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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Gaara of
the Desert
Card Number: 058
Rarity - Super Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.35
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Gaara of the desert (auto
-good stats
-bad effect
To tell you the truth, Gaara I my favorite character
in Naruto. After seeing this card, it made me sad
how bad it is. May as well, because the effect of
the card suits his personality too well.
Gaara don’t care about others; therefore, when he is
attacked, he uses his human shield. Basically he
takes the ninjas you have and kills it
automatically. Also note that this effect is not
optional, so your opponents can simply throw in some
fireballs at Gaara and force you to kill your
ninjas. This is not always a bad thing. Ninjas such
as Kaede serve it’s purpose once it is out. You will
find that sometimes there are ninjas you want to get
rid of but can’t. Gaara is a good way to do it.
It is not all bad. He does have the best turn 2
power so far in the game, as well as arguably the
fastest wind ninja out. So if you like Gaara and so
happens to have him, use him and have fun. I
wouldn’t count on him to win you many games though.
This version of Gaara isn’t the best, obliviously.
On the sets to come, other Gaara will be available.
Those versions, however, can be competitive.
Construction: 3.0/5
Limited: 2.5/5 (you’ll find yourself short of ninja
to sacrifice.)
Stegy |
Lemme tell you what, guys:
college takes up a lot of free time, especially when
you have 19 credit hours!
Gaara of the Desert
Constructed Review: See, people go nuts over this
card because it's Gaara. Who cares what the card
does? It's Gaara! Personally, he's not that good. I
mean, a 4/0 on Turn 2 is really nice, but you could
just go the Super Rare Sasuke Uchiha route and have
a 4/0 on Turn 1. Gaara does have a few Jutsus made
just for him, so that's always nice, but it doesn't
really improve his effectiveness as an overall
Constructed Rating: 2/5 4/0 is nice, but hurting
other Ninja aren't.
Limited Review: Well, if you manage to pull him then
use him. He's a 4/0 BEAST! Not too many Ninja can
deal with him.
Limited Rating: 3/5 4/0 Turn 2? Yes, please!
Beastly Bruin |
Gaara of the Desert [Auto
Element: Wind
Turn: 2
Power: 4/0 (Healthy) 2/0 (Injured)
Sand | Genin | Male
Effect: Valid: If this ninja receives damage, reduce
the damage by 1. Then discard one of your in-play
ninjas (excluding this ninja).
I want this card SOOOO bad. I run a Water/Wind
hybrid, and I really want to add this. Quick sad
story: Up until last week, I hadn't bought any Coils
boosters because I live in Louisiana and we get
everything late. Well, I had saved up a grip of cash
so that when they did show up, I could buy a bunch.
My friend calls one day and brags about how he
finally got his first 12 boosters...(he got an
Orochimaru). The next day, I go to my local Wally
World and low and behold...24 boosters waiting for
me! So, I drop the hundred plus and purchase them. I
call my friend and he begs me to save him 5 packs. I
open my 19 boosters and only pull a Sakura's
Decision. I take him his 5 packs, and in the last
one he opens, he pulls a FOIL GAARA!!!!!! Friendship
Anyhoot, the last ruling I read on this card pretty
much stated that outside of an Outstanding Victory
or some awesome Jutsu card, this card is virtually
indestructible. His discard effect isn't a cost, so
reducing damage can happen at any time.
He's a turn 2 powerhouse, and he has no support.
Anyone whose actually seen the anime should know
why. Gaara cares about no one but himself, so why
would he support anyone?
While I wouldn't rush to take a Demon Brother out to
replace him, he's not too bad of a splash if you
need the extra early fire power, or just constant
field presence.
You won't see him in Limited, but if you're a lucky
SOB, run him.
Constructed Wind: 4/5
Constructed: 4/5
Limited: Yeah right.../5
(By the way, I've since then pulled a Foil ANBU...yay
Apprentice of Anubis |
today we review one of my least favorite super
rares, Gaara of the Desert [Auto Guard], seeing
as my review of Ibiki Morino [First Proctor]
didn’t seem to make it to the front page.
Okay, for the
Pro’s side of him, he has a HUGE attack compared
to other Turn 2 characters (With the exception
going to Sasuke Uchiha [Power of the Curse
Mark])…And that’s about all I see that’s going
for him, sadly.
Now for the
long list of Cons that we get with this card.
For one, he has 0 Support, unlike the majority
of Turn 2 cards (Chunin Ninjas.). On top of
that, His effect of Sacrificing a Ninja to
reduce the damage done to him. I’ll be brutally
honest here, this is where Gaara starts to
REALLY get bad. I took one look at him the
first time around and just thought “Human
Sacrifice Jutsu? Alright!”. Now I see that his
ability’s more of a hindrance then a helper.
While you’re keeping him on the field. You’re
constantly losing Ninjas due to his effect.
Bottom Line:
He’s a nice, shiny card to have…but when all’s
said and done, he’s just a poorly planed Super
Limited: 2/5 (5/5 if you’re rare
drafting. Take this bugger and throw his butt on
J) |

Uberdylan |
Gaara of the Desert: Auto
Sorry I've been gone so long; mucho homework and
things to do. But now I'm back! Hooray for me!
Anyhoo, lets look at their first attempt at Gaara,
the sand punk. (Admit it; he's a punk.) 4/2 2/2 is
good for turn two; automatically sacrificing a ninja
is not. Anytime he would be damaged, you have to
give up a ninja; this can be good or bad. They can
force you to sacrifice some guys you want more than
him (especially if he was injured somehow) unless
you keep up a steady stream of fodder. It can be
good in the hands of a skilled player. The third
hokage can also really screw him over, although you
could just send him... No mental power is bad, but
he has some good support.
Limited: 4/5 I'm invincible! ... Hello? Is anyone
Constructed 4/5
Art: 3.5/5 Yep, he's a punk, alright. Why doesn't
anyone ever do anything when they pose?
This card review brought to you by Uberdylan. Have a
nice day.

Rakath |
Gaara of the Desert (Auto
Ahh, the insane boy that launched a thousand
fanfictions... It's Gaara. Right now he is 1 of the
2 Genin ninjas we have in a universal Turn 2 form.
Later on we get an earlier Turn Gaara, but he's not
as cool. Sand Combat is not generic, and is the
requirement for use of Gaara Jutsu cards. This is
good as it means Gaara can be out as "Shooting Star"
and still have Jutsu cards, unlike some ninjas that
have a name requirement attached. Wind is a standard
for all Sand nin, and his stats for a turn 2 are
nice at 4/0 - 2/0. The stats alone make him Wind
But wait, he has an effect. Reduce the damage by 1,
then kill a ninja you control. Wait, kill your own
ninjas to keep this guy alive, why do that? Well,
for starters it's an if-then relationship. You don't
NEED to kill one of your own ninjas for the effect
to happen if Gaara is standing strong on his own.
Second you can run a bunch of pathetic uneeded
ninjas like Udon Moegi, and the Genjutsu trio that
can easily be sacrificed to ichibi for this 4/0
behemoth. However the sad part is this effect is not
optional and will go off each time he gets hit for
He's strong, but you'll get better Gaara cards later
(sooner than you think).
Sabaku no Gaara rating: 2/5 (October 28th says he
goes into binders.)
Constructed Rating (Wind): 3/5 (5/5 till the 28th)
Limited Rating: 1/5 or X/5 (X is equal to the number
of souls sacrificed to a demonic being to get the
luck to pull not just A super at an event, but THIS
Art rating: 3/5 (6800/5 if you are a horrid raving
Gaara fanatic.)
Big Daddy
Skeletor |
The COTD for Thursday is
Gaara of the Desert, Auto Guard!
Element: WIND
Entrance Cost: 2
Hand Cost: 0
Healthy: 4/0
Injured: 2/0
Combat Type: Sand
Effect: VALID: If this Ninja recieves Damage, reduce
the Damage by 1. Then, discard 1 of your in-play
Ninjas (except this Ninja)
Wow... for his entrance cost, he has amazing lead
for both Healthy and Injured. His effect is nice, if
he is all that's in play, he can take Regular losses
on his own. I would say he longs in a deck with his
buddies built around his family, Temari, and Kankuro,
but if you cna make room for him in another deck,
you wont be disappointed. He does deliver.
Constructed: 3.4/5 - A solid choice here.
Limited: 4/5 - you cant ever find this type of
stupidness in Limited too much, if you get him, run
him, he can singlehandedly stall, for break through
for early game.

Inaba the White Rabbit |
Gaara, of the Desert:
Hello, card of the day readers! if you pay any
attention to names, then you may notice I am a new
reviewer. I am Inaba the white Rabbit, at your
service. You may see me doing card of the days in
the neer future, but for now, I am here to give you
a review of the card Gaara, of the Desert!
Ninja - Wind
Gaara of the Desert
2 turn Cost - 0 Hand Cost
[Auto Guard]
Valid: If this ninja recieves Damage, reduce the
Damage by 1. Then, discard one of your in-play
ninja's (except this ninja)
Healthy: 4/0
Injured: 2/0
"Sand" Combat Attribute
Super Rare.
Now, this is a good card. Gaara has the power to
heal himself of one damage at the expense of one of
your ninjas. Furthermore, Gaara has 4 combat on turn
two, making him stronger (but not better than, due
to his lack of support) than the demon brothers, on
the same turn.
Gaara has a big downside that you may not relize
after first reading his effect, however. His healing
is mandatory. Or in other words, you MUST heal him,
and you MUST kill one of your ninjas. This means
Gaara should in general only be sent out to battle
if you have excess ninja's sitting around doing
nothing while you have 1-2 jonins doing all the
When injured, unlike sasuke, Gaara is actually
pretty decent. however, you really don't have to
worry about his injured stats, since he will most
likely never be injured, since even if you reduce
damage given to Gaara by Zabuza [Demon of the Cloud
Village] to 1 damage Gaara will still die.
His sand Combat attribute means that he can use
opening of the third eye and sand coffin, both good
jutsus in their own right.
Overall, Gaara is a very good card that can be
usefull in most decks, escpecially ones revoling
around him.
Constructed: 4/5, a great card to use.
Booster Draft: 2/5, like you will ever get this, and
even if you do, how many ninjas will you have to
back it up?
Sealed Draft: 3/5, a wee bit bit better here becuase
you can buy a starter deck for the ninja's you need,
but worse than in constructed for the same reasons
as booster Draft.
This is Inaba the White Rabbit, see ya later!