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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Trenchdive Shark

Card # DM25

Date Reviewed: 07.18.05

Constructed Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Okay well sorry for the break but I'm back now and let's see what we have on the menu today.....Trenchdive Shark
Here is it's stats from the DM Card Database :D
 Name: Trenchdive Shark
Cost: 7
Race: Gel Fish
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may add up to 2 cards from your hand to your shields face down. If you do, choose the same number of your shields and put them into your hand. You can't use the "shield trigger" ability of those shields.
Flavor Text:
"Better. . . . But let's add another eye." -Emeral
Power: 5000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Nottsuo
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 25
Now for the review
Cost to Ratio: Well not that great but it is okay.  The problem being that it is 7 mana and will probably die before it attacks.  But that is why it has a "Come into play" effect, right?
Type: Water; A type known mostly for the dozens of draw cards and one little favorite creature that Shield Trigger decks should abuse, Emeral.  I am noting emeral for when we get to the effect.....which is now!!!
Effect: Ok well Emeral's effect allows you to put one card from your hand to your shields then put one card from your shields to you hand.  Let's just say that this is a pumped up Emeral on steriods xD.  With the fact that you get to put TWO cards from your hand to your shields.  Well if you are running a deck with only a few triggers I definately suggest not running this because you may pick one up. 
Rating:Constructed 2/5  Not that great but it could work.  2 is for not being great but not being crappy either.
Limited 2/5 Again in Limited you want to rush them not waste you tiime and mana on your shields, unless of course you are adding to your shields and not swapping. 
Art: 3.7/5 Well let's just say that we are glad that this isn't real, or is it? :{
Flavor Text: 4/5 It got a chuckle out of me.  Also it included Emeral in it. (Well it didn't include Emeral just what he said )
Ok well that is it for today.  Have a good day and week and come back Thursday :D
Name: Trenchdive Shark
Cost: 7
Race: Gel Fish
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may add up to 2 cards from your hand to your shields face down. If you do, choose the same number of your shields and put them into your hand. You can't use the "shield trigger" ability of those shields.
Flavor Text:
"Better. . . . But let's add another eye." -Emeral
Power: 5000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Nottsuo
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 25
This is a very interesting card.  I usually summon multiple cards on turn seven though.  Trenchdive is still a very nice card.  It has an okay cost to power ratio but, its nothing spectacular.  I don't think it will replace emeral just because he switches more shields.    I might start playtesting this as the only seven drop I have is lost soul.  I would rather summon 3 emerals the turn before and if I had all my shields, summon this next turn.  This card can be good at times but its really mediocre at best.
Constructed:  3/5 Emeral is better
Limited:  2/5 No good shield triggers
Art: 4.5/5 Very cool, especially on the promo
If you need to contact me.  Email Toiletheadbrett@aol.com or AIM at Toiletheadbrett

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