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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Dr. Doom - Richard's Rival
Card #MHG_133

When Dr. Doom comes into play, you may search your deck for a plot twist card, reveal it, shuffle your deck, and put that card on the top of your deck.

KO a character you control >>> Replace a resource you control. Use this power only once per turn.

Date Reviewed: 09.06.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating:
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Dr. Doom - Richard's Rival

Basics: Doom is your average 3-drop character with above-average abilities. He is a 5/4 with range which is how many of the MHG 3-drops come but his guy is amazing in that when he comes into play you may search your deck for a plot twist card, reveal it, and put it on top of your deck (after you shuffle your deck of course). He also allows you to KO a character you control to replace a resource.
Constructed play: Man this guy is good!!! What more can I say about a character that allows you search for a plot twist. I never thought I would see the day UDE would release a card that had an effect this good and not be a rare. In the wrong hands this card is going to be so broken (you no longer have to have Boris or you can have a second pt search). I can't wait to see all the common enemy decks come back. Even Dr. Doom's second effect is extremely powerful and can be used on himself...this is nice if you are going to be recruiting the 4-drop Doom. Doom players everywhere rejoice.....
Sealed play: You get this card, you play this card. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I would like to think this is Upperdeck's way of making it up to us since this set is so hard to play sealed (since it is so spread out). Regardless this card is probably the #1 pick for sealed play.

MMA constructed - 4.5/5.0 ...This card is that good.
GA constructed - 4.5/5.0 ...Having a back-to-back Doom is going to making things interesting for Doom players.

Sealed - 5.0/5.0 ...Don't pass this card...EVER!
Dr. Doom, Richard's Rival

When I first saw this card previewed online, the reaction I saw the most was "Hey, now I can Reign on 3!". However, now that we've seen the rest of the set, this version of Dr. Doom has a lot more going for it. First of all, you can search for any plot twists when he comes into play, and put it on top of your deck. That sets you up for your next turn, or sooner with card drawing effects. However, if you KO one of your own guys, you can replace a resource with the plot twists you just searched for, and use it right away. Obviously, team-ups will be a big target for the effect, but you could also use it for something like Devil's Due, or anything else that would help you benefit from the "KO your own allies" theme that Doom has in this set. Even if you don't have a specific target in mind, you can still get rid of smaller characters that would be a liability on later turns by using them for his effect, and cycling through your deck faster.

5/4 with range is a very nice set of stats, and he's a
5/7 with Doomstadt (or an 8/4 with the other
Doomstadt) out. In Golden Age, you'll usually want the 4 drop Doom out instead of the 3 drop model, but you can just KO the 3 drop one for an effect, then play his 4 drop and turn something facedown.

In Limited, you'll need copies of Dr. Doom for a lot of the good Doom team effects, and this is a common version that you can get out early. His stats are good for a 3 drop, and his abiiity puts you one step ahead of the game.

Rating: 4/5

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