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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Super Terradragon Bailas Gale
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos

Card # DM-S5

Date Reviewed: 12.02.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3.7
Limited Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Today's card happens to be my favorite so, expect pretty much total bias ^_^.



Name: Super Terradragon Bailas Gale
Cost: 5
Race: Earth Dragon
Civilization: Nature
Type: Evolution
Rules Text:
Evolution-Put on one of your creatures that has Dragon in its race.
After you cast a spell by using its "shield trigger" ability, put it into your hand instead of your graveyard.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Power: 9000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Taro Yamazaki
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S5
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos





Race:  Dragon.......  They have the most support in the game right no so, what can I say?  Perfect.


Civilization:  Nature is known for mana excel and all that so still, nothing wrong.


Effects:  -Evolution creature for the most supported race to date...

             -YOU GET TO RE-USE SHIELD TRIGGERS?!  THATS AMAZING!  Great ability for shield trigger decks and dragon decks that have many triggers.

             -Double breaker....YAY


Cost to power:  5:9000 Is also amazing.  It is the cheapest of the dragon evos but, its cost is an odd number and it cannot be reduced below 3 with cocco lupia alone.  That isn't really a problem though unless you are really weird...


Limited:  5/5 Amazing, there is great dragon support here but, not many triggers so, don't use him for his ability, use him for his power and race that is, if you are lucky enough to pull one.


Constructed:  5/5  Wow, just wow...


I'll try and do more CotDs in the next few weeks but if I don't, don't set my house on fire.  Okay?

Super Terradragon Bailas Gale
Cost: 5
Civilization: Nature
Card Type: Evolution Creature
Race: Earth Dragon
• Evolution-Put on one of your creatures that has Dragon in its race.
• After you cast a spell by using its "shield trigger" ability, put it into your hand instead of your graveyard.
• Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Civilization: True prides and joy of the Nature civilization are cards that are offensive powerhouses while not lacking on the defense aspect of the game either. The Nature Civilization is not known for its defensive abilities and Super Terradragon Bailas Gale does add to the concept that Nature defenses aren't completely poor.

Cost: A 5 cost evolution that can do what Super Terradragon Bailas Gale can do is nothing short of beautiful. It is right in the midst of its evolution bait so there are many chances to bring him out.

Power: 7000, 8000, & 9000 power are the powers of titans in this game. There are only 2 usable destruction spells that can take down Super Terradragon Bailas Gale. Not only with that but he can be summoned before Crystal Lancer and can overpower all but a few creatures in the game.

Abilities: Normal it is a barely positive exchange when you lose a shield but gain an ability such as Terror Pit or Natural Snare. If you lose a shield while Super Terradragon Bailas Gale is out on the field and it is a shield trigger spell you can truly gaining alot. I myself have witnessed several times where a person might lose a few shields only to bounce them back at their opponent (Crystal Lancer hit a Terror Pit and Comet Missile only to have the attacker lose his other blocker and attacker the next turn). Another blessing is that if the shield trigger was a Holy Awe and you can't use it the next turn since everything is already tapped you can make it mana for a Mana Nexus later.

Card Efficiency: Super Terradragon Bailas Gale is just that super. The ability to recycle shield trigger spells while being a double breaker himself gives him the potential of never seeing a negative exchange.

Constructed: Super Terradragon Bailas Gale might see play in the near future but for now will remained over shadowed by his Super Necrodragon and Uberdragon counterparts. 3/5

Limited: As is most situations evolution creatures are much less usable in Limited Format since evolution bait can be limited if not non existant already. His recycle ability is near useless in limited as well since Dracobarrier was the only shield trigger in Epic Dragons of Hyper Chaos. 2/5
Himura363 Ahem, COTD!!!!!!

Name: Super Terradragon Bailas Gale
Cost: 5
Race: Earth Dragon
Civilization: Nature
Type: Evolution
Rules Text:
Evolution-Put on one of your creatures that has Dragon in its race.
After you cast a spell by using its "shield trigger" ability, put it into your hand instead of your graveyard.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Power: 9000
Rarity: S
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos


He's a Dr4gon. Looks kinda like Shenron to me. Oh well. There is plenty o' Dr4gon (YAY! L337!) support, like Cocco Lupia, for example. There are 2 other Dragons besides this one that evolves off of any other Dragon creature.

Effect to Cost:

5 Cost Double Breaking Dragon (No L337? =/ ) with a nice effect. Say you use Terror Pit out of your Shield Zone. Another kill man! Serum or Memory? More cards in your hand.


I honestly wouldn't use evos in Limited, but hey, there is enough Dragon evo bait to go around



I don't like using Evos, because they are dead draws. I only use Paladins. But hey, if you like your STs, and happen to run about 6-8 dragons, there's nothing stopping you.


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