N. Jolly |
M-618 Determination of Men
Sorry I wasn't here for the past few days, I've
been prepping for, and then competing in the Ohio
Chunin, which was a blast. Placed 5th-6th or so, and
my team won the event, which was sweet. Honestly,
I'm still a bit tired from that whole weekend, but I
had to get my thoughts up on this card. Also Ninja,
I wasn't saying not to use the style of review, I'd
just like it acknowledged, kay? ;)
Today's card is a personal favorite of mine,
Determination of Men. It was a card that a lot of
people didn't like on it's announcement, and I have
to admit I was a bit skeptical at first too. But
after playing with it, my mind was thoroughly
changed. But let's check out this card effect, shall
Determination of Men
T3 HC1 Fire
Effect: Select up to 3 of your "Male" only Ninjas.
Then, remove those Ninjas from their Teams. During
this turn, those selected Ninjas cannot be Teamed
with any other Ninja(s), and must be sent out to
Battle, if possible. At the end of this turn, draw 1
card for each of those Ninjas that still remains in
play and place 1 Growth coin on each of them.
Additionally, at the end of this turn, if any of
them are injured, you can change any or all of them
to healthy status.
Again, at first this seems like a suicide run for
your ninjas, forcing them to fight without a team.
But with Fire's squading capabilities, you could
easily have your Sasuke (4/0), Shiba or Kiba/Aka
(5/3) or others on field at this time, able to stand
against a team of 8 without dying, and getting both
effects. Also possible is calling Shikamaru (U) as
one of your ninjas, holding one of their guys back,
and getting your growth and draw on him without even
having to battle with him. It's possible to call
your guys when they can't be sent out, so it makes
your opponent's halt cards work a bit in your favor.
It's especially good on T6 with Itachi (GIG),
allowing you to hold back your opponent's biggest
team, swing in with all your men, and then
draw/growth/heal them all without worrying about
It's not the best card, and I'll admit this, but
it's one that I think deserves far more credit than
it's given. A fun card and worthy of being an SR,
this is one of my fav cards from the set, if only
because of how balanced it is in an element with
Kashi (BH), Chidori, and FBG.
Limited: 1.5/5 Not enough support here
Constructed: 3./5 Great mission, but there's too
much here to make this an auto inclusion in your
line up
Block: 3.5/5 A good card that if played correctly,
can swing things back in your favor
Art: Two men enter, one man leaves...sorry Obito.../5

cupcakes |
3/23/10 M-618 Determination of Men
Today's card is pretty much the only reason why
the "Male" characteristic has any use other than
Sexy/Harem Jutsu. In short terms, this card makes
you send out three male ninjas out to battle by
themselves and you draw one card for each survivor.
Additionally, if they survive, they are changed to
healthy status (if you want them to be) and get one
growth token placed on them.
Decent draw power
Heals your suicidal males and makes them more
Your ninjas are solo, while your opponent's don't
need to be
Chances are that at least one of the ninjas will be
Not good in Female decks*
Best in Fire decks with Chiriku or Uchiha decks when
you have Fugaku and SotPC out
This card wold have been much better if it was
like NvS and forced your opponent to do they same as
you so that way your solo males would have a better
chance of living. DoM is a pretty meh super if you
ask me
Limited: 2.5/5 Sorta helpful here with the draw
and power boost.
Constructed: 3.5/5 Pretty good in most fire decks
Block: 3/5 Not as many good Males in Block
*From now on, I'm going to throw in one useless
Pro/Con/and/or Combo