Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day

Number - MRL-046
Average Rating = based on
6 reviews
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Reviewed - October 8, 2002 |
Tuesday - Chain Energy
Today we look at a pesky card, Chain Energy.
forces a player to pay 500 LP whenever they play a
card from their hand to the field.
Obviously, if you want to optimise the effect, you
want to be able to go first, play your monster and
traps and then lay down the chain energy. That
the opponent loses LP no matter what as he will have
to pay to use anything that will destroy chain energy.
If the opponent has nothing to counter chain
he can get deep in a hole in a hurry.
But I dont really think this card is worth it.
your opponent is still able to take the edge in the
game, this card can stop any potential comeback from
you since you'll have to pay every time you want to
put up a defense or play a monster to attack.
I give this card a 2.5/5. If it isn't removed
this card will decide the winner really fast.
But it
is more determined out of luck who will get the
advantage, and a good duelist doesn't want to leave
the game up for chance.
wartortle32 |

Scott Gerhardt
If you're playing a fast deck that tries to get a jump
on your opponent, then this may be the right card for
you. Being able to play a lot of things plus
this on turn 1 can put your opponent into an early
hole. It would not be long before you won the
game. On the whole, it's not that useful and
should not be thrown haphazardly into any old deck.
: 3.5
Yonex |
Chain Energy -- Tuesday
Introduction: Play that card! Bam 500! Raigeki! Bam
500! Heavy Storm! Bam
Continuous Magic
As long as this card remains face-up on the field,
both you and your
opponent must pay 500 Life Points per card to play or
Set cards from your
respective hands.
Why should you use it?
*Pay cost for playing / seting a card.
*Burn loves this card
Why shouldn't you use it?
*You have to pay too.
*Could kill you.
Reasons: Today we look at one of Bakura's card, Chain
Energy. Regardless of
the name, it doesn't bind stuff like the show. Silly
anime. Well this card
basically makes u pay 500 Life Points each time you
play a card from your
hand. Burn loves this card, because they like to take
any type of deck
damage they can. Well any card has a downside. This
downside is that this
card you have to pay too, so it can be bad. Also,
because of this, it can do
more damage than possibly help. I have seen many
people who got messed up by
their own card that they played.
Rating: You will expect to see this card in most burn
decks. Other decks
probably won't use this. This card would get a 3.0 in
my book. This card is
very good in burn, but can likely cost you a game.
This card might also see
some game play, with the release of Pharoh
Conclusion: <Bakura>This should hold them off
for a while <Tristain>What do
you mean hold? <Bakura>Make them old this card
<Tristain>Why? <Bakura>Stop
asking stupid question, this will probably hurt your
more than it will hurt
me *knocks out Tristain*
-YoNeX |
NickWhiz1 |
Tuesday: Chain Energy
Hey, I got this card
in my first (and currently only) Magic Ruler pack!
(and the rare in that pack was Cyber Jar,
not bad =/)
If you manage to
obliterate your opponent's Life Points, then get
this down, they won't be able to do a thing.
Play 3 of them, and watch them die! The
effect is cumulative, so if you
get 3 of them down (put them all face-down first,
to circumnavigate them affecting each other), they
have to pay 1500 LP to play one single card!
Just make sure you have enough Life Points to play
a card if you need to, otherwise you may deck
yourself before you deck them! You can break
this thing with Card Destruction + The
Bistro Butcher + Gravekeeper's
Servant to run your opponent's deck into
the discard pile, then make it so they can't use
any cards to retaliate! Very, very evil.
Score: 3.1
If you get a good lock
set up with this, your opponent may as well
resign. It makes for a very unpleasant late
game surprise if your opponent is planning a
comeback late game. It is highly
situational, however.
Trunks the Swordsman |
Energy - Magic Ruler - Common
Ouch. Whenever you or your opponent play or set cards
you must pay 500 life points? Geeze if you play this
card right you can seriously screw your opponent over.
But it does make you pay 500 as well so its kinda like
a double edged sword. You gotta watch out for the
usual heavy storm, mystical space typhoon, giant
trunade and magic jammer though. So should you play
this card? Well that depends on your deck. I think its
too much to pay though but at the same time your
opponent has to pay just to get rid of it. So its
okay. But not really good.
Rating 2.0 |

IQ |
this card in play is a double edged sword because
you'll be able to deal your opponent a lot of Life
Points but you'll be hurting yourself too. I can see
this card working in one of those silly stasis burn
decks but they're just too weak in the current
environment and too easy to deal with. This card would
work a lot better in a beatdown deck; it'll allow you
to deal those extras life points to finish your
opponent before he can do anything to stop you.
card has a lot of potential but it can backfire on you
so be careful.
3.5 |