Beastly Mage |
Kabuto Yakushi
Today's card is one that truly
belongs in Orochimaru Decks. This version of Kabuto
prevents Orochimaru from receiving any damage during
the showdown. That's just great! Thing is that the
effect is somewhat situational, but it's still
good.On top of that he's got the stats to back his
effect up (such as Jonin and Medical). This guy
combined with Orochimaru [Master of Every Jutsu]
would make a killer team on their own.
Limited: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Art: Don't anger the Medic!/5
Stone Village Kage |
Nus-073 Kabuto Yakushi
For the final review this week, we go out on a low note with
Michael Jack…err..Orochimaru’s little peon.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of water cards,
especially not Kabuto. Did water really need any
more 5 drops? No way. It’s clogged to the brim with
two better Kabuto, two Zabuza, Kisame, Tayuya, and
Kidomaru. Lets see, there is something good about
this…oh yeah, pay the hand cost for him on turn 5,
then the hand cost for Orochimaru on turn 6 and you
have an infinite chump block team…unless it’s
outstanding. Yeah, in constructed play, this card is
trash. Have to say, I like the art though, he’s
pretty evil looking in that pose.
Constructed: 1/5 (Water has much better to offer.)
Limited: 2/5
Art: 3/5
4th Place
2008 |
Kabuto Yakushi [Orochimaruʼs
Right Hand]
Ending the week with Kabuto, a
turn 5 Water ninja with very mediocre stats. The
effect is why anyone would think about running him.
Pulling off the combo of him and Orochimaru is fine
and dandy but itʼs not worth building a deck around
them. Orochimaru will still be vulnerable to jutsus.
Kabutoʼs effect isnʼt valid either. Definitely try
something else.
Rating: 2/5 |