Chidori |
Itachi Uchiha (Anbu Days)-Leaf Police
Sorry I have been away for so long Pojo faithful. I
was on vacation for a few weeks and I get back to
work with everything being crazy. With me being
super busy so I haven't had time to review. So,
finally after a long abscence, here is my first
review since the fourth of July.
The theme for this week is from the new set
Tournament Pack 1, TP1 for short. This is a set I
personally love because it was designed for
draftability. However, the main reason most love
this set is because of those cute little ninja named
chibi. This set introduced a few new cards in chibi
form, along with some old favorites. Today, we will
be looking at one of those new chibi cards.
Our review today is of everyone's favorite deceptive
hero/villian Itachi Uchiha. He is a turn 5 fire
ninja. 6/3 healthy, 2/3 injured. Has leaf, anbu,
jonin, ambush, and sharingan eye. His stats are
rather basic for a turn 5 ninja. He maintains his
support value, which is nice. What I like about him
is he has leaf so, you can Succedded Will of Fire
with him in your village. The other big thing and
the major thing about him I like is his anbuness.
This Itachi was made for the Anbu deck. Which got
support in this set in the form of yesterdays
preview. Bandai has always tried to give Anbu
support and recently they have been getting some
here and there. I don't forsee Anbu being a meta
changing deck though. For fire, this Itachi doesn't
belong unless you don't have Goal or GIG. Now for
his effect.
When this ninja is put in play, you can discard all
in-play non-ninja cards.
When this ninja is in your discard pile, if your
opponent has more cards in their discard pile than
their deck. During your mission phase, you can
deploy this ninja without paying the hand cost.
A solid effect. I really like the first ability a
lot. The thing that shuts down this guy is Miruko.
That is a meta changing client. There are to many
put in play effects that we use and if you are
matched against Miruko, it can lead for a long day.
That said, his first ability to clean off your
opponent's Next Targets or BBQs, Michirus, etc is
nice. His second ability I only see being useful in
mill or anbu.
Overall a solid Itachi but better exsist.
Constructed: 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Block: 2/5