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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Glory Snow

Card #9

Date Reviewed: 03.16.05

Constructed Average Rating: 2.0
Limited Average Rating: 2.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Drizer Name: Glory Snow
Civilization: Light
Race: -
Mana Generated:1
Rules Text:
Sheild Trigger
If your opponent has more mana than you when you cast this spell, take the top 2 cards from your deck and add them to your mana zone
Power: -
Type: Spell
Artist: Sansyu
Drizer's Flavor Text (For cards that don't have them) "Finally! They have finally sent us something to hold back the Parasites!"-Silver Fist

So, my first card review for Pojo! Let's get to it!

When Megapocalypse came out, I noticed that some civilizations had intergrated with some effects (fire with hand control, ect) Well, this is no exception

Good Points of the card

-Gives you some extra mana which is always nice -Sheild Trigger

Constructed Side:

As we all know, extra mana late in the game can be great, especcially if it's in your sheilds and your opponent hits it and you get the 2 extra mana you need to actually win the game. If this card wasn't a sheild trigger, it would probably never be used because of enchanted soil, where you get cards from your graveyard.

This is basically the next Ultimate Force, but in the light civilization. If you are looking for mana acceleration, there are plenty of other things you can play in a constructed deck.

-Mushroom, ect

This card is probably not worth to use in a deck unless you are very desperate. The whole card is offset by it being a rare...

Limited Side:

It's not that bad here. There are not many mana acceleration decks while playing limited anymore since nobody really drafts with the base set anymore.

If your drafting because you want rares, pick it up. Otherwise, I would let it pass go and collect $200.

Bad Points of the card:

-Opponent needs more mana than you
-um...uh...Light Civilization

Overall Standings:(I'll show the calculations)

5-2 (Opponent needs more mana) = 3
3-1(Rare)= 2
2 + .5(Sheild Trigger)= 2.5

5-1 (Opponent needs more mana) = 4
5-1 (Kind of a "high" cost for Limited)= 3

Constructed Rating: 2.5 Just because it's a rare, and opponenet needs more mana than you Limited Rating: 3.0
Art: 2.7 (I'm starting to hate snow =/ )

Glory Snow

Civilization: Light

Type: Spell

Mana cost: 4

Ability: Shield Trigger

If you have less mana cards in your mana zone than your opponent, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the mana zone.


Ok, here we have Glory Snow, Light’s version of the Enchanted Soil. I got a chance to see this in limited play, so I gots an idea on how it’s like.

Also it’s almost midnight and I want to go to sleep, so I’ll make it short


The Positive Side


In general, the card is needed if you have trouble keeping your mana high. Sometimes, you don’t really want to put cards in your mana zone, which makes you feel bad since you’ll fall behind your opponent. This card helps take care of that problem.


It costs 4, so when it’s used, then your ready to play the bigger guys the next turn, which is cool. It’s also a shield trigger, so it makes it sort of better.


So, the card isn’t all bad if you use mono-light, since you have no access to enchanted soil.


The Negative Side


The card really fails in comparison to enchanted soil. They both really do the same thing, but the glory snow needs to give up the freedom of the ability for the shield trigger ability, which is crap since this isn’t the best shield trigger to have. The stipulation of having less mana than your opponent really blows. It’s really stupid, if you think about it. You need to be behind your opponent to use a card that catches up to him, when enchanted soil you can use no matter what condition you’re in.


Glory Snow really isn’t that good. If you use mono-yellow, I wouldn’t really use this card since the mass blockers and stuff really help the whole keeping your hand and mana in tact idea. In mono-yellow, I would believe that you have so many other things to play, since every move you do can alter the later result. Mana would help, but it would only be a matter of turns until you get there anyway…


It’s pretty confusing, but trust me on this one when I say that the card is really pointless to use.


The Limited Side


This card really isn’t that effective in limited either. Mana is strong, but with enchanted soil in the set, it really doesn’t need to be picked. Plus, it’s a rare, so you probably won’t see it as much as enchanted soil.


The Recap


Here’s the + and – Rundown



+ Good for mana building

+ Shield Trigger



- Not as good as enchanted soil

- Doesn’t make much sense to use a card that needs you to be behind when you always want to be ahead

- The Shield Trigger doesn’t really help


Constructed-1.5/5- Not that good, choose enchanted soil, or just don’t use it…mana production isn’t that vital in yellow decks

Limited-1.5/5- Pretty Bad, but it’s good for getting out the big double breakers and stuff to wail on your opponent.

Art- 3/5- Aye, tis be a lovely snowy day…in 2385…Global Warming My ass…


That’s it for the short version of the Review of Glory Snow. If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints, E-mail me at


Later Days…

  Name: Glory Snow
Civilization: Light
Race: -
Mana Generated:1
Rules Text:
Sheild Trigger
If your opponent has more mana than you when you cast this spell, take the top 2 cards from your deck and add them to your mana zone
Power: -
Type: Spell
Artist: Sansyu
Drizer's Flavor Text (For cards that don't have them) "Finally! They have finally sent us something to hold back the Parasites!"-Silver Fist

So, my first card review for Pojo! Let's get to it!

When Megapocalypse came out, I noticed that some civilizations had intergrated with some effects (fire with hand control, ect) Well, this is no exception

Good Points of the card

-Gives you some extra mana which is always nice -Sheild Trigger

Constructed Side:

As we all know, extra mana late in the game can be great, especcially if it's in your sheilds and your opponent hits it and you get the 2 extra mana you need to actually win the game. If this card wasn't a sheild trigger, it would probably never be used because of enchanted soil, where you get cards from your graveyard.

This is basically the next Ultimate Force, but in the light civilization. If you are looking for mana acceleration, there are plenty of other things you can play in a constructed deck.

-Mushroom, ect

This card is probably not worth to use in a deck unless you are very desperate. The whole card is offset by it being a rare...

Limited Side:

It's not that bad here. There are not many mana acceleration decks while playing limited anymore since nobody really drafts with the base set anymore.

If your drafting because you want rares, pick it up. Otherwise, I would let it pass go and collect $200.

Bad Points of the card:

-Opponent needs more mana than you
-um...uh...Light Civilization

Overall Standings:(I'll show the calculations)

5-2 (Opponent needs more mana) = 3
3-1(Rare)= 2
2 + .5(Sheild Trigger)= 2.5

5-1 (Opponent needs more mana) = 4
5-1 (Kind of a "high" cost for Limited)= 3

Constructed Rating: 2.5 Just because it's a rare, and opponents needs more mana than you
Limited Rating: 3.0
Art: 2.7 (I'm starting to hate snow =/ )

Until Friday!,

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