Mining PC

Short answer: For most people, no. 

They require a high initial investment of money.  Expect to put down $1000-6000 worth of capital for it to be worth it.  And likely even more than that due to the price spike in video cards.  And even more expensive to buy prebuilt.

They require a lot of electricity.  Unless you are getting dirt cheap electricity (in some Chinese warehouse or a very tiny office that charges a flat rate), it won’t be very profitable.

They require a lot of time.  Learning how to build it, getting the parts to work, adjusting the BIOS settings, getting the software to work, checking on the machine every week or so, repairing it whenever there are problems.

They are not suitable for home use.  They are noisy.  They will generate a lot of heat, which is bad outside of winter time.  And there’s the electricity issue too.  

You can make profit by simply investing.  Instead of having the coins slowly drip in your wallet, having $X000 worth of coins themselves all at once allows for more time and for more capital to grow larger with.

You can use NiceHash on your existing PC (if it has a decent video card) to make some beer money, but otherwise, mining is not worth your time unless you’re turning it into a full-on job.