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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Style: Great Breakthrough
Card Number: 079
Rarity - Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.46
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Wind Style: Great
-4 chakra
Great Breakthrough really isn’t that different from
Water Vortex. So many aspect of this card also
applies to Vortex.
Just like Vortex, Breakthrough has the same
weaknesses. It can be easily counter by cards such
as 8-trigram, another vortex, Sharingan, wind
scythe, or even disguise jutsu (earth). It also
requires a Jounin to play. This card, however, takes
4 chakra.
For 3 wind and 1 anything, you can return every
ninja on the board. This is what sets this card
apart from Vortex. After you return all ninjas in
your opponent’s turn, your opponent would most
likely have to discard; they would have to choose
from the jutsu (mission) they were saving, the
ninjas. You, on the other hand, don’t have to until
the end of your turn. Then during your turn you play
back your jounin and take 2 free battle awards,
assuming you have a 5+ power ninja.
Like water vortex, this card is devastating. Unlike
vortex is the fact that this should strictly be a
defensive card, while Vortex can do both. Again this
dues cost more then vortex, but with wind, you’ll
have a easier time.
Constructed: 3.8/5
Limited: 3.0/5
Beastly Bruin |
Wind Style: Giant
Element: WInd
Cost: Wind(3), Random(1)
Requirements: "Jonin" or higher rank.
Target: Every Ninja.
Effect: Move the target back to the original owner's
The last card of the week is definitely a beast. Of
course, you don't play this outside of a Wind Deck,
and that's the beauty of Naruto CCG, my friends.
Wind Decks are based a lot around control, and this
card is no different. I've won countless duels with
my Wind/Water Deck by activating this on my
opponent's turn, and dropping Zabuza on the field
next turn for a free shot at the last two Battle
Rewards I need to win.
The pros of this card are obvious, clear the field
of any threat. Logic dictates that you wait to
activate this on your opponent's turn, especially if
they're team line-up is decimating yours. Then, once
the board is free, outside of the random (read:
rare) instance where your opponent will have a
counter mission, drop your Ninja and let the board
advantage begin.
The cons, well...that cost and requirement pretty
much insures that you won't be activating this until
later in the game, but honestly, that's about the
only time it's worth it. This card is designed to be
a game winner, or at least a game breaker.
In limited, if you're running a decent amount of
Wind cards, you may want to give this a whirl, but
you really need to have a balanced assortment of
Constructed Wind: 5/5
Limited: 2.5/5 (Cost is a killer)
Art: 2/5
Stegy |
Wind Style: Great
Constructed Review: Hm.. if you're losing pretty bad
then you can drop this and turn the game right
around. Three Wind Chakra and 1 Random Chakra hurts
a lot, though, so you better have something planned
when you drop this bad boy. It's best to use on your
opponent's turn.
They'll attack, you block with a Jonin or higher,
hit the Breakthrough and, next turn, drop a 5+ Power
Ninja and nab 2 free Battle Rewards.
Constructed Rating: 3/5 Helfty cost, but brutal late
Limited Review: No, way too expensive. Although, if
you do get it and
have the Chakra to use it, then you pretty much just
won, lol.
Limited Rating: 2.5/5 Useful, but way too costly.
Apprentice of Anubis |
We wrap up the week with
one of my favorite rare Jutsus, that will probably
never see competitive play, or for at least 2 or 3
sets, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough.
For the Pros, this card clears the field of Every
Ninja and places them back to the owner’s hands. So,
if used during the opponent’s turn, it clears a path
for you to the opponent’s village, and on top of
that, they have to discard until they have the
maximum cards in hand allowed.
Though, as we all know, there’s always a downside to
everything. For one, this card places EVERY Ninja
back into their owner’s hands, meaning all 5-7 of
your Ninjas are bounced back as well. On top of
that, Three Wind Chakra and a Generic is UNGODLY
specific considering how many cards we have that are
Wind Attribute.
Bottom Line: This card, while an Interesting Idea,
only the most dedicated of Wind Control decks can
support it. Perhaps in a couple sets, this card’ll
see play. But as of now, I don’t think it will.
Constructed: 3.5/5 (4/5 if in a dedicated Wind
Limited: 1/5 (No, just…No…Avoid cards like this at
all costs.)

Uberdylan |
Wind Style: Great
This is basically wind's response to Giant Vortex
Jutsu, and it doesn't do quite as good a job.
Whereas Vortex can send only your opponent's team
away, this sends every ninja on the field packing.
However, that means no chump blockers; use this on
your opponent's turn, and if you have 8 rewards,
that's game; they won't have anyone that can use a
As for its actual playability, it loses some points;
there are currently, hmmm...
One wind jonin. And she has no effect and weak
stats. This also has three chakra symbols; a deck
would have to have enough wind to fuel it, and
enough of something else to bring out a jonin.
Constructed/Limited: 3/5 It works in theory, but not
so much in practice.
Art: 1.5/5 Boooooring.
This card review brought to you by Uberdylan. Have a
nice day.

Rakath |
Wind Style: Great
WHAT!? There are more than Ninjas in this game? Who
knew... anyway, this is an impressively expensive
Jutsu that just makes everyone less happy. 4 Cost
(Wind|Wind|Wind|1) to make every ninja on the field
go back to original owner's hand. It also needs the
user to be a Jonin or spiffier. This does lead to
one question of 'why would you sacrifice the field
if you have a Jonin out. The answer is they might
have 5 Jonin out and you don't like it. This is a
deadly thing to pull out on someone, especially if
they have some reliance on Teams like [Precious
Fellow] NaruSasuSaku or [Formation] InoShikaCho
This is mostly a Fire/Wind or a Water/Wind deck
card. Wind puredecks don't have enough users for it,
and would perfer to keep their field full. It's a
nice ace that could end badly depending on the
Disguise Jutsu ruling.
Constructed Rating (Wind hybrid): 4.5/5
Limited Rating: 1/5 (Not nearly enough easy access
Jonin rank ninjas considering this is a Rare. You'd
need to be doing a mix Path/Coils Limited).

Big Daddy
Skeletor |
Friday has come, and today
we review Wind Style: Great Breakthrough.
Element: WIND
Jutsu Cost: 3 WIND, 1 Generic
Requirements: "Jonin" or higher Rank
Target: Every Ninja
Effect: Move the target back to its original pwner's
We get the game's first equivalent to Wrath of God.
(if you don't play magic, its a card that murders
the field for cheap) Very WIND Chakra Intensive, so
it secludes itself to WIND Decks. The card should be
only be used in copies of 1 in WIND Decks, and no
more, you don't want it clogging your hand. However,
if this card is played at the right time, it can
give you massive field advantage, which is Key in
this game at this point. if you play this, play it
Constructed: 3/5 - Killer in the right deck, Crap in
the wrong ones.
Limited: 1/5 - its too reliant on WIND Chakra for
Limited. it wont see play.

Inaba the White Rabbit |
Hello, card of the day
readers! I am back from yesterday, here's the
If you pay any attention to names, then you may
notice I am a new reviewer. I am Inaba the white
Rabbit, at your service. You may see me doing card
of the days in the near future, but for now, I am
here to give you a review of the card Wind Style:
Great Breakthrough!
Jutsu - Wind
Wind Style: Great Breakthrough
Wind / Wind / Wind / Rainbow
Requirments: "Jonin" or higher Rank.
Target: Every Ninja
Effect: Move the target back its original owners
This Jutsu is one of those cards where it seems like
they tried to balance it a bit too much - just like
most Yu-Gi-Oh Cards aside from the ones with the
most dangerous effects.
First off, you need a Jonin, which means that, if
you can somehow pull this off, that you will lose
your long awaited Jonin. Second, this costs massive
chakra - three winds and 1 rainbow chakra, as I call
Truth be told, many wind cards are to good to pass
up when drawn, and the few wind missions/jutsus you
get will be using up wind chakra, making this card a
better canidate for chakra than for actually being
used. The chances of you succesfully using this
card, unless in a deck primarily based around it,
are slim to none.
Now that we've looked at the balancings, if that's
what they should be called, we get to look at it's
incredible effect: return every ninja to their
owners hand. Deadly in it's own rite, but will it
even help you? chances are, if you have enough wind
Chakra available to use this, then you are giving
you opponent a thorough woopin'. And if you are,
then why return your best ninjas to your hand?
This card, for the massive chakra it costs, is just
not worth it sometimes. Sure that Zabuza is getting
returned to their hand, but how long will it take
them before they get another water chakra card for
it, if you didn't already return 1 to their hand?
Plus, keep in mind it hurts you, too.
Overall, I wouldn't use this card, unless their is
some fatal combo I am missing, which I am almost
posotive I am. But solely, without other cards, this
card get's the following ratings:
Constructed: 2/5, will you ever actually use it, and
if you do, will it help you?
Booster Draft: 1/5, just try and get enough winds to
back this up, I dare ya'.
Sealed Draft: 1.5/5, increased a .5 of a point
because of slightly easier acces to wind cards,
through starter decks.
This is Inaba the White Rabbit, see ya later!