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Duel Master Deck Garage
Gdogs Version

Styles of the Rush/Deck Arch-Types

A: What is rush deck you ask?
B: A Rush is a deck that will bring your opponent's sheilds down sooner than many other decks.
A: Does rush only have one strategy to it?
B: No, Rush can be played in many different versions and varietys of cards.
A: Is rush a good deck to choose if im starting into Duel Masters TCG?
B: Rush is a great deck to choose when you first start, Along with Water, Light, and Nature.
A: You said rush is a good deck to start with, but in the end it is also a good playable deck to keep up with more experienced players.
B: Rush can comepete with any experienced player as long as you are playing it right.
A: Can i see some examples of a rush deck?
B: Sure! lemme give you the rush demonstration.


Bullet Rush! (40)
Fire (24)
[4] Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
[4] Comet Missile
[4] Rikabus Screwdriver
[4] Mega Dotonator
[4] Pyrofighter Magnus
[4] Rikabu Dismantler
Nature (16)
[4] Sniper Mosquito
[4] Quixotic Hero Swine Snout
[4] Essence Elf
[4] Brutal Charge
The Strategy - First turn, you want to play a Deadly Fighter or Sniper Mosquito on your 1st turn. Second turn, you want a Turn 1 or Turn 2 Creature again and you summon it, then attack with the creature you summoned last turn. Third turn, You want to cast mega dotonator and discard 2 cards from your hand and give your 2 creatures on the Battle Zone double breaker and you break all his sheilds that turn.
Game breakdown - Deadly Fighter t-1, Essence elf T-2 ( Break one sheild with Deadly Fighter), T-3 play Brutal Charge and Mega Dotonator at once by essence elfs effect, Break all his sheilds that turn and search your deck for 4x any 3 cost Speed attackers ( Rikabu or Pyrofighter ). T-4 Attack your opponent!


Need 4 Speed (40)
Fire (22)
[4] Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
[4] Immortal Baron Vorg
[4] Mini Titan Gett
[4] Pyrofighter Magnus
[4] Rikabu Dismantler
[2] Armored Blaster Valdios
Water (18)
[2] Aqua Guard
[4] Spiral Gate
[4] Aqua Hulcus
[2] Aqua Strummer
[2] Crystal Paladin
[4] Aqua Surfer
The Strategy - Attack whenever you can. Once he or she has 0 sheilds. All you have to do is play a Crystal Paladin and no matter what all blockers go to the owners hand and then you attack the player for the win. Mainly though the key cards in the deck are Speed Atackers, Armored Blastor Valdios, and Crystal Paladin.
Game Breakdown - Deadly Fighter Braid Claw T-1. Turn-2 Mini Titan Gett, Immortal Baron Vorg, or even 1-2 Dealdy Fighters again. Of course attack one sheild if you summoned a T-1 last turn. T-3 Spiral Gate if they have a blocker out, Play stuff to draw cards or rearange cards off the top of your deck.( Aqua Hulcus, Aqua Strummer) Maybe even play a speed attacker and break more sheilds. Then 1 to 2 turns later. Paladin for the WIN! Dont forget you can win without paladin too.


Mono-Fire (40)
[4] Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
[4] Comet Missile
[4] Rikabu Screwdriver
[4] Kooc Pollon
[3] Crimson Hammer
[3] Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior
[4] Pyrofighter Magnus
[4] Rikabu Dismantler
[4] Mezger Commando Leader
[3] Searing Wave
[3] Tornado Flame
The Strategy - This Strategy is the simplest. Play what you have in your hand until you attack the player. Every card in this deck is rushable. Kooc Pollon your opponent cant attack, Rikabu screwdriver, Comet Missile take card of those blockers and Crimson hammer takes care of a non-blocker early game. Out of 40 cards You play 26 Turn 1 to Turn 3 Costing cards ( Creatures or Spells ). So not starting with a T-1 is normal, Not starting with a T-2 is alittle crazy, and not not starting with a creature T-3 thats Insane. Every game your usally guarenteed a T-2 (Probably) or T-3 ( Most Likely). You play 12 Speed Attackers so when your facing an opponent you should at least break a sheild every turn. Unless blocker otherwise.
Game Breakdown - T-1 Deadly Fighter. T-2 Rikabus Screwdriver or Kooc Pollon. (Attack a sheild with deadly) T-3 Speed Attacker. ( Attack with everything ). By the end of T-3 he has 1 sheild. Last but not least Turn. Break that last Sheild! and Attack the player!


A: Why do i call this deck garage Gdogs Version?
B: It's quite simple. (Its my version how to explain and make a deck)
A: Why make your first deck garage(Gdogs Version) about rush deck?
B: Rush was actually the first deck i played. It helped me become a great player and many other things.
A: You seem to talk alot about of new players. Why is that?
B: You were a new player once. I was a new player once. Im basically doing what people did for me. Everyone deserves help sometimes.
A: Well Thanks for this awsome Version GDOG!
B: Anytime........Gino! ( Inside joke )
Well thats basically wraps it up for this week. Hope you enjoyed the report.

AIM: Gdog121TheChamp
Email: GdogTheChamp@Yahoo.com


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