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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Holy Awe
Base Set

Card # DM6

Date Reviewed: 08.08.05

Constructed Average Rating: 4.75
Limited Average Rating: 4.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Steven Cantrell

Hey guys. There won’t be a tournament report this week because school starts today and I am short on time. My record Saturday was 3-1 in matches, only good enough for fifth place. The loss was to Lee Sandow in round one. You can expect a report next week though covering the Five Civilizations. Now onto Card of the Day! This week we are reviewing past promos from the TotFC, starting with...


Holy Awe

Type: Spell

Civilization: Light

Mana Cost: Six (6)

Rules Text:

Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.)
Tap all your opponent's creatures in the battle zone.

Rarity: Rare

Set: Base Set


Holy Awe was first reviewed in June of 2004. Several new sets have been released since then, but it remains just as deadly as before. Holy Awe is another one of those cards which works great because of the versatility it offers. Having multiple uses for the same spell is just nice.


Consider the tapping ability when triggered. Holy Awe effectively ends your opponents turn because their creatures can no longer attack. It is the only card right now able to stop 20 swarming creatures all at once. Just be careful not to rely on Awe as a trigger too much, because there are ways for your opponent to get around it like Cryptic Totem.


Now think about Holy Awe as an offensive maneuver. By tapping your opponent’s entire field on your own turn, this does two things: Firstly, it allows you attack (and destroy) any of their creatures. For example, he has a Bolmeteus Steel Dragon that will kill you the next turn. Holy Awe taps Bolmeteus, allowing your own fatty to smash him. Secondly, Holy Awe allows you to bypass opposing blockers and hit shields without resistance. This is great for handling stronger blockers like Thrash Crawler that would be difficult to destroy otherwise.


Limited: 5/5

Grab this immediately. There is absolutely no reason not to. Usually the good cards only become better in drafts, and Holy Awe is not an exception.


Constructed: 5/5

First-rate. Top-notch. Super-duper. Mind-blowing. Hyphenated adjectives are fun....



Name: Holy Awe
Cost: 6
Civilization: Light
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
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Shield TriggerShield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.)
Tap all your opponent's creatures in the battle zone.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Naoki Saito
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 6
Set: Base Set

I think we all know a few things about holy awe ;).  This is my least favorite card.  It doesn't usually tap a whole bunch of creatures but, it can save you when you are about to lose.  The only deck it should be in is mono light or a rush splashing this.  Most blue/green decks nowadays are splashing terror pit which is better than holy awe.  There really isn't much to say about holy awe.  It is in the worst civilization (light),  its mana cost is too high to pay for, and it usually doesn't do much of anything but tap 1 or 2 creatures.  Yet it is still a life saver.....

Constructed(mono light or rush): 4/5

Limited: 2/5

Art: 5/5 Better as a promo

Horus Master lv8
This week we will review promos, since the Tournament of the Five Civilizations is this Sat./Sun.  Today we will review a card that can be run in a deck that has Light only, or Light and another civ.  Actually, this card is being splashed into many decks, just for its effect.  Let us begin the week with, Holy Awe!!!
Name: Holy Awe
Cost: 6
Civilization: Light
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Shield Trigger Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand from your shield zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.)
Tap all your opponent's creatures in the battle zone.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Naoki Saito
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 6
Set: Base Set
DM Card Database
     Six....Now can you name me all the commonly played 6-cost cards..too many, eh.  Well this is one that has my pick before most others..I would say definitely put this into your deck if you run Light.  Well there are other situations where you may not need to but for the majority, do it!!
     Light is known for Tapping...so why not make a Shield Trigger Tapper bigger than Solar Ray....Well that is what they did.   
    As I mentioned, Solar Ray is a shield trigger tapper that can tap one creature in the Battle Zone....Well this sucker can tap all of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone....Whether it is that creature that is going to attack you next turn for the win...Tap him and the attack him...or if it is those 2 pesky huge blocker that you want out of the way that way you can swing for the win...this card has many uses but if you use it correctly, it is bad news for your opponent. 
     4.5/5 No card is perfect but this one comes close, very close
     4.5/5 Awesome here, Tap all of your opponent's creatures and try to do a lot of damage to their shields..But once again no card is perfect.
     4/5 The promo one looks awesome but the other...not as good

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