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 Yugioh Tournament Reports

Warrior Toolbox at Dream Wizards

Deck: Warrior Toolbox CC (I hate using it, but I have nothing else)

Tyler “Make Me Scene” Ulsch

DreamWizards in Rockville, MD


Number of Participants: 20

Happy New Year’s to everyone! My first tournament of the year, and things were looking up. I had already got my hands on Don Zaloog, Enemy Controller, D.D. Survivor, Brain Control, Pot of Avarice, Hammer Shot, another Smashing Ground, and another Mobius from last weeks bookstore league (the one at Books-A-Million in Arundel Mills). So, right away, my CC deck is looking up. Still haven’t got a hold of another Cyber Dragon though, but I don’t see myself missing it. Anyway,

Warrior Toolbox (mostly)
Monsters (19)

Mobius the Frost Monarch


Cybernetic Magician

Cyber Dragon

D. D. Assailant

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Blade Knight

D. D. Warrior Lady

D.D Survivor

Don Zaloog



Exiled Force

Mystic Swordsman LV 2

Mystic Swordsman LV 4

Cyber Jar

Spirit Reaper (2)

Magician of Faith

Magic (16)

Lightning Vortex

Hammer Shot

Reinforcement of the Army

Smashing Ground

Nobleman of Extermination

Snatch Steal

Swords of Revealing Light

Creature Swap

Dark Hole

Heavy Storm


Book of Moon

Premature Burial

Nobleman of Crossout


Enemy Controller
Brain Control

Trap (7)

Dust Tornado

Call of the Haunted

Widespread Ruin

Bottomless Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armor (2)

Torrential Tribute

Total: 42

Side Deck (15)

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Chaos Sorcerer

Airknight Parshath

King Tiger Wanghu

Kinetic Soldier

Pot of Avarice

Smashing Ground

Nobleman of Extermination

Wave Motion Cannon

Reinforcement of the Army


Royal Decree

Dust Tornado

Return from the Different Dimension

As you can see, I was able to get some new cards last week, and it really helped out my deck. The tourney started as usual, get there early, get food, register, shuffle up, trade with little kids, shuffle some more, Round 1. That’s how it usually goes. But, with the exception that I was able to trade a X Head Cannon for a second Don Zaloog and an ultimate rare Transcendent Wings and UFOroid for an ultimate Mid Shield Gardna, Des Wombat, and a Horus LV 6. Today’s tournament was a 5 round Swiss and a top 8. Anyway, first round came up.

Round 1 Me v. Claudio

First round I played the kid who traded me Horus. His deck was like a foot high. He basically drew nothing. Blade Knight, LV2 and DDA murdered him.

Me: 8000

Claudio: 8000-6400-3900-0

Second game I decided to side in the Chaos Sorcerer that I put in my side deck, but I never got a chance to use it. The kid used some of the ‘Roid monsters, like Patroid and Steamroid, that were able to gnaw at my LP, but I had Don and Spirit Reaper out the entire game, as well as Blade Knight that beat him.

Me: 8000-6400-5600-4700-2700

Claudio: 8000-6600-5200-3600-1800-0

I felt bad for Claudio, so I helped him out, telling him take out a bunch of cards to slim down his deck. I think at the end of the day, it had 60 cards in it. Nice decrease from 1,000,000. Anyway, the second round came up pretty quickly, so I wasn’t able to do much between rounds.

Round 2 Me (1-0) v. Maura (1-0)

This woman was crazy. Straight up crazy. She was playing some type of burn stall with Jerry Beans Man. Anyway, first game, she gets a Level Limit Area B out and I have no m/t destruction. She throws down Inaba White Rabbit for 4 turns, and at some point, I take 1000 from a Marron. She gets a Jerry Beans Man out, and I Snatch it. I hit her a few times with that but then she Mirror Walls it. Now for the rest of the game, I was trying to subtract in 25s. That sucks for LP counting. Anyway, I lose the Beans Man, but I pull out a Blade Knight for 2000, and game.

Me: 8000-7300-6600-5600-4900-4400-3600

Maura: 8000-5550-6550-7550-6325-7325-4875-5875-4125-1575-0

After that long game, we had like 5 minutes left in the round. The second game ended up being extremely short anyway. I sided in a bunch of m/t destruction stuff, which helped a lot. I hit her with a Sangan, a Don, and a Mobius, then finishing with a Don. There wasn’t really anything much in this game. I was able to draw a Nobleman of Extermination and a Dust Tornado AND a Heavy Storm within 5 turns, so her stall never took hold.


Maura: 8000-7000-5600-2200-800-0

As soon as I got up from the last round, I sat back down again, for the third.

Round 3 Me (2-0) v. Lamont (2-0)

I remember Lamont from the last tourney. He was one of the guys with Chris and Adam, and he was really good. This time, I had nothing at all the entire game. He beat on me with a Dekoichi and a Breaker, and a DD Survivor finished me.

Me: 8000-5800-5400-2000-600-0

Lamont: 8000-7500

Second game, it was neck and neck the entire game. I had more lifepoints, but he just kept hitting me with destruction. I remember using a Tsukuyomi and Creature Swap combo to take his Mobius, then summoning my own Mobius and destroying his face downs. That helped because the next turn, I used Sangan and attacked for 3400. Another attack from Sangan and a Breaker and that was game.

Me: 8000-7800-7200-6200-5400-4000-3200

Third game, it was, yet again neck and neck. I didn’t keep notes because we didn’t have much time in the round, but I remember him starting off by hitting me for 4500. I came back and whittled away at his lifepoints until I drew a Jinzo and then there was a stall. We were both top decking and everything he got, I was able to remove, but I still wasn’t able to hit him. It was 1200 to 1200 and he had Dark Holed my Jinzo. There was three turns where nothing happened, and he had 4 goats out. I played a Cyber Dragon and he used Torrential Tribute. Bad mistake. I activated Call of the Haunted after that, bringing back Jinzo, and attacking for game. Awesome game. Took a lot out of me too.

Me: 8000-3500-2700-1200

Lamont: 8000-7500-7200-6900-4800-3000-1200-0

For all intents and purposes, I think Lamont would’ve won that game. If he hadn’t used Torrential Tribute, he would’ve gotten another turn, and he would’ve topdecked a Reinforcement. I might have been able to stop something, but a DDA would’ve stalled for too long. Anyway, I was 3-0 and feeling pretty good. I walked around a little while, watching some of the other games. Then, round 4 came up.

Round 4 Me (3-0) v. Mathew (3-0)

This guy played a Strike Ninja Dark deck. And, first game, he brought out the Ninja, and from there on, I had nothing. He actually ended the game with 8200 LP from my Snatch Steal.

Me: 8000-7500-6400-5000-4200-2800-1800-1000-0

Mathew: 8000-7200-8200

Next game, I drew a bit better. He must have drew nothing because I was able to hit him for a lot twice. Don tore him up this game, as well as Breaker. Not much else to say this game.



Last game, yet again… I draw crap. He does a little for a while, then pushes for 4100. I’m at 500 and I draw… Bottomless Trap Hole. That was game right there.

Me: 8000-6800-6000-4600-500-0

Mathew: 8000-7700-6900

Well, that game went pretty badly, but I still had a chance to top 8, which made me happy. Although I knew I had a chance to play someone really good during the next round and just totally blow it. Round 5 goes up and…

Round 5 Me (3-1) v. Max (3-1)

Max played one of the most interesting decks all day. I don’t think it really had a central theme though. He used Winged Kuriboh, Dark Magician of Chaos, Monster Reincarnation, and Mage Power. One turn he played a face-up attack MoF and a Mage Power, increasing it’s attack by 1500. He tries to suicide into a DD Survivor, but I Dust Tornado the Mage Power. After that, it was a straight crush. I didn’t even take damage. Still, he twice got that MoF back in defense mode with a Monster Reincarnation, but it didn’t make much difference.

Me: 8000

Max: 8000-6500-3200-0

Second game, much like the first, wasn’t that challenging. He had a few destructions, but I Snatch Stealed his Goblin Elite Attack Force and swung for 6000 damage first turn. Next turn wasn’t much different, although he gained 1000 life, I hit him for 2100 with a Cyber Dragon, then a DD Assailant.

Me: 8000-7200 (Premature)

Max: 8000-2000-3000-900-0

Well, I top 8’d along with Lamont, Max, and Mathew. There wasn’t much to do between rounds, so I sat down and waited until the round started.

Round 6 (Top 8) Me (4-1) v. ?? (3-2)

I’m sorry, I don’t remember this guy’s name. I feel bad about it too because he said he had read my last Tourney report, which he was a part of too. Oh well, anyway, first game I get nothing, he crushes me. I got 2500 damage off with a Spirit Reaper and a Mobius I think.

Me: 8000-7200-3300-1000-0

??: 8000-5800-5500

I didn’t side deck this game because I forgot to side out the cards I had sided in from the 4th round. Anyway, I got a bit luckier, Exterminating all of the Sakuretsus, and Crossout…ing all his Dekoichis. I hit him a few times, he hit me a little, and I win.

Me: 8000-7200-6300

??: 8000-7700-6800-5400-3000-0

Third game, I got nothing… Again. I hit him for 1500 once, then he crushed me. I remember drawing Mobius, Jinzo, and Mobius… All in a row. No 4-stars or below… I was done. The game was good though.

Me: 8000-7000-5900-4800-3800-1400-0

Well, that was it for me. I think my tiebreakers put me in 5th, although I don’t think that really matters. Nice for the UDE points though. I got my 4 packs (2 EEN, 2 TP6) and got another Airknight, a Bronn and a super rare V-Z. It was alright. After the game, I traded 2 rare Bazoo that I didn’t need and could buy for a dollar a piece and a Kuriboh (the regular kind) for a super rare Thestalos, a Stealth Bird (burn deck) and a Pot of Avarice. I really like the Pot, although it is a dead draw. Not a bad bluff though. I was able to use it twice and have it Dust Tornadoed and Heavy Stormed 3 times instead of a Sakuretsu or Torrential. Nice little tournament overall. I didn’t stay to find out who won though.


2 Dons!

V-Z is actually playable, as I’ve experienced against Chris last time

Another Pot of Avarice

Horus LV 6

Great games

Top 8!! (My first official Top 8 ever)


Mystic Swordsman LV 4 for it not working this week. I’m gonna replace it with that Don.

Mobius, Jinzo, Mobius… the worst topdecks ever

I forgot that guy’s name (If you read this, e-mail me so I can remember for next time)

I think next time I’m going to run the burn deck that I’ve been working on. Ojama Trio for the win!

Email me with deck ideas, suggestions for my deck, tips, anything. I will reply.


Tyler “Make Me Scene” Ulsch

-Love is love.


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