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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Card Number: 060
Rarity - Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 4
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Temari (Violent Temper)
-turn 1
-2 support
-discard effect
- mental power
-no injure stats
-no valid
Today we visit one of the most use cards in the new
set, and for good reasons. She seems to fit in
Being a turn 1 ninja is actually not too bad of a
thing, considering the fact that this ninja is all
about supporting others. In other words, the 2
support she has is meant to be a back ninja for a
turn 0 ninja. These days, that turn 0 ninja is more
or less Sasuke in Coils. On the other hand, a
discarding ability really only exist in couple of
cards out so far, very unique, and deadly. A team of
5 power, possible 6, that can discard your
opponent’s cards, on turn 2 is wonderful. No wonder
why it is the most popular play in tournaments.
So do you stop her taking your cards one by one?
Injuring her is your safest bet. Once she is
injured, she has no stats and no ability, in other
words, a free block. Another way is to return her
using 8-trigram, Giant Vortex, or even Great
Breakthrough, even that seems like a waste.
But wait, she has 1 mental power, even when she is
injured. This is extremely helpful in mental decks,
especially when it is wind ninja. If you are playing
a mental deck, I say this is a must. If you are
playing anything else, Temari is a good choice for
any situation.
Construct: 4.5/5
Limited: 5.0/5
Ace |
Ladies and Gentlemen...
Okay, well, more gentlemen than the ladies today. We
have the Fanboy's Kunoichi (A Kunoichi is a Female
Ninja, for those of you who don't read the japanese
manga.) today! Well, even if she's not your
favorite, she's mine, dang it... Today, we review:
Temari [Violent Temper]
Sand/Genin/Female/Mental Power: 1
1 Turn Cost
0 Hand Cost
0/2 Healthy
0/0 Injured
[Violent Temper] If one of your opponent's Ninjas is
injured by the Attack of this Ninja's Team, your
Opponent must select 1 of the cards in their hand
and discard it.
Now, first things first. Temari is probably the
greatest Genin Kunoichi that they show in the
beginning of Naruto. Well, beginning as in Chuunin
Exam beginning. But the main problem with this card
is that it doesn't capture Temari. Sure, it tells
that she has a violent temper, and mind you, the
effect proves it. But she doesn't have the strength.
Temari in the manga (and this shouldn't be spoilers
as they are starting the Finals of the 3rd exam, if
I remember right) took out Tenten, who is a weapons
First off, this card is a 1 turn cost without the
stats to really back it up. For 1 turn, i want a
little higher attack. If not attack, then a little
more support. Come on. Shikamaru [Lazy Bum] is a 0
turn cost with the same support when healthy, and
MORE support when injured. And he has a worse effect
than her! What's up with that? But, her one saving
grace is that she does have SOME mental power. She
can be put in the back of a team with a Shikamaru
[Formation] and have some decent support added to a
team, and with Shikamaru, they are a great pair for
mental battles. Don't get me wrong. There are better
choices for mental battles. She does come with her
own Jutsu that negates any Jutsu, unless they pay 2
chakra to negate her jutsu. That's a great addition
in and of itself. She's a wind, which makes her a
bit of a setback. The other plus with her, though,
is the fact that she really gives a sense of Hand
Control to the team. When the leader of her team,
because we all know that with 0 Power, she won't be
leading any teams any time soon, does some damage,
and injured an opponent's ninja, they have to
discard a card. Can we say Hand Control?
Constructed: 2.5/5 If you make a deck that has a lot
of high hitters, and support her a little too, it
can get some decent use.
Limited: 3/5 If you use her for her support, then
she is better. In this case, this would be the
case.... Or something like that....
Art: 5/5 cause that stance is so Temari, and Temari
is my favorite Kunoichi!
Lesson for the Day: Kunoichi = Female Ninja. Now
when I say Kunoichi in the future, you should know
what it means.
Stegy |
Today we look at Temari
[Violent Temper]. Mmm.. daddy like.
Constructed Review: Temari is now the new Shikamaru
Nara [Lazy Bum].
Sure, she comes out on Turn 1, but so what? She's a
0/2, 0/0 Female Genin and when the team she is on
Attacks and does damage to another Ninja, your
opponent has to discard 1 card from his/her hand.
That's awesome! A nice combo that has been
discovered is the Sasuke Uchiha [#1 Rookie]/Temari
team. This basically forces your opponent to block
5 Power team if they have 2+ teams in play. That
gives you a major advantage early game.
Constructed Rating: 4/5 Would be higher if she was
at least a 0/1 Injured and her effect was Valid, but
then she'd pwn way too hard.
Limited Review: Mm.. yeah. Pick her or else. XD
Limited Rating: 4/5
Beastly Bruin |
Temari [Violent Temper]
Element: Wind
Turn: 1
Power: 0/2 (Healthy) 0/0 (Injured)
Sand | Genin | Female | Mental Power: 1
Combat Att.: Weapon
Effect: When 1 of your opponent's ninjas is injured
by the attack of this ninja's team, your opponent
must select 1 of the cards in their hand and discard
Don Zaloog, anyone? Okay, not quite, but you can see
the similarities. Wait...is that a Dark Scorpion
tattoo on her...naa...it isn't.
Anyway, I like this card. Everyone else likes this
card (unless it's being used against you). Mental
power is present. Killer support is present. Element
that gained a big boost from CotS is present. Hand
depleting effect of doom is present.
I'm not feeling the Injured stats, but it's a bit
understandable. She's splashable, and that's
actually a plus. There are so many decks that she
could give a boost. She's versatile, but she's not
She doesn't belong in every deck, but she could fit
in just about any deck with the space.
Constructed (Wind/Mental/etc.): 4.3/5
Limited: You run this/5
Art: 4/5 (I always thought she was a cutey-pie)
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we look at Temari
[Violent Temper], the better counterpart to
Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum].
Entry Cost: 1 | Hand Cost: 0
Sand | Genin | Female | Mental Power: 1
[Violent Temper]
If 1 of your opponent’s Ninjas is injured by the
attack of this Ninja’s team, your opponent must
select 1 of the cards in their hand and discard it.
“Fine…I’m not involved in any of this, Okay?”
On the Pro’s side, she has got the same stats as
Shikamaru while being able to send her into battle
on her own, she has a Mental Power of 1, which saves
her team from a total mental defeat from
Ino-Shika-Cho. Plus, she’s got a nice little Discard
ability to boot, definitely making her a decent turn
1 choice. But, that isn’t to say she’s flawless.
For one, that Discard ability that we’ve seen? It
only activates when this ninja’s team wins a battle.
On top of which, her effect will only activate when
her team attacks and does nothing when blocking. On
top of all that, her effect isn’t even Valid Also,
she’s a Turn 1 as opposed to a Tune 0 with the same
stats, just that this one can attack.
Constructed: 4/5
Constructed (Wind Deck): 5/5
Limited: 5/5 (One of the best supporters you’ll find
in Coils of the Snake, in my opinion.) |

Rakath |
Temari (Violent Temper)
Ah, the new Lazy Bum. See, Shikamaru was loved for
having a 2 Support. Temari has a 2 support and Hand
Control, what isn't to love? She lacks the turn 0 or
having any stats at all when injured (but her effect
is more fun and she can chump block unlike Shikamaru).
The ruling is 'attack by this Ninja's Team' means
Damage in the showdown, Ninja effects, and Jutsu
cards. The effect goes off any time your
effect/damage shifts the ninja to Injured Status.
This does not include if you do two damage at the
same time. Two damage at once instantly kills them
and they never reach injured status (if the damage
is reduced before application by Iruka or Gaara,
Temari does go off).
Now then, on the Temari scale she wins by default
for now, however next set... this will change.
Temari rating - 3/5
Constructed (Mill) - 5/5 (Mill will have a huge
addition next set.)
Limited - 4/5 (if you pull her, but she's rare.)