Beastly Mage |
Welcome to another week of reviews, Naruto Fans!
Today's card is a new version of Doggy-Boy himself,
Kiba. This Kiba is somewhat reminiscent of the first
Akamaru that came out. But, rather than needing an
Akamaru, all you need is a Ninja Dog out to put him
in play for free. Other good effect: he gives Animal
Ninjas growth coins when he's sent out to battle
with them, not just Ninja Dogs. This is one Ninja
that will really go well in Animal Decks
(particularly Mill decks). Try it and see!
Limited: 3/5 (if you can draft an Akamaru)
Constructed: 3/5
Art: Better than before.../5 |
Mayur V. |
Hello everyone, my name is Mayur, and this is
my first review for Naruto Card of the Day!!!
Anyways, I apologize if my first few reviews are not
very consistent in terms of layout. I will be using
the first few reviews to determine the most
effective format for me to use. I think this time, I
will analyze everything
(stats/effect/characteristics/etc.) separately, then
give my overall impression of the card. Anyways, I
am really excited to do this, so let's get started.
Today's card is from the new set, Foretold Prophecy,
Kiba Inuzuka [Reliable Partner].
Stats: His healthy stats of 3/2 and injured stats of
2/1 are pretty solid for a turn 2 ninja. Also, fire
decks do not have too many good fire ninjas with
decent effects and decent stats.
Effect: In the right deck, it can be really good.
Obviously, you have to run enough ninja dogs to use
his first effect consistently. However, even if you
have to deploy him, he is still good in any deck
that uses lots of animals. His second effect is
reminiscent of Shikamaru (Thinking Mode), except
Kiba adds growth coins when both attacking and
blocking. In an animal deck, I see this card being a
very strong addition.
Characteristics/ Combat Attribute: Pretty good here.
He has animal, chunin, and growth, allowing him to
play some higher level jutsus, and having synergy
with any "animal" effects. Also, growth never hurts.
Then, the fang CA allows him to use the doggy jutsus.
Overall impressions:
Overall, I like the card in theme decks
involving lots of ninja dogs/ other animals. He is a
nice turn 2 for fire to have, with pretty solid
stats. However, in a general fire deck, or any other
deck, Kiba [Man Beast Clone] is generally the better
option. He lets you search for akamaru, thus letting
you squad into kiba/akamaru on turn 3 almost every
time. Also, the turn 2 entrance cost means he faces
tough competition from cards like Shikamaru
[Unwillingness] and the new Yoroi.
Overall Score:
Constructed: 3/5 <--- Obviously geared towards a
ninja dog/animal deck. Not much use in a non-theme
Limited: 2/5 <--- I think there are a few animal
ninjas in this set, so if you can manage to pull a
couple of them, then he can be pretty good. However,
the chances aren't high for that, so the score
reflects this.