Beastly Mage |
Jiraya (Childhood)
Today's card is a rarity. A turn 3 with hand
Yes, it's possible!
This version of Jiraiya has two great valid
effects. First, he gets +1/+1 for each of your
injured Ninjas. Of course, check the wording. It
doesn't include him. The second effect is just
great. You can move one Lightning card from your
discard pile to your Chakra Area whenever your
opponent Deploys a Ninja. This, comboed with
yesterday's card can spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E for your
This guy is also a Fire/Lightning, though I would
only see him in play in Lightning Decks.
Only downside?: He's a Genin. That would make
sense if you think about it. Still, he can use
Rasengan and the Toad Summoning Jutsu. This guy
could be good in Limited, and in Constructed too.
Try it and see!
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 3.5/5
Art: Seems he was born pervy!/5

N. Jolly |
M-719 Jiraiya (Childhood) [SHOWN SIGNS OF THE
So the consensus of the judges is, I just don't
do well on the first review of the week...This is
Lightning week, and today has some awesome stuff for
Naru's fav element. But before that, I'm going to be
doing a Youtube channel, the channel being
MechieSomay, with fellow player Steven Pro Tech
(aka, Password) that features matches, card reviews,
and other cool things that I'm sure you'll love.
Plus, I'm a pretty guy (this will be shown more when
Pojo puts up my new pics *Smile*) But now is the
time for reviews, not video reviews!
Today's card is a fun new version of Jiraiya as a
T3, something that makes him pretty fun and another
early game user of all the Rasengans. But let's
check out it's stats, shall we:
T3 HC1 Lightning/Fire
Leaf l Male l Genin l Name: Jiraiya
5/2 4/0 CA: Oil
Set 16: Rare
Those are some nice stats! It has a hand cost,
but even with that, it's totally worth it. Having
the name Jiraiya, it has the ability to use some
later game cards that Jiraiya has; not as fun as
Tsunade's jutsu, but still. Oil does help a bit, and
genin makes this card awesome in NVS decks. Lacking
mental hurts in this new enviroment, but Lightning
never had the best mental, so it's not a huge issue.
But let's check out it's effect, shall we:
Valid: This ninja gets +1/+1 for each of your other
injured Ninjas.
Valid: When your opponent deploys a Ninja card, you
can move 1 card with a Lightning Symbol in your
Discard Pile to your Chakra area.
He gets stronger when you have injured ninjas
out? Nice, especially in lightning where most ninja
are as good or better while injured. That right
there is pretty cool, and his other effect is even
better. Getting chakra back whenever your opponent
plays a ninja helps pay for Lightning's expensive
jutsu habit. As of now, I don't think there's any
ninja that burn chakra in lightning other than the
new 4th Hokage, but with him and Little J out there,
you could easily spam marking coins and just have
your Yellow Flash fly around the battle field. The
only thing this card loses points on is not having
an effect that helps out fire, despite being part
fire. Both Tsu and Oro have effects that aren't
limited to their elements, but this card helps out
only lightning in the chakra department. If it just
allowed you to pull back any chakra, I could see
this being staple in fire decks.
Limited: 3/5 Big, can get bigger, and decent
Constructed: 3.25/5 Slightly better here, and a good
Block: 3.25/5 Just as strong here.
Art: Jiraiya just looks awesome as a kid, and his
jacket is just sweet. He's probably the coolest kid
in school!/5

cupcakes |
2/17 N-719 Jiraiya
Today's card is one of my favorite's from this
set, Jiraiya (Childhood) and he is quite the
powerhouse if you ask me. First off, he's 5/2 and
4/0 on turn 3 which is pretty good for the drop but
his effect makes him even stronger; he gets +1/+1
for each of your injured ninjas. He can gain power
quickly due to this since lightning players should
always have an injured Naruto and Konohamaru on the
field and those two alone make him 7/4... in NvS
decks, this will be an auto victory. His second
effect allows you to send a lightning card from the
discard pile to your chakra area; a decent effect if
you ask me...and it can combo well with yesterday's
Both of his effects are Valid which gives him a
slight edge over the other childhood Sanin (which I
hope we get to review) in my opinion.
Limited: 2.5/5 Two elements help curve the hand
cost and he has good stats... his second effect is
sorta useless here though.
Constructed: 3.75/5 He's really good in any
lightning deck, except maybe Rasengan... he fills up
the 3 drop which should belong Naruto [MTHT] and you
can't have Jiraiya [IOTHT] out while he is...
although his effect helps get more chakra for more