Beastly Mage |
Today's card is one for the Kakashi (Boyhood)
deck. Rin makes it possible to draw a card when you
put Kakashi or Obito in play. That's pretty sweet!
Her stats are OK, but with growth they could get
better. She's medical, female, and has Mental Power.
Thing is that she doesn't pump Kakashi and Obito up,
like they do to her. =\ Still, a pretty good choice
for that deck (and the Female Medical deck as well).
Limited: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Art: "Don't let me be the next one who dies!"/5

N. Jolly |
N-710 Rin [PRAYER]
A strong day, a cool day, and a good day...that's
what today will be. Remember to check out the
channel (MechieSomay), as we should be putting up a
new vid this Wednesday or Thurs day about the new
Rogue (not rouge, rogue) List, with a new featured
match this Saturday. And I need to get up and do my
new trade thread. That right, trade with your hero
N. Jolly right on Pojo...has this opening paragraph
become nothing but advertising? And if so, can I
sell space on it? If I can, Dr. Pepper will be the
first to know.
Today's card is another one in Gaiden week, the
unlast named Rin. A lot of people were really
excited with the Gaiden cards, and a lot of
speculation was based around this card. Yeah, time
to see what it's made of, so let's check out it's
stats, shall we:
T2 HC0 Wind
Leaf | Female | Chunin | Medical | Growth | Mental
Power: 2
2/2 1/2 CA: Medicine
Set 16: Uncommon
Well honestly, other than having low power, this
isn't a bad card. Leaf is hot right now, Female has
it's own deck, Chunin and being turn 2 isn't bad,
and Medical is a nice keyword to have. With Growth,
it's hard to have this card be a dead draw in hand,
and Mental Power: 2 is always nice, especially with
mental having more of a prescience. But the problem
is cards nowadays don't get played just for good
keywords and such, it's for effects. And this card's
effect is...well, let's just check it out together,
shall we:
When you put a "Kakashi Hatake" or "Obito Uchiha" in
play, draw 1 card.
And again, you give it decent injured stats and
no valid effect? What's up with that? This card had
a lot of potential, but it's off element for it's
two supported cards, it requires you to curve into
them perfectly to get any real value off of it, and
without those cards, it's vanilla. Not a good
effect, not for any deck that could have actually
used it (Female/Medical). It's a shame too, as I
doubt we'll be getting another Rin for a while...
This was a nice idea for a card, but it's effect
just killed it, and it's sub par stats didn't help
much either. While I like the Gaiden theme, this was
not the way to round out the team.
Limted: 1.5/5 Only for it's stats, you'll
probably never get the effect off.
Constructed: 2/5 Not garbage, but not worth the
Block: 2/5 Not much of a difference here...
Art: Everyone but Kakashi seems like a whiny baby in
this team...freaking everyone...except the 4th, but
he's too cool for school/5

cupcakes |
3/2/10 N-710 Rin
Hey fellow Pojo-ers!!! Long time, no reviews fro
me... I apologize for this. I was unable to do any
reviews last week because I was in Hong Kong for
vacation. Of course, you don't care for my personal
life so let's get down to the review.
Wind; EC: 2 HC: 0
Leaf | Feamle | Chunin | Medical | Growth | Mental
Power: 2
Healthy: 2/2 Injured: 1/2
Combat Attribute: Medical
Pretty standard turn 2 Chunin stats for Rin, but
Obito and yesterday's Kakashi can give her a nice
stat boost up to 4/4 making her good support. Being
Medical, Female, and wind is good for Medical/Female
decks so she can be thrown in those decks albeit her
effect is useless there. She is perfect at a 2 drop
also since she can curve her effect the next two two
turns with Obito and Kakashi (Boyhood) and gain a
quick power boost... Now let's look at her effect:
When you put a "Kakashi Hatake" or "Obito Uchiha" in
play, draw 1 card.
A pretty decent effect in Fire decks since both
of these ninjas should be staples in any Fire deck
and she is a nice draw engine.
She is must in decks with Kakashi (Boyhood) and
Obito (obviously) and still good in Fire decks that
run other Kakashis.
Limited: 2/5 Decent stats but useless effect
Constructed: 3.75/5 In the right deck she's very
Block: 3.75/5 Block means almost nothing to her
Tomorrow: The other poster boy of Broken Promises