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 Yugioh Tournament Reports

Kiefer "Kino" Macdonald, Zombie deck.
Victoria hall, sheffield.
entrace fee: 3.50
1st place: 1 pack and nintendo ds
2nd place: 11 packs
3rd and 4th: 8 packs
5, 6, 7, and 8th place: 5 packs.
Everyone else: 1 tp6 pack.
120 people took part.
7 rounds of swiss, to top 8.

Joe whittiker, and rest of trotters team showed up today, plenty from everywhere came here also, for one of the first regionals of the new banlist.

My games:

First game: Me vs Burn

Small kid, but had a nice burner deck, game one reaper, sangan, and lacooda killed him, i had dusts, and mst, and heavy when i needed them. owned.
Game 2, however, he stalled with reapers and gravity bind for too long, i had 2 cards left in the deck when i finished him of, lacooda must of drew me 10 cards atleast because he had plenty of his deck left. but i pulled it of, i didnt bother to sidedeck, as he didnt.


Second game: Me vs Gravekeepers

This guy was good, he was friendly too, game one i drew my whole tributes and 2 book of lifes (1 vlord and 2 turtle) and he had necro, spy, and some other jank, he milled me, game 2 it was close, but he raped my reapers and lacooda with its cheesyness. necro didnt win for him so the sidedecking didnt matter. man, bad matchup, and bad luck!


Third game: Me vs Mystic swordsman warrior swarm deck

The guy had maruadings, blade knights, and featured the mystic family, he didnt play sorcerer however, which he should have, as he had the lights (blade knights) to, however, first game i made a quick meal of him.
Second game we both sided 1 card each, and got to work, he got some lucky draws and i got the opposite, drawing my kokkis quickly, he killed me in a few turns, in the final games we both opted to keep our decks intact, and after a few sakuretsus here, i came out victor, his decree was never there when he needed it. GG.


Fourth game: me vs john (local here at sheffield) with cookie/silent swordsman deck (without lv 7, it was deadly!)

I had lost to this deck before, and it didnt change, first game he brushed me aside, getting lvl 5 out quickly, i was a fool to set lacooda first turn as he mst'd my sakuretsu and sslvl3 killed it, next turn coming out as a big lvl 5, which i couldnt get rid of, and when i did, cyber dragon and dda finished me.
game 2 i sided in 2 bottemless and a chain dissapearance, i bottemlessed and sakuretsud most of what he had, widespread ruin of mine owning his lvl5, but in the end i killed him, i shook hands in which he goes "we have a third game" and i just said "yeah, just wishing u luck, dude" and we got to work, he depleted his hand quickly but sangan was out, only to be owned by chain disapearance, he didnt know what it did, though, he was in for a shock, i drew into some rats and turtles and proceeded for v lord, he killed that, but book of life finished him. GG


Fifth game: Me vs Fiend Deck

First game we only had a few draws in, when he noticed des lacooda, he was impressed and recognised my skills instead of thinking im a nooby kid, i noblemand his slate warrior which he book of moond to keep alive, and book of life twice, then he soul released his other monsters out, return from different dimension, and OTKd me from 7100, nice.
i dont remember much else, but both games i abused the huge ammount of 1for1 traps in my deck, dusts and sak armors, along with a tech widespread, and lily finished him in one game. nice one. we also had a nice convo on the metagame, he was good, but if he wants to win he should of brought a better deck, though


Sixth game: Me vs Adam simpson (duffman, team nitro, local at patriot comics, playing duff-control, cyber drags etc)

One of my best buddys here at patriot, duffman here on this board, first game not much happened, i think i got a breaker or something out early, but he cyber dragond and light hex sealed fusion thingyd me to get out cyber twin, it was over the turn after he had it, i couldnt do anything, i creature swapped magician of faith for his breaker just before he did it, but huge damage occured by killing breaker and then me quickly after, sweet..

I sided out a creature swap, book of life, and a sakuretsu for 2 bottemless and something else i cant remember, no bottemlesses were seen in the next two games, i think lily and some assistance of my rats made short work of him, he sided out cyber and light hex, though, which may of cost him both games, but the worst mistake he made was morphing jard, he got an hand advantage, but i got rid of both my kokkis in hand (i get bad hands, ok?) a d i drew into book of life and heavy storm, i believe? when he had 3-4 face downs, sorry dude.


Seventh game: me vs Liam (Team nitro, playing warriors)

I always have a laugh with liam and his brother, there great guys with good skills, in the first game i think he was down quickly, it may of been lily.

second game it was long and hard but he emerged victor, we both spent every turn fearing our facedowns, but predicting them, we set a few bluffs, too.
In the final game, however, he dda'd my vlord,i was winning the round, but when i book of lifed vlord (i didnt remove by accident) he ddwld it, then noticed the mistake, and we restarted, i was going to finish the game then, aswell. damn.
However, things were good as i killed him 8000-0, he had control in some of the match but my traps saved me numerous time, lily didnt save me this time, but rats and turtles did the job, lacooda proved its worth in this round, as i protected it for a 3 for 1, which may of been the source of my victory, good game, pal.


After that the top 8 match ups were revealed, i was confident with my near-flawless record i was in, and i was right, however, it just happened i had to face jojo, the guy who came 2nd in nats, with a better deck than the number one, and currently #3 in the rankings of england.

Quarter finals: me vs Joe whitticker (warrior cookie, dda n cyber drag)

first game i mst'd and noblemand, sorry man, luck of the draw. and pounded him with lily, next turn i took away what little he had on the field and breaker came out, finishing his sakuretsu, and both of my monsters finished him for game, 2 turns.
By this time i was confident, we both sided in some stuff, me opting out vlord, sak, and creature swap for 2x bottemless and dd survivor, but none of it came, next game, and i was dead quickly, due to my turtle not getting me anything, lacking my vlord. Damn!

I put back vlord into my deck, but i drew kokki and vlord in the start, DAMNIT! it was a long game with lots of goats, tech cards such as his zaborg, nice one on that, bro, but he emerged the winner, nice one, dude.

Joe already had his invite so if he won the tourny his one would be passed onto me, however, he lost next game Sad Sucks to be me, i guess.


-Did best in sheffield/patriot comics. only one to achieve top 8, however most of the locals at patriot comics had top 16 rankings, team nitro did good, and most of my buddys from sheffield got great swiss rankings.

-Good to meet jojo, he was sound with me, we played friendlily and it was realy fun, you own, man.

-paid 3.50 and got 5 dr1 packs? not bad.

-Met someone from pojo in person, and met yo-chaosangel, who i've been mates with on msn for sometime, he was great, and top4d, then dropped out to get home.


-lost my invite to guy in 6th place, who left after losing, unloyal pig!

-Spent all my money for this week at school, gonna find it hard to go to patriot next week. Sad

-siding out that vlord! damnit!

CookieBox V 0.1
-Warrior Aggro

Orange Cards [18]
[¹]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[¹]Mobius the Frost Monarch
[¹]Mystic Swordsman Lvl 2
[¹]Injection Fairy Lily
[¹]D.D. Warrior Lady
[¹]Magician Of Faith
[¹]Chaos Sorcerer
[³] D.D. Assailant
[³]Cyber Dragon
[¹]D.D. Survivor
[²]Spirit Reaper
[¹]Exiled Force

Green Cards [15]
[²]Reinforcements of the Army
[¹]Swords of Revealing Light
[¹]Mystical Space Typhoon
[¹]Nobleman of Crossout
[²]Smashing Ground
[¹]Enemy Controller
[¹]Premature Burial
[¹]Book of Moon
[¹]Heavy Storm
[¹]Snatch Steal
[¹]Brain Control
[¹]Dark Hole

Pink Cards [8]
[¹]Call of the Haunted
[¹]Torrential Tribute
[¹]Widespread Ruin
[³]Sakuretsu Armor
[²]Dust Tornado

Im Kino guys, contact me at k_os2@btopenworld.com


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