Beastly Mage |
Itachi Uchiha
Today's card is a Super Rare from one of the new
Starter Decks. This Fire/Void version of Itachi
allows you to negate a Jutsu by moving down your
Turn Marker by the same number of the Jutsu's cost.
Now, I am guessing that X in this case is equal to
the amount of Symbols on the cost. So, if the Jutsu
has three Symbols, you move your Turn Marker down by
three and negate that Jutsu. In a Void deck this
shouldn't be much of a problem. Part of the strategy
in that deck is moving your Turn Marker up fast. The
effect is Valid, so that's good. For a Starter Deck
Super Rare he's pretty good. Try it and see!
Limited: Starter/5
Constructed: 3/5
Block: 3/5
Art: Crows... Crows everywhere!/5

Todays card is something special, today we have
one of the starter super rares from set 21, itachi
itachi has it all, ambush, a 6/4 healthy stats
(great stats for a t6) of course genjutsu and most
important, a valid effect (remember kids, if you
dont have valid, u have no effect injured:)) u can
move your turn marker down to negate jutsu cards
with the same cost. his wording also means he
doesn't have to block to use his effect, so chump
blocking is an option if you think ur opponent is
holding that hydro pump. in the current format jutsu
rarely costs more than 3 and is still played, so
worst case your going down 3-4 turns, but with
deidara and his parter, itachis cost isnt really a
cost at all.
void-this is your turn 6, im of the opinion that a
deva path can and should be in void decks, but this
is your guy on 6, jutsu protection every turn for no
real cost is ridiculous.
fire- i really like itachi, he has sharingan and
genjutsu. the cost is a tad more felt than it is in
void, but the effect is still just as valued. turn 6
in fire is not a crowded feild, i'm fairly confident
that this guy will be a favorite for fire for a
water/wind/earth/lightning-he's a solid 1 of, but i
doubt many people will go to itachi because hes off
overall, i am very impressed with itachi, and i
think he will be a force.
limited: NA
constructed: void-5/5 (this is voids best card)
fire-4/5 (i am a fan) water-3/5 (still has a solid
effect, but the off color means you cant take full
advantage of ambush) wind-3/5 (not a lot of
competition, might be a place for itachi to shine)
earth-3/5 (if the first hokage/kakazu are too rich
for your blood, itachi could make a real impact)
lightning-2/5 (late game in general isnt a place
lightning useually loads its curve, and jiraiya is
the turn 6 of turn 6's for lightning. but who knows
what a well placed itachi could do.)
art: 5/5 (still a fan)
I'm DIMHWT, and this was the naruto COTD, see you
tomorrow ;)