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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Balask Baj, the Time Burner
Fatal Brood

Card # DM04

Date Reviewed: 02.01.05

Constructed Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 1

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.




Name: Balesk Baj, the Timeburner
Cost: 9
Race: Armored Wyvern
Civilization: Fire
Type: Evolution
Rules Text:
Evolution-Put on one of your Armored Wyverns.
Whenever this creature is attacking your opponent and isn't blocked, take an extra turn after this one.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
At the end of your turn, return this creature to your hand.
Power: 8000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Kou1
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 4

civilization: Fire now starts the trend of skipping the opponents turn, but not with out a price.

Effect: The effect is meant to be a game ender, and for a good reason too. The lowest costing armored wyvern right now is the 3 cost cutthroat skyterror, the speed attacker with 5000 power but can't hit players. So if you want to play this straight from your hand your looking at spending 12 mana. See why you have to end the game there? Once the effect gets going though and you can keep summoning this guy you can see why the game is over. Taking another turn is just evil. And being able to take up to 2-5 extra turns is something your opponent won't be able to come back from easily. The problem though is getting an attack off to trigger this guys effect.

Combos: The attack problem? Not a problem when you have 17 mana on turn 9. How do you get 17 mana turn 9? By playing mondays card Mana Bonanza turn 8, jumping you from 8 mana to 16, then you play your mana for the turn making it 17. Why would you need 17 mana when you can bring this out for 12? Remember the fire super rare from base set, scarlet skyterror? well with 17 mana you can summon scarlet, destroy their blockers, then evolve and get a straight attack off. And every turn after, seeing as your opponents not getting another turn soon.

Cost: it has to be 9, any less and it could come out too early.

Race: Lots of support, with 12 non-evo wyverns to choose from.

Constructed: 4/5 If built in a deck based around this guy. with natures growth you should be able to play this before turn 9, should also be a fun deck =)
Limited: 1/5 cost too much and wyverns are hard to find.
Eric Draven Balesk Baj, the time burner

Cost: 9
Race: Armored Wyvern
Civ: Fire
Type: Evo
Rules Text:

Evolution - Put on one of your Armored Wyverns. Whenever this creature is attacking your opponent and isn't blocked, take an extra turn after this one.

Double Breaker.

At the end of your turn, return this creature to your hand.

Power: 8000

Very Rare

Oh man. This card...Until now, I always thought Duel Masters would avoid such strong effects. I think, once this is released, I'm going to be using a Diamond Cutter deck, stuffed with blockers.

Limited: 1/5 (no other Wyverns)
Contructed: 5/5
Black Chaos Dragon Name: Balesk Baj, the Timeburner
Cost: 9
Race: Armored Wyvern
Civilization: Fire
Type: Evolution
Rules Text:
Evolution-Put on one of your Armored Wyverns.
Whenever this creature is attacking your opponent and isn't blocked, take an extra turn after this one.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) At the end of your turn, return this creature to your hand.
Power: 8000
Mana Number: 1
Rarity: V

Cost: 9 mana for a card that returns to your hand. A little risky, there.

Power: 9 for 8000, not quite 1:1000, but it can attack the same turn it's brought out

Effect: Interesting ability, attack and get an extra turn if it's not blocked. I can see why it returns to the hand, now.
I'm assuming that both cards return to your hand, since its an evo. If this wasn't an evo, this card would be very lethal.

Constructed: 3/5, awesome effect, but it's high mana cost hurts it usefulness.

Limited: 1/5, not enough evo-bait for it.

BCD signing out.

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