Beastly Mage |
Today we're looking at our #1 Card of 2011:
Hydro-Pump. This Jutsu found its way into many
decks, not just Wind/Puppet Decks. Having a flexible
cost of either three Wind or four Colorless allows
for that. It can only be used by Ninjas who are turn
5 or more, rather than a minimum Rank Requirement.
You pick two Ninjas (any Ninjas), and return them to
their owner's hand. This lets you bounce chump
blockers, big attackers, and Jutsu users with ease.
Back when this card was unrestricted the bounce went
on like crazy.
Note that I only mentioned the bounce. The Puppet
Master Expert part is optional. This allows you to
discard those two Ninjas rather than bounce them.
Right now, the only one who qualifies for that is
Sasori, and not every deck runs him. Even with this,
Hydro-Pump is an amazing card. Now that it's
restricted to one it's a bit more balanced. If you
have one, and have an opening, try it and see!
Limited: 4/5
Unlimited: 4/5
Block: 4/5
Art: Don't mind me. I'm just watering the lawn./5