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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
The Third
Governor] At the beginning of your turn, you may
discard 1 card in your Chakra area to heal 1 of your
injured Ninjas.
Card Number: 013
Rarity - Uncommon
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
The Third Hokage
There are 2 versions of this, so since there is no
review for Monday, I’m going to review both. It will
be brief.
Village Governor
-4 support
-not valid
-turn 6, discard
Well this card lets you heal if you discard a chakra
BEFORE you draw. This is very important, and many
have suffered due to this mistake. As far as I know,
this is the only fire card that lets you heal.
Beginning of the Chunin Exam
-mass removal
-mental power
-support 4
-affect both sides
-turn 6, discard
This potentially wipes out your opponent’s ninja
teams. The effect does apply to your side of the
field as well, and includes ninjas such as Anbu and
Haku (not a specific class). Although unlikely, this
can turn the game around in your favor, but by turn
6, both players would have jounins out already, and
less genin or lower on the field, if any. He does
have the highest mental power among all fire ninjas.
Both copies of Hokage is turn 6 and requires 1
discard. Both has 6/4 and both are fire. Both copies
have devastating effects. In fact they are really
the 2 extremes. Choosing which one to play is very
hard, so it all depends on your opponent’s deck.
Nevertheless this is the only turn 6 ninja out so
Constructed [Village Governor]: 4.5/5
Constructed [Beginning of the Chunin Exam]: 4.3/5
Limited [Village Governor]: 4.0/5
Limited [Beginning of the Chunin Exam]: 4.0/5

Rakath |
The Third Hokage (Village
I'm reviewing a Fire staple (practically) The Third
Hokage, Village Governor. He's our first of many
Satoosa/Sannin/Village Leader ranked ninjas to make
an entire decktype work. Fact is only deck to not
have a ninja of that level in the Japanese game is
Earth. His Ninjutsu combat type does NOTHING (for
those that don't know, Ninjutsu is the 'generic'
combat type), and his Turn 6 Hand 1 makes him a long
ways off from center stage.
However, he's a Turn 6 for a reason, he has 6/4
Healthy 4/2 Injured and a 1 chakra cost healing
ability. Note on the ability (and all other
Beginning of turn abilities), beginning of your turn
happens BEFORE you draw your card for the turn. So
if you lost all your chakra last round due to some
insane effect usage, tough. Thankfully (for the
non-fire decks) and sadly (for the fire decks) he is
not valid, he can't heal himself.
As a Third Hokage he definitly takes a front seat
over his super rare form, which just kinda mangles
fields in a manner that only hurts Mental decks
(more on that later).
Sandaime Hokage rating: 4/5
Constructed Rating (Fire): 4/5
Limited Rating: 2.5/5 (Hurt by Turn 6 and hand cost,
however you play what you can get.)
Art: 1/5 (Sorry, but the old man hokage is boring.)
Big Daddy
Skeletor |
The Third Hokage [
Beginning of The Chunnin Exams]
Entrance Cost: 6
Hand Cost: 1
Mental Power: 3
Healthy: 6/4
Injured: 4/2
Combat Type: Ninjutsu
Effect: When this Ninja is put into play, both
players must discard in-play Ninjas until each
player's total number of "Genin" and no Rank Ninjas
is 3 or less.
For his Cost... he has beastly stats. This
incarcation of the Third Hokage's effect isnt too
great, although it can help out. Mental Power is
good, but wait for a couple more sets for the
mechanic to flourish. If you are going to use a
Third Hokage in your decks, use the one from path to
Hokage. it has a better effect for the same cost,
and you can use it every turn.
Constructed: 2.5/5 - could have uses, but as of now,
there is a better Third out there
Limited: 5/5 - If you play this, you win hands down,
a solid nasty in Limited.
Stegy |
The Third Hokage
Constructed Review: Now this is a beast. A 6/4 Turn
6 Ninja who can Heal any other Ninja for only one
Chakra at the beginning of your turn? Yeah yeah,
I'll take that. He's above a Jonin rank, too, so he
can use all of the nifty Jonin Jutsu!
Constructed Rating: 4/5 Absolutely a beast.
Limited Review: Hm.. an Uncommon 6/4 Ninja with no
side effects other than needing 1 Fire card to get
out and waiting until Turn 6? Yeah, you play this
card and you pretty much win. lol
Limited Rating: 4/5 "Ï'll play The Third Hokage."
"..I'll fold."