N. Jolly |
N-709 Kakashi Hatake (Boyhood) [NEW TECHNIQUE]
Man, what a weird weekend it was...lots of
adventure, mocking of new people, and hey look,
there's a new vid up on my youtube channel with
Password about Fire in the meta today! I bet your
friends would think you were just super cool if you
watched it, rated it, and subscribed! Your friends
totally told me that!
It's the start of Gaiden week, and today's card
is a pretty big one in the meta now, Kakashi
(Jailbait), is one of the more sought after SRs of
this set. I like this card myself (and if any of you
have one or more for trade, I'm looking for it!), so
let's take a look at it's stats, shall we:
T4 HC0 Fire
Leaf | Male | Jonin | Sharingan Eye | Growth |
Mental Power: 2 | Name: Kakashi Hatake
5/3 3/1 CA: Genjutsu/Weapon
Set 16: Super Rare
This card is hot! Leaf is nice for Miniherits,
Male is...not bad, Jonin gives him access to all the
jutsu that make this card sexy, with Sharingan Eye
added to finish off his access to Fire's best jutsu.
But the thing I love is growth, which means that if
you run the T0 Kid Kashi, on T4 you can growth into
this beast and still play a ninja, which is
hardcore. Imagine doing that with both your Kakashi
and Sasuke...what a day...ahem. Being a 5/3 on T4 is
pretty nice as well, giving this ninja options on
where you want to put it in the team. Not Sasuke
good, but way better injured stats. But his drop in
mental does hurt a bit; it's not going to kill you,
as he's above the mental power: 1 barrier that most
cards impose, but it's still not as good as he was a
turn later. As for having name: Kakashi, that's
pretty useful, as without it, he couldn't play his
signature jutsu. Speaking of which, let's check out
this card's effect, shall we:
When this Ninja is sent out to Attack, you can move
1 "Chidori" Jutsu card from your Chakra area or your
Discard Pile to your hand.
Valid: Your "Obito Uchiha" and/or "Rin" get +1/+1.
Infinichidori? That's what this reads to me. It's
like mastery that just loves one jutsu card. Having
a chain of one in discard used to pay for one in
chakra is just how fun works, and it's quite
possible with all the cycling Fire has. And getting
a chidori into discard isn't hard with Tobi, giving
you an easy discard for him as well. The pumping of
Obito/Rin is kind of nice, but most of the time, it
won't be a big issue. Obito might be in your build
(more on him later), but Rin won't be seeing play,
so you're only really going to have to worry about
one pump.
In constructed with Sasuke BTL, this guy is his
own deck, especially combined with Sharingan of
Tears. In block, this card is still great when used
with the new Chidori or even the old one. Even
drafting this guy wouldn't be bad, as he's a strong
ninja who's just decent to have in deck. I'm a big
fan of him.
Limited: 3/5 Big beat stick with Sharingan
Constructed: 4.25/5 Makes Freedori live again!
Block: 3.75/5 Very strong here, but less broken
Art: It has been argued that this card should not
have Sharingan Eye due to the point where the
picture comes from. I am glad he has it, because he
is a hero/5