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I'm still looking
for any and all matches.
Thanks for coming in
for some deck advice. I’d be glad to help out with your deck
if you submit your email to
and if you follow these guidelines.
1. Please submit a 60 card deck. This seems obvious but,
well, some people miss this occasionally.
2. Please provide a name for me. Use either your real life
name or your online screen name. Failure to do so may result
in a lack of response to your deck.
3. Please state the decks basic strategy, even if the decks
strategy is quite apparent. The archetypes of today may
change tomorrow, so an overview of your basic strategy would
be nice when fixing the deck.
4. Please state whether the deck is a Modified or Unlimited
5. Please state the level of fix that you would like on the
deck. There are four states to choose from:
1) Lower: I have little access to cards and/or people to
trade with; it will be difficult to get many new cards for
at least a month.
2) Medium: I have access to some newer cards, but I’m on a
budget. I can also trade around.
3) High: I have access to almost any card with the exception
of a few cards.
4) Apprentice: I have access to any card currently
6. Please list the top 3 decks in your current environment
and the order in which they would rank in popularity in your
7. Don’t worry about perfecting your deck. I won’t choose to
work on decks based on their content. I’ll choose them based
on their potential. (This means that I may choose a deck
that is near perfect to show an example of what to look out
for in the future).
8. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your deck, deck
building strategies, or my deck ideologies at all.
9. Have fun! This is, after all, just a game.