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Shadow of Infinity Sneak Preview Report
- A Tournament Organizer Perspective
February 20, 2006
By DeQuan Watson
Pojo Note: DeQuan Watson owns The Game Closet,
Gaming Store in Texas. He also writes regularly for
Magic: The Gathering Site, and reviews our
MTG Cards of
the Day. ;-)
Man oh man. This was a crazy week leading up to the event.
We set up a line with a message directing people to the
website. That line was seeing about 10 calls a day leading
up to the event. We were also getting 5-6 e-mails per day.
And that was just for the Dallas event. We had several
coming in for our Oklahoma events as well.
We had things under control until Thursday. That's when
Mother Nature decided to play games with us here in Texas.
There was a winter storm that started making it's way down
on Thursday afternoon. And it was expected to leave ice and
frozen roads by Friday night/Saturday morning. So, that
started another round of phone calls. This time it was a
bunch of people asking if we were going to cancel the event.
Fortunately, I was able to call a couple of TV stations to
find out about the expected weather. The general consensus
was that the roads would potentially be slick, but would be
easily drivable as long as you weren't going too fast. That
was good news. So, we posted on our site, at roughly 4:00 PM
Friday, that we were going to go through with our weekend
plans. As the day progressed, I kept tabs on the weather. I
was at work, so I had someone checking the weather on TV for
me periodically and made a couple more phone calls. I got
word about 7:30 PM that the freeze warning for Dallas was
canceled. However, we were still going to have some bad
weather in Oklahoma (that turned out well though).
So, the day gets started with us at the Dallas Convention
Center. This is the first time we've used it. I have been
making it a point to move out events around the DFW area.
This allows us to gauge what areas have more players and is
helping us find the best future locations. On an interesting
side note, Donald Trump was at the convention center giving
a speech and there was a Tae Kwon Do event as well. So, the
place was crazy busy. We found our rooms and began to set
It's always good to get there early. Because on days like
today, we get time to fix things before it's too late.
Apparently, the directions didn't get relayed correctly
about how we needed the tables and chairs setup. We tracked
down the staff on hand and got things fixed. We also setup a
trading area and a parents area that everyone seemed to
like. This setup worked out, because of how the rooms were
broken up in this building.
We were setup and ready to go at right around 8:30 AM. Our
scheduled start time was 9:00 AM, so we were right where we
wanted to be. I sent a couple of judges out through the line
to keep it orderly and explain how things were going to
work. I also had another go through and hand out
registration cards and entry slips. This helps speed up the
process once they reach the front of the line.
We got the line rolling nice and smooth. Once we were about
an hour in, I had a judge go out and get a head count in
line. With what was already entered, we were looking at
about 200 players or so. This would be our lowest attendance
so far. I was beginning to wonder if the weather (or weather
scare) had done us in. Funny thing is, an hour later, we
were still putting people through the line. I have complete
faith in the efficiency in my staff, so I was wondering what
our status was at this point and why there was still a line.
The line should have been finished. Well, to our surprise,
the weather didn't keep people back at all. The line was now
an additional 200 people long. This was great news.
We locked another one of our staff down at the registration
table and we hustled through the line. However, at about
11:15 AM, I realized we were going to have a situation.
Product was running low. And I still had to account for the
additional packs being redeemed via Open Dueling. At this
point, I estimated how many packs we were going to need for
the Open Dueling and set those aside. I also took 16 booster
boxes and set those aside (as I knew I would be needing this
later - you'll see). Then we made an announcement. If you
weren't already in line, you weren't going to be allowed in
for an additional trip through the line. I made sure we had
a staff member watching the line at this point. We needed to
get the new cards into the hands of the largest number of
This did bother some people that planned on playing multiple
times through Open Dueling. We did also, have to make an
announcement stating we were canceling the other events on
the day. We were obviously not going to have any extra
product for Sealed Pack. Most people understood the
situation. However, we did have one guest, a mother even,
try to make a little scene about things. She was angry that
she was initially told that she could get multiple trips
through the line to equal a box of product. I politely
explained to her that this was not an issue when there were
only 200 people in attendance. As the weather cleared and
more players showed up, we had to try to please the maximum
number of people. I offered her other compensation, such as
discounted tournament entry (since her child participates in
our Regionals), and even free tournament packs (had some
left from previous events) that I had around. She wanted the
new cards, and was not budging.
Unfortunately, this put us in a bad spot. We now have
multiple other people watching the situation unfold. We also
have others that wanted to do what she was trying to do. So,
I couldn't give in. So, I politely asked her how she would
feel if her, or her child, were at the end of the line, but
got to the front and were told we had run out of product,
yet multiple people were walking around with boxes full of
cards. She then said that wasn't the point. Long story
short, she ended up back in line and things were OK. We also
had several people commend us on how we handled the
situation. Many witnesses also agreed that it was the
correct and fair thing to do. We did eventually get an
apology out of the lady at the end of the day. If we only
get one person that's bothered all day long, that's a good
Other than that, things were great! We had run through all
the product (except those 16 boxes) by 12:30 PM. This is
great. We went through just about a record number of people
for us at a one day event and we had them all through the
line 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Our goal was 1:00 PM,
because we had originally planned to start taking
registration then for the Sealed Pack event.
Now, as for that extra product. I had gotten word, that the
weather near Dallas proper wasn't that bad. However, people
about two hours north and north east of Dallas were having
some iffy weather. I also remembered a couple of e-mails and
phone calls asking if arriving at noon would be too late.
Most people figured by 10 or 11, the roads would be thawed
out enough to drive on. Of course, I told them that it
wouldn't be too late. So, I wanted to make sure that any
people that drove from far off got taken care of. Also,
historically, we get a few people that can't make it until
later in the afternoon due to scheduling conflicts (family,
sports, doctor's appointments, etc.). I was hoping to not
miss that crowd either.
Things did come through as expected. From 12:30 PM until
about 2:00 PM we saw about another 60 players or so. And as
expected, most of them cited the weather as the cause of
their lateness. The good news, in the end, was that we were
able to take care of all but the last three people that
arrived. Two of them are tournament regulars for us. So for
them, I sent an e-mail with a discount entry. Unfortunately,
I was out of tournament packs or I'd at least have given
that to the last person. I had gone through those too. I had
been given those out in place of the promo booklets/cards
once we ran out. However, they were totally cool with the
situation. They mostly wanted to show up and play with their
own cards anyway. I offered them a free entry into our next
event they attend though and they (father and son) were
We hung around a little while to let the people play a bit
and get some trading in. I had my staff clean up each of the
rooms. We obviously had no excuse to leave the place a mess,
especially today. We took the time to go through and make
sure players were aware of our upcoming events and that they
knew about our website where all that information is listed.
We got all of our stuff picked up and were on the road home
at just after 4:00 PM. With everything between the contact
information situation, the bad weather, and running out of
product, it was a classic case of "When life gives you
lemons, make some lemonade."
The only true downside in the end, was no shirts. More
people asked for these than I honestly expected. But, they
didn't seem overly heartbroken. It looks like they wanted a
chance to get one, but it wasn't a deal breaker.
Everyone went home happy. Also, getting so many people to
use our site for information and getting parents to write
the address down will hopefully lead to even better
attendance at future events. Our final total was 673
entrants with 508 uniques. This was our largest event by
about 80 or so participants I believe. All in all, it was a
rough, but good, day. My staff was great. And everyone gave
many compliments to them. This is always nice, because
without our staff, these events don't run. They deserve lots
of compliments.
There are so many things that go on from the organization
end of these events. There are so many things that can make
or break an event. And the tournament organizer is
responsible for all these things. If things go bad, the
organizer also has to hear about it. So, it's always a
reward wen things go well.
I'm just glad everyone had fun. |