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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Miraculous Rebirth
Blasto-Explosion of Gigantic Rage

Card # DM-S5

Date Reviewed: 08.10.06

Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


DRY 1337


Today we take a look at one of the most enjoyable cards of all time.  Of course at first glance it doesn’t appear worthy of the term “super rare”, but after witnessing the effect in live play, you’ll be pushing for more copies in you deck.


Miraculous Rebirth


Cost: 6

Civilization: Fire/Nature

Type: Spell

Rules Text:

·         (This spell is put into your mana zone tapped.)

·         Destroy one of your opponent’s creatures that has power 5000 or less.  When your opponent puts that creature into his graveyard, search your deck.  You may take a creature from your deck that has the same cost as that creature and put it into the battle zone.  Then shuffle your deck.



At 6 mana, this card will most likely be compared to the most popular 6 mana destruction spell out there…. yes, I’m talking about Terror Pit.  So why not go with that comparison?


For one thing, Terror Pit has this card beat in the playability factor.  You just can’t beat the shield trigger effect.  A lot of people will also argue that Terror Pit is better because it destroys larger creatures and is unrestricted.  Now while this statement is true, just consider what types of creatures you’ve killed with Terror Pit (Corile, Pyrofighter, Pala Olesis, etc.).  A lot of the creatures killed by terror pit don’t ever get up to 5000 power.  In other words, the 5000 power restriction really shouldn’t be a bother.  Although Miraculous Rebirth cannot keep up with Terror Pit’s shield trigger ability, it is pretty much just as deadly.


What’s even better is the fact that you get to summon a creature from your deck with the same mana cost of the target creature for FREE!  This is unprecedented and deserves recognition.  You basically kill a creature then get a creature.  This can be considered as accelerated field control.  A lot of players can get discouraged because of the fact that the creature has to be the same mana cost but just consider the possibilities and combos.  Just remember that all you need is at least 1 copy of any card with that mana cost and Miraculous Rebirth will fetch it.  Think about it…  You kill your opponent’s Corile then search your deck for a Corile and summon it.  Your opponent just lost 2 creatures!!! 


And that’s only the beginning.  Think of all the chains you can pull off.  Cast Miraculous Rebirth, destroy your opponent’s Shadow Moon, bring Rothus the Traveler out from your deck, destroy Kyrstron, Lair Delver, your opponent destroys a creature, Summon Veliryka Dragon (with Kyrstron’s effect), and search for Uberdragon Bajula (with Veliryka’s effect).  Pretty vicious, eh?  Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  Just build your deck, think of the creatures with the best effects for each mana cost, and put at least one of each in your deck.  I’ve used Shocktrooper Mykee, Legionnaire Lizard, Rothus, and Wind Axe just to name a few.


Remember, this card is Fire/Nature so don’t forget that you’ll be able to play it before turn 6.  That’s all for now.  Keep coming up with new combos and don’t forget to post them in the forums!


The Good:  Destroy a creature then summon a creature for free!  You can stack combos like crazy!


The Bad:  This card might be a little slow so either add in mana acceleration or don’t play with all 4.


The Ugly:  I killed a Bolzard Dragon and summoned a free Legionnaire Lizard to take the win.  Take that you Bazagazeal spammers!


Constructed Rating: 4.5/5 –  The mana acceleration option is always there and the possible combinations are out of this world.  All you need is at least one creature for each mana cost (up to six mana) and you’re set.


Limited Rating: 2.5/5 – The options might not be the greatest but at least you might be able to get a free wave striker.


Please feel free to post your comments, questions, and/or objections on the Message Board and I’ll be more than happy to respond.  Happy dueling!

- DRY 1337

 Ice DX

Hey again is Ice DX with the CotD, today we are reviewing one of the New Multi Civ Spells from Blasto-Explosion of Gigantic Rage, here it goes.


Name: Miraculous Rebirth
Cost: 6
Civilization: Fire/Nature
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
(This spell is put into your mana zone tapped.)
Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has power 5000 or less. When your opponent puts that creature into his graveyard, search your deck. You may take a creature from your deck that has the same cost as that creature and put it into the battle zone. Then shuffle your deck.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Masaki Hirooka
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S5

That sounds pretty good dost it.


Ok for six mana you get to destroy any creature with 5k or less and you get to play a creature with the same cost as the creature you destroyed from your deck, this effect is

AWESOME I have been playing this card for a wile now and I can really say that this card is a game saver, imagine destroying your opponent's 7 mana 5k creature (King Ripped-Hide) and bringing out your twin cannon sky terror or better yet a Bolmeteous Steel Dragon to the Battlezone from your deck or Destroying ur opponents 3 mana Blocker(Pala Olesis) and bringing out Your Pyrofighter Magnus for the Finishing Blow.


 CONSTRUCTED: 4/5 Like I said above this card can be awesome in the right deck in can give You the game at times.


LIMITED:3.5/5 Is great here too if you get the right civs to play it with


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Hey, everyone!  This is Corile_484 here doing the Card of the Day!  I used to do Card of the Day a while ago under the name "Christian,"but got taken off the team when my computer failed.  Anyway, on to the review!  One of the best cards from the new set, Miraculous Rebirth!
Name-  Miraculous Rebirth
Civilization-  Fire/ Nature
Type-  Spell
Mana Cost-  6
Mana generated-  1
Effect-  Destroy one of your opponents creatures that has power 5000 or less.  When your opponent puts that creature into his graveyard, search your deck.  You may take a creature from your deck that has the same cost as that creature and put it into the battle zone.  Then shuffle your deck.
Wow.  And for all that time, there has never been anything with an effect better than Terror Pit.  I'm not saying that this card is better than Terror Pit, because it isn't, but in certain situations, it can be way more beneficial.  For example, if your opponent is swinging for the win with a rush deck but runs into a Terror Pit in the shields, it really helps you out, but this guy isn't exactly what you want to see down there normally.  Terror Pit also takes care of the fatties like Bluum Erkis and Bolmeteus that this card just can't handle.  However, let's say that you're opponent has something like Corile or Bronze- Arm Tribe on the field and you kill it with Rebirth.  Not only do you get one of there creatures off the table but you can also summon something along the lines of Corile, Meteosaur, Bronze- Arm Tribe or Aqua Hulcus yourself! A 2 for one!  And it could be a 4 or 5 for one if you bring out something like Hulcus or Corile from your deck for free.  Think about all the possibilities!  So Terror Pit can definitely still be used more often than Rebirth, but if Rebitgh has a chance to shine, it can really do the trick and open up a bunch of options.  Now for the review!
Constructed-  4.25/5.  Really good in a lot of situations, but Terror Pit can sometimes be more useful.  Overall, though, a great card.
Limited-  5/5.  If you pull it and you run fire and nature, use it.
Feel free to contact me at christiansenclair@cox.net, or PM me on the message boards!
~the King~

After being gone for a week (or so...) im back, with a 'miraculous' card.


Name: Miraculous Rebirth
Type: Spell
Civilization: Fire/Nature
Cost: 6
Rules Text: Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has power 5000 or less. When your opponent puts that creature into his graveyard, search your deck. You may take a creature from your deck that has the same cost as that creature and put it into the battle zone. Then shuffle your deck.
Mana Number: 1
Set: Blastosplosion of Gigantic Rage
Rarity: Super Rare


this is an intresting spell- acctually, all of the 'miraculous' spells have intresting effects, lol.

ok, for 6 mana, destroy a creature 5000 or less. thats not all that bad, but compared to 7 cost vise, it is. but then the othe rpart of the effect.

You get to search your deck for a creature of the same cost as the destroyed creature and then put it into the battle zone. I like this. Its like an exchange! You get to kill off a creature of your opponent, and then bring out any guy you want (practically). In a fire/nature deck i can see this card being played, and i like it a lot.Their are many possibilitys...


constructed: 4/5 (it opens allot of possiblilitys...)

limited: 4/5 (same as above)

art: 1.5/5 (what the heck is it suppose to be??? .5 added cause of style...)


welp, thts it!

~*The King*~


love my reviews? hate my reviews? contact me at king_atlantis@earthlink.net or on pojo's forums as "king atlantis". Chow!


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