Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Darkness Dragon
Super Rare
card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card
cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1
"Red-Eyes B Dragon" on your side of the field.
Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each
Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard.
- Dragon/Effect
Card Number
- SD1-EN001
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being
the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 01.24.05 |
Coin Flip |
I'm disappointed at this. I think I said way back when
we reviewed Red Eyes B. Chick that the support for
certain normal monsters was pathetic at best (with
the exception of BEWD and Dark Magician, it barely
exists at all).
That said, it's a fairly decent card. Lord knows
Dark Paladin has a much better effect, a MUCH better
boost, better stats, and is several times cooler
than this dude, but that doesn't stop REDD from
being cool.
Usually his attack will not be under 3000 when you
first summon him, thanks to REBChick and REBDragon.
So yeah, he is pretty damn good in that regard. Oh,
Chaos Necromancer and Gren Maju Da Eiza are both
better than this guy in attack boosts. People have
summoned Chaos Necromancer at 9000+ attack, and Gren
Maju Da Eiza is usually 3000+ when I see it
Protection should be unnecessary for this card, as
the game should end as soon as you pull out a 3000+
REBD-based theme deck:
3/5 Traditional
3.5/5 Advanced
Tranorix |
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
We start off the week with the Ultra Rares from the
new Structure Decks, and today’s is Red-Eyes
Darkness Dragon. REDD isn’t the worst card in the
game, though I wouldn’t exactly call him
game-breaking. 2400 ATK with the requirement of
tributing a Red-Eyes isn’t really worth it, and he
doesn’t give you that much advantage. It’s
interesting to note that he has 9 stars, however,
which makes him capable of Morphing into Master of
REDD is a nomi monster – you can never Special
Summon him any way except for the one written on the
card. But his requirement isn’t that difficult to
fulfill (though it is extremely inconvenient).
Getting REBD out is easier than ever, thanks to
Red-Eyes B. Chick. In fact, thanks to REBC, it’s
possible to get REDD out on your first turn, with a
nice 3000 ATK (because of his 300 boost for each
Dragon in your Graveyard). If you toss in some
Inferno Fire Blasts while you still have REBD on the
field, that isn’t too bad at all.
But is he worth it? I really wouldn’t say so. Unless
you have a Deck focused around getting insane
numbers of Dragons into your Graveyard (via Painful
Choice, Troop Dragons or what have you), feel like
being rentsy or are a die-hard Red Eyes fan, I
wouldn’t use REDD in competitive play. His mediocre
effect just doesn’t make up for his relatively
difficult summon requirement.
Traditional – CCCC: 1/5
Traditional – REBD Deck: 2.5/5
Advanced – CCWC: 1/5
Advanced – REBD Deck: 3/5
Snapper |
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Welcome to Mystery Week! What does that mean you
ask? Well, at the time that I’m typing this I have
no idea what cards are to be reviewed
Wednesday-Friday, but I don’t need to worry about
that for a few days. Today and tomorrow we’ll be
reviewing the new Structure Deck cards, followed by
some ____________ cards. Today’s card is Red-Eyes
Darkness Dragon, a monster I can already tell I
don’t care for.
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon is basically a mirror image
of Red-Eyes B(lack) Dragon; it’s a Dragon with 2400
ATK giving it some decent Dragon support at the
price of a lackluster ATK. Now while Black Dragon
got 0 points for stats, Darkness Dragon gets some
credit in this area merely because it’s a Special
Summon only monster, meaning you don’t need to waste
a summon on this monstrosity of a monster; or do
Darkness Dragon is one of the infamous “Nomi”
monsters, meaning there is only one way to summon
it. That method is by Tributing a Black Dragon that
is under your control. Now as you may be aware, I’m
not incredibly fond of cards that can only be used
with 2-3 other cards. This leads to my immense
“love” of Darkness Dragon. Now there are of course
relatively easy ways to summon Black Dragon in the
forms of Red-Eyes B(lack) Chick, Double Coston, and
The Flute of Summoning Dragon, so Darkness Dragon is
one of the easier to summon “Nomi” monsters.
However, that doesn’t make it a monster you’ll be
getting out on your second turn frequently.
Summoning restrictions aside, Darkness Dragon has an
okay-added effect; for each Dragon in your
Graveyard, Darkness Dragon’s ATK increases by 300.
The effect has potential; I imagine in a good Dragon
Deck you could get Darkness Dragon’s ATK up to 3900
after a few turns, making it a fairly good beatstick.
Darkness Dragon is obviously restricted to only
being used in a Red-Eyes Black Dragon Decks, where
I’m sure it could be of some use. Just make sure it
can stay on the field for a while and you’ll be
Advanced Format (Red-Eyes Deck): 3/5. If you want to
use it, make sure to run a lot of Dragons so that
you can take advantage of the ATK boost.
Traditional Format (Red-Eyes Deck): 3/5. If you want
to use it, make sure to run a lot of Dragons so that
you can take advantage of the ATK boost.
Overall (Red-Eyes Deck): 3/5.
Art: 4/5. It’s basically a Black Dragon without any
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Welcome to Structure Deck Week! There's not much new
happening until Flaming Eternity or Dark Revelations
comes out, so something had to be reviewed to cover
the time. This week, I chose either new cards from
the Structure decks or cards in the Structures that
stand out.
In my opinion, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon is one of
those cards made just for newbies -- I call this a
"newbie trap". The deck is exactly at 40 cards, so
in order to remove this card, the player would have
to add something else. Most of the time, the newbie
won't do that and will play the deck as is -- or add
that deck to 80 other random cards they happen to
Basically, you'r giving up a card in hand and a 2400
ATKer on the field to get a minimum 2700 monster
(the REBD you sent to the graveyard gives REDD +300,
along with any other monsters in your graveyard).
This could be considered a combo with recursion, as
once you have the REBD in the Graveyard, you can
revive it easily...but on the same note, we have
Painful Choice for that already...and enough other
ways to get your REBD killed besides you doing it
Speaking of recursion, you can't bring this card
back -- it's a "nomi" (Only) monster, which means it
can ONLY be Special Summoned that one way.
Bottom line: If you want a boost at the expense of a
card in hand, play Axe or Mage Power. The single
best thing you can do with this card is trade it to
a newbie for a good Ultra they have -- note that
this will only work if you are Dueling in a
store/card shop that doesn't have the structure
decks in yet. Having said that, you have about one
week to pull this off before your area becomes
flooded with these...
1/5 all formats.
Red Eyes Darkness Dragon
Rated For: Red Eyes Deck
This week brings us a few overlooked cards and two
brand new cards from the structure decks. Today is a
special treat, Red Eyes Darkness Dragon! And while
the card art for this is fantastic, the effect does
not quite match up.
This is what I'd like to call an "Anti-Raigeki"
card, where the activation cost of the card becomes
so ludicrous; it enters the hazy zone of tournament
pack card playability. I realize, by naming this
card so, I'm doing injustice to that fabulous
starter deck super rare, Gryphon Wing, but all this
really means is that Red Eyes Darkness Dragon is
See, upon careful examination, we begin to realize
that both Vampire Genesis and Red Eyes Darkness
Dragon are extremely difficult to summon. Not
impossible, i.e Gate Guardian, but extremely
difficult. This one, in particular, requires a deck
fully dedicated to Mystic Tomato searching out Red
Eyes B. Chick, which in turn summons Red Eyes Black
Dragon, which then finally begets Red Eyes Darkness
Dragon (hopefully). If this sounds like a three card
combo to you, it should, because it is.
This, of course, doesn't mention the fact that the
summoning of any of the components can be easily
owned by Torrential Tribute, Ring of Destruction,
and so on and so forth. Then, throw upon the heap of
combustible garbage the fact that Red Eyes Darkness
Dragon has a terrible effect, and you begin to see
where I'm going.
Now how many will you run in your deck? This suffers
from a classic case of "it needs to be consistently
drawn, but it's consistently terrible." Cards like
Raigeki Break, Divine Wrath, Solemn Judgement, and
other such cards fit into this category, albeit to a
far lesser extent. If you run 1, you'll never get it
summoned. If you run 2 or 3, they'll be dead weight
nearly 80% of the time, so you hurt the entire deck
by even attempting to run this bad boy.
Let's just go on with the review, shall we?
Advantage F/H: A Red Eyes B. Chick and a Red Eyes
Black Dragon will be in the graveyard, giving it
3000 ATK upon summon. Let's compare alternatives.
Dark Paladin costs three resources (King of the
Swamp + Fusion Sub/Polymerization + Dark
Magician/Buster Blader), comes roaring out of the
gate with Spell negation and at least 2900 attack.
Horus LV 8 comes roaring out of the gate with Spell
negation, 3000 attack, and costs three resources (Horus
LV 6, Horus tribute/Call/Premature, Level Up!). Blue
Eyes White Dragon comes out of the gate with 3000
attack, often for one or two resources, but at the
maximum of three (Blue Eyes+ 2 Tributes). And it's
not dead weight nearly as much as this one! So while
this card may provide some sort of advantage, it
also costs three cards AND is 80% of the time dead
weight. The advantage is not nearly enough.
Traditional Format Score: 1/10
Advanced Format Score: 1/10
Best Draw for the Situation: (This wins the award
for shortest A BAD Review caption ever: an ellipsis)
T: 0/10
A: 0/10
Attributes/Effect: This card costs three resources
minimum to summon and has one of the nastiest
effects for a two tribute monster in existence. The
effect doesn't even push this card into the 4000's!
T: 1/10
A: 1/10
Dependability: Nope, this would warrant another
ellipsis, but that's already been used up under the
Best Draw portion.
T: 0/10
A: 0/10
The Bottom Line: You're not getting the structure
decks for this bad boy now, are you?
A BAD Score-- T: 0.25/5
A: 0.25/5
FORCE System Suggestions:
++ Contributes Field Control
-- Detracts heavily from On-Field Presence, Resource
Replenishment, Count