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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Sabretooth - Savage Killer

Card #MXM-102


Date Reviewed: 06.01.07

Constructed Rating: 3.50
Limited Average Rating: 4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

xstreamzero Sabertooth

I never liked any incarnation of Sabertooth. Truth be told, he’s not really one of my favorite Marvel characters.

Savage Killer
Whenever a character causes breakthrough, Sabertooth cannot be stunned while attacking this turn.
Pay 2 endurance > Target character you control can attack hidden characters this turn.

This Sabertooth is not as big as his 4 drop counterpart, but it’s still decent. The fact that there isn’t a single team stamp on him means you can put him in any deck, but he’ll mostly be seen in a Brotherhood, reservist, or Physical trait deck. Actually, that’s about all he’s good for, giving the mutant trait decks some power that is still an unsupportable archetype.

The effect itself is good, he’s essentially a 5 drop that can’t be stunned if you play it right. And attacking hidden characters is always ever so important.

Marvel Modern: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 4/5
Overall: 4/5

You’re not my favorite, but I give you props for being a decent card.



Alrighty... first off, I'd like to apologize for not doing review for a few days... I've been dealing with life falling apart.  Oh, well.  ON TO THE CARD!!!

Sabertooth (Brotherhood)

5 cost, 11 ATK, 8 DEF


Whenever a character causes breakthrough, Sabertooth cannot be stunned while attacking this turn.

Pay 2 endurance >> Target character you control can attack hidden characters this turn.

Well.  He's no 4 cost 11/7... Lets face it, no one can compete with that.  But still... this Sabertooth looks pretty good to me.  His 11/7 for 5 is about average (I think 9/9 is average, so +2/-2 = 11/7, so its close)  No Flight or Range isn't really a surprise for this brute.  As I've stated before, I love the Reservist ability.  Especially on cards that will come out later game.  His abilities are pretty darn cool, too.  If another character causes breakthrough, Sabertooth can't be stunned while attacking.  Lemme re-read this... whenever A CHARACTER... wait... there is no 'your' in there.  So, even if YOU get hit with breakthrough (assuming Sabertooth doesn't get stunned on your opponants attack), he can't be stunned when he strikes back.   OOo... part 2 is pretty cool, too.  You can pay life to allow target charcter you control to attack Hidden characters... a lot of people like to run weak hidden characters.  Well, weak stat- wise.  Overall, Sabertooth is pretty decent.

Sealed 4/5 He can be pretty bad ass in sealed.  Higher ATK than most turn 5 characters can make a big difference, and reservist means he won't be a dead card in your hand early on.

Constructed  3/5  Well, I don't really see him in any 'New Brotherhood' decks, but I can definitely see him just sitting around in other decks toasting folks.
_Si Sabretooth <> Savage Killer
Cost 5

As most Marvel fans will tell you, Sabretooth, or Sabye as he’s better know, is Wolverine’s bestest buddy ever. They have appeared together in many comics over the years, such as “Wolverine and Sabretooth and the Smuggling Pirate Themed Adventure”, “Wolverine and Sabretooth and the Case of Steve Guttenberg’s Missing Career” and of course my personal favourite; “Wolverine and Sabretooth Versus The Mystery Ghost”.

Bwah, ha, hah. Giggle.

This VS related incarnation of Sabye is almost as good as that intro was awesome. And that intro was at least 25% more awesome than an object of equal size and mass that was composed entirely of awesomeness.

So long as any character gets breakthrough (including himself) Sabye can’t be stunned. So that’s just fricking A. Then he lets you go kick hidden characters in the face. And that’s just fricking A+.

His reservist status means it doesn’t matter is you draw him too early, and by golly if it doesn’t just mean he fits into a reservist Brotherhood deck.

Giving him flight and range would make him perfect, so maybe, I don’t know, do they make plot twists that do that?

Sealed: 5
Constructed: 5


“You must learn the ways of the force if you are to come with me to Alderaan”

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