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of the Day
Igglybuff (Neo

Gaze will stop you in your tracks, O Vileplume and
Slowking!" - Jim
=/ " -
it'll do more to the environment than the promo one did.
Neo 2 is an expansion full of garbage that will
change the environment just because of this one card.
Personally, I think this change is for the worse.
Ooo my let's have a closer look!
It's the card's only ability. It doesn't even have an
attack. It can stop one Pokémon Power on your opponent's
bench until the end of your turn. Oh my, let's look
at the archetypes that Igglybuff weakens..
Games (Slowking/Sneasel/Murkrow) - Poor
Slowking. We get a brand new deck into the environment
that is very strong, and Igglybuff tears it apart. Of
course, Igglybuff can only shut down one Slowking, so 3
can still act as 2, but expect people to play 2, maybe
even 3 in some decks. Slowking cannot protect itself
from the Gust, the Sneasels lose their anti trainer
protection, and your opponent has all their drawing
ability. I like those odds. (sarcasm) A lot of
people hate Slowking decks just because they're so
popular. To you anti-Slowking people, today is your lucky
day. Go stock up on Igglybuffs.
Occult Powers (Murkrow/Sneasel/Dark Vileplume) - I
have never seen one card weaken the ability of a deck so
much. This isn't even funny. Despite the fact
that getting out multiple Stage 2's is difficult, like I
mentioned above, don't expect only 1 Igglybuff in a deck.
If a Dark Vileplume if Gazed, it can be Gusted.
If a Dark Vileplume is Gusted, it can be Mean
Looked. If a Dark Vileplume is Mean Looked, say bye to
your bench, say bye to your chances of winning, and say
bye to that deck. You can't even use darkness energy
to KO your own Dark Vileplume because it has that lovely
"D" word in it's name. I like those odds,
too. (sarcasm again)
- Forretress
is a Neo: Discovery card, and it actually isn't that bad.
Unfortunately, Igglybuff can take care of it's
deadly power.
- Well,
Fossil Egg would encourage people to play it. A
first turn Aerodactyl is always nice, but Igglybuff is
going to eat Aerodactyl.
Yes, Igglybuff is one card capable
of nearly destroying 3 archetypes. Slowking, Dark
Vileplume and Forretress.
with the other decks weakened, what decks become stronger?
(Zapdos/Electabuzz/Metal) - Well,
although I like Mind Games, Arithmetic used to be my
favorite deck, so I'm glad it's back in power. I'd
play 2, maybe even 3 Igglybuffs in this just to destroy
Occult and Mind Games, leaving the other threatening decks
things like Steelix, which Super can take care of.
- Get
'em, Steelix. At the last tournament I played at I played
an Igglybuff/Steelix that managed to take first. And
I played against 5 decks with at least 3 Super Energy
Removal, so maybe Steelix VS Arithmetic isn't as bad a
match as it seems.
- While
I think this deck is ridiculously weak, it has gained some
power. The metal energy, Eco Gym, and now Igglybuff
make have made Arcanine become a tournament playable deck.
It's only enemy seems to be Super Energy Removal.
- Or
not. Stupid Steelix.
a baby. It needs a flip to be attacked, so it's not
like Occult and Mind Games will be gusting them and
picking them off one by one so that they're Slowkings and
Dark Vileplumes can stop you.
It CAN be Mean Looked, though it doesn't seem that bad
because it has Gaze to shut down the thing that is
stopping you from playing trainers. But if multiple
Kings/Plumes are out, it's not like Cleffa, where it can
repeatedly get you a new hand of what you need to get out
of this situation. Fortunately, Murkrow needs to
flip for Mean Look and for the Feint Attacks.
can really hurt some of the best decks out there. Multiple
are even more effective. I would give it an 8.0/10,
it still is weak and has no other purposes than to stop
things like Dark Vileplume, Slowking and Forretress.
This is basically my Neo 2 report because there is
literally nothing else good in this set. We got a
couple decent Unowns, but even those are sooo weak.

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