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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Element: Earth
Turn: 3
Power: 3/2 (Healthy) 2/1 (Injured)
Leaf | Special Jonin | Male |
Proctor | Mental Power: 1
Effect: When this ninja is battling against
the opponent as the attacker, this ninja's team and
the opponent's team perform a mental battle. |
proctor]Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 4.25
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Ibiki Moreno (first
Well I'm sure yesterday's COTD is confusing, so
today we have something fresh. This card creates a
new type of deck possible, and it's very competitive
as well.
=activates mental
=good support
-bad defense
-low mental
This card is part of the reason why mental decks won
at Gencon 2006 (the other part is that COTS just
came out). Basically this card lets you start a
mental battle when a team he's in attacks. With
cards like Shikamaru and Sakura, you can have a
total of 8 mental power every time. This card's
effect only triggers when its team is battling
against an opposing team, so if you hit directly,
then you would most likely only get 1 battle award.
That's one problem with this card.
Another problem is that this card can't defend
against big power teams. This problem will be solve
in the next set, something to look forward to. This,
unfortunately isn't the biggest problem. This card,
which activates mental, and the card that allow you
activate mental when defending, both only has 1
mental power. In other words, the best mental team
you can make with both of them is 6. Your opponents
can easily have a mental power of 8 in their side
deck, or even 10. More importantly, it is a turn 3
ninja, which I consider late for his stats.
This card is a must for mental decks. As for the
mental side deck others may bave, there is always
jutsu to counter.
Constructed: 4.5/5 (mental)
2.5/5 (all the rest)
Limited: 4.0/5
Ace |
Hey, Naruto fans!
ZanarkandAce back after a short break to bring you
today's Card of the Day: Ibiki Moreno
Ibiki Moreno
Leaf/Special Jounin/Male/Proctor/Mental Power: 1
3 Turn Cost
0 Hand Cost
3/2 Healthy
2/1 Injured
First Proctor: When this ninja is battling against
the opponent as the attacker, the teams preform a
mental power battle instead. ((Paraphrased...))
Alright. I like Ibiki just for the reason that if
your opponent doesn't pack any Mental Power cards,
then Ibiki is a constant winner. Being a 3/2 isn't
all that bad, but that won't really be looked at. If
you are looking at that as attack stats with him in
front, then you are silly! Unfortunatly, he doesn't
have more Mental Power. He's the first proctor, and
he's only a Mental Power of 1? That's just odd. But
it's alright, especially if he is being supported by
Shikamaru [Formation!] and perhaps a Sakura. That's
a strong team that's going to be winning a lot if
your opponent didn't think to use Mental Power...
Constructed: 4/5 as long as you are really backing
Mental Power. 3/5 otherwise
Limited: 3.5/5 Odds are, if you are drafting these
packs in which you can get an Ibiki, you will be
coming up against Mental Power... Sakura abound, and
Shikamaru isn't all that hard to come by.
Ninja Lesson of the day: Kunai. Yes, Kunai, and not
Kunai Knife that Orochimaru mentioned in the manga
when he gave it back to Anko... Kunai is basically
an all purpose tool. It can be used as a knife, a
projectile, and heck. Kakashi used it to hold off
Zabuza's sword. Kunai are really all purpose!
Beastly Bruin |
Ibiki Morino [First
Element: Earth
Turn: 3
Power: 3/2 (Healthy) 2/1 (Injured)
Leaf | Special Jonin | Male | Proctor | Mental
Power: 1
Effect: When this ninja is battling against the
opponent as the attacker, this ninja's team and the
opponent's team perform a mental battle.
Ibiki is a must for the Mental Decker out there.
Practically forces your opponent to engage you in a
battle of the minds, even if they don't have Mental
power ninjas. Go to any tourney if you need to see
how powerful Mental Power decks are.
Ibiki has decent power for a 3-Drop, but not
spectacular. He's right on par with the Demon
Brothers, and they come out a turn earlier. This
makes him a consideration for Mental Decks only.
Other Earth builds will probably look elsewhere for
Short review for an obvious card...
(Sidenote: If you don't run a Mental Power deck, you
should still be running ninja with mental power, and
siding for such an encounter.)
Constructed Mental: 5/5
Constructed Earth Build: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5 (Good Mental power cards are uncommon
and up...harder to build)

Rakath |
Ibiki Moreno (First
This is one of the harshest things to maim the
Zabuza kills all deck to show up yet. But that's his
effect, let's go with his standings first. This guy,
like Third Hokage and most Proctors has a Ninjutsu
combat, which does NOTHING. He's a turn 3 Special
Jonin/Proctor with a mental power of 1. 3/2 - 2/1 is
not game killing, but it isn't bad. However 9
attacks out of 10 he's not using his mental combat
See, his effect is that when he's the offensive team
he instantly makes combat Mental Power. This effect
kicks in during the showdown step if Ibiki is not
dead or injured at that time. Since this is a
non-valid effect. All you need to end this is any
means to make him Injured before the Showdown.
However Mental combat is a death sentence for most
Zabuza based Water/Fire decks, and is unfun in
general for all non-mental decks (except for
InoShikaCho decks, as they have Shikamaru
He's a staple in the deck he was made for, and not
too helpful elsewhere.
Ibiki Morino rating: 1000000000000/5 (He's the only
one as far as I know. And if there is a second we
won't see it for a LONG time.)
Constructed Rating (Mental): 5/5 (STAPLE.)
Limited Rating: 5/5 (2/5 on your chances to get
Art: 3.5/5 (That coat rocks, 'nuff said.)
Big Daddy
Skeletor |
Wednesday, the middle day
of the week... and i'm itiching to do another COTD,
so lets do one right now. Lets look at Ibiki Morino,
First Proctor
Element: EARTH
Entrance Cost: 3
Hand Cost: 0
Mental Power: 1
Healthy: 3/2
Injured: 2/1
Combat Type: Ninjutsu
Leaf/Special Jonin/Male/Proctor
When this Ninja is Battling against the opponent as
the Attacker, this Ninja's Team and the opponent's
Team perform a Mental Power Battle.
Temari: Its Ib-
::Everyone screams::
Ibiki: Ah ha ha ha ha haaa!!!! ooooh!! I love that
one!! (joke from True Naruto Style)
for a Turn 3 Ninja, he doesn't have a lot going for
him. His mediocre stats get outdone easily by
others, such as various forms of Iruka. his forcing
a Mental Battle on people could be worth it if you
build around him, but Mental Battles dont seem
strong enough after only 1 set. PLUS, his Mental
Power is kind of low for his cost. Even if you
decided to build with Mental Power in mind, he just
doesn't cut it. Don't play him at all.
Constructed: 1/5 - Worthless
Limited: 3/5 - He will see play here due to the fact
that there isnt a lot of options to use. At least
that 3 Combat will come in handy.
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we look at one of
my favorite cards from the Coils of the Snake, Ibiki
Morino [First Proctor]
First up, a quick stat rundown.
Ibiki Morino
Entry Cost: 3 | Hand Cost: 0
Leaf | Special Jonin | Male | Proctor | Mental Power
[First Proctor]
When this Ninja is battleing against the opponent as
the Attacker, this Ninja’s Team and the opponent’s
Team perform a Mental Power Battle.
Healthy: 3/2 | Injured: 2/1 | Ninjutsu
As most can see, this guy can be a powerhouse if
used correctly. The 3 Entry cost is DEFINITELY a
nice sight with so many 4’s and 5’s being played.
Being a Special
Jonin makes him able to use certain Jutsu that can
be pretty fun to tinker around with, such as Twin
Snake Sacrifice Jutsu. On top of that, being a
Proctor, while not being much, allows him to use
Proctor-Only Jutsu, such as Evil Illusion:
Misleading Jutsu. While it isn’t much, it’s nice to
have options open.
On top of all of that, you have some decent stats
for a 3rd turn drop. Though his stats are easily
matched by the turn 2 The Demon Brothers
Meizu/Gouzu, his ability makes up for it 10 fold.
The great thing about this one is that you can
effectively make the opponent’s team power go from
13 to 1 just by attacking and causing a Mental Power
The only real Con I can see about this guy’s effect
is that (A), it’s not Valid and (B), it only kicks
in when Ibiki’s team attacks. Though, a card this
interesting, they’d have to make it suck in some
way. Too bad they didn’t do too good a job of it
though. J
Constructed: 4/5
Constructed (Mental Power Battle): 5/5
Limited: 3/5 (Don’t focus TOO much on Mental Power
here. Just kick the crap out of the enemy.)