely is important.  With a mouse, one flick...

Which PC Parts Retain Their Value?

Some may caution against building a PC because an expensive PC will lose its value in a couple of years once it becomes obsolete. ...

Tips for Designing the Ultimate PC Setup

This article will discuss ways to make your setup both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to use.  The pictures in this article are  examples of...