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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Clone Jutsu
Card Number: 061
Rarity - Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 2.15
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Shadow Clone Jutsu (CotS)
-extra ninja
-not affected by escape jutsu
-specific/additional cost
Hey again to Labor Week. For those of you who don’t
have school, well sit tight and enjoy a special
card, at least I think so.
So this card effect lets you add a ninja with the
same name on to your team, and potentially create
greater team power. That is unheard of until Coils
came out. With the help of some other cards, it is
very possible to create ninja teams of 4, 5, or even
10, breaking all the rules of the game. How you say?
Well first you need one Jonin rank ninja and Kankuro,
and then play Puppet Master Jutsu, adding Crow (3rd)
on your team. Then you play Summoning Jutsu, adding
Giant Snake (4th). Then use 3 of this card, adding
3(5,6,7th) more ninja to your team. Lastly, use 3
String control Jutsu, adding 3 more ninja
(8,9,10th). Of course this could be done only when
you have enough Chakra, and using nearly every
single element in the game. Highly not recommended.
I never said this is practical, just fun. The cool
thing about this is that this whole thing is
unaffected by escape jutsu, since you are not adding
or subtracting power value, but simply adding
ninjas. Regardless of how a 10 ninja team is useful,
just using a Shadow Clone on a Kakashi would be
The downside, as there should be, is that you need a
certain chakra to use it, one lighting to be exact.
This is not too bad, considering kunai would solve
the problem nicely. Then there is the second part of
it. The ninja that you use for Shadow Clone is put
into the discard pile. So in the end you are really
using 2 chakra to play Shadow Clone. Nevertheless
it’s a fun card to play around with.
Out of all the Shadow Clone Jutsu, I like this one
the best. I think you might too.
Constructed: 2.0/5
Limited: 1.0/5 (what are the chances you’ll get 2 of
one ninja, pretty much none)
Playdoh Dude |
Shadow Clone Jutsu (061)--
Meh. I'm back for this week, and then I'm going to
Disney World for a week.
You'll miss me won't you! No? Oh well....
This Shadow Clone Jutsu is more like what a Shadow
Clone JUtsu should be. It
allows you to take a Chakra area nin as long as you
have one on the board,
and play it for a turn. But this pushes your current
Head Ninja to the
backlines, which is not a bad thing. Say Kurenai
uses it: her amazing
support is no problem to be pushed back. Should I
play it? Probably not. Its
more of a novelty card: for fun.
CONSTRUCTED: Meh. Again, the other Shadow Clone is
better here. Although why
you would play either, I don't know. 1.5/5
LIMITED: Heck no! When are you going to get three of
the same ninja in
Limited? And three is the most reliable number to
have 1 in play and 1 in
chakra, so you'll want at least 3. Sure, the cost is
amazingly affordable,
but its too risky. 2/5.
ART: 2.5/5. Meh. Its okay, not the best I've seen.
OVERALL: 1.25/5
Ace |
Alright, people!
ZanarkandAce here with the newest Naruto Card of the
Day! Today, we got Naruto's specialty at the
beginning of the series, Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Shadow Clone Jutsu
1 Lightning Chakra cost
Target: 1 Ninja in your Chakra area with the same
name as the user.
Effect: Place the Target as Head Ninja in the user's
Team. The target can be put into play even if there
is a Ninja with the Same Name in your village.
Discard the target at the end of this turn.
Alright! Kage Bunshin no Jutsu the way it was meant
to be! You literally get to clone a ninja in the
team. Granted, it needs to be a team of 2, but you
can think of some great combos with this. 2 Kakashi
and a Shikamaru is one of the first that comes to
mind for me. And the best part is, if you chose one
person that's injured, the Bunshin (Clone) comes in
Healthy. Usually (and I say this, cause it's usually
true) the ninja is stronger healthy then they are
injured. Unless of course you are Naruto. Then you
are stronger when you are hurt. Funny, huh.
I really only see one big drawback in this card, and
it's the fact that it's really not a 1 Chakra cost,
it's a 2 Chakra cost as you use up another chakra to
use it. Second, the Shinobi that you use gets
discarded after, instead of going back to chakra. I
think that this card could have been rare if it let
you send the used bunshin back to the chakra area.
Problem 2, you need to send a shinobi to the chakra
area to use it. No shinobi, no Bunshins. Other than
that, I think that this is quite the good card. A
must for collectors, cause where would Naruto be
without his Kage Bunshin?
Constructed: 3.9/5 I would have given this a 4, but
it's right under. Loses points for the wrongs
mentioned above.
Limited: 3.9/5 Go for it if you got the lightnings
working in the deck, and you happen to get multiple
shinobi's to play.
Art: 4.5/5 for the 3 Bunshins kicking the big dude.
Plus, you get to play "Where's Naruto" and find the
4th Bunshin that's on the card that's hard to see. I
found him, did you?
I'll still give props to D-Hero, but I stood on my
own two feet this time! Take that! ^_^ kidding
Stegy |
Shadow Clone Jutsu (061)
Ah, the card with a picture I have yet to see in the
dub. ;x
Ah, happy Labor Day, all! Go out and have some BBQ
and spend the time with your friends and family. ^_^
Today we look at Shadow Clone Jutsu (061).
Constructed Review: Well, for only one Lightning,
it's pretty good.
You'd probably want to use it on a Ninja with a
decent/high support value, like Kakashi Hatake
[any], The Third Hokage, Kurenai Yuhi, Haku [Super
Rare], etc. What is nice is to use it on your Zabuza
Momochi [Demon of Cloud Village], nab another from
the Chakra area, and cry as your opponent now has
TWO Zabuza to deal with. Also, you can make a pretty
large team--Shadow Clone Jutsu The Third Hokage
[Village Governor] so you'd have another out front,
then have an Orochimaru behind The First Hokage and
a Kurenai Yuhi behind him. That's [does math] 17
Power! woooo!
Constructed Rating: 2.5/5 It's a fun card but the
Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu from the first set is
better. XD
Limited Review: Well, it's kind of hard to pull
multiples in Draft. Of course, if you were lucky
enough to draft 2 Kakashi Hatake/Zabuza Momochi [no
text] or 2 Might Guy or something, this would be
Still, how often is the guy next to you going to
pass you a Foil Zabuza Momochi? ;x
Limited Review: 2/5 I think I'm being a bit generous
here. It just doesn't have as many uses here in
Limited as in Constructed.
Beastly Bruin |
Beastly B here, with a new
week of cards.
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Element: Lightning
Cost: 1 (Lightning)
Target: 1 ninja in your chakra area with the same
name as the user.
Effect: Place the target as the head ninja in the
user's team. The target can be put in play even if
there is a ninja with the same name in your village.
Discard the target at the end of this turn.
I don't really see this card seeing considerable
amounts of competitive play. Don't get me wrong, it
has potential to be deadly. We've all been in
situations where we have a ninja on the field and
the same ninja in our hand. If the ninja on the
field is in no danger, the one in the hand is
typically discarded as chakra. I've sent a few
Zabuzas to the chakra pile, myself. However, this
card would most likely be used on lesser ninja.
It would seem that this card can also be used
defensively. Say you send out a team, confident in
it's ability to win, but your opponent pulls out a
jutsu or two that you hadn't anticipated. If the
requirements are present, this card could save your
head ninja from damage.
The cost isn't too bad, as Lightning is a strong
element, but it's specific symbol cuts down on
You kinda have to plan for this card, because you
need a certain ninja on the field, the same ninja in
your chakra area, and a Lightning symbol (not
including the Target) to spend.
Also, the fact that the ninja you choose has to be
added as the "head" ninja kind of hurts this card's
Constructed: 2/5 (Unless there's some killer combo i
Limited: 2/5 (Too many restrictions to be as
flexable as Limited needs)
Art: 4/5 (I love that sequence)

Uberdylan |
Shadow Clone Jutsu (One of
not two, but THREE cards called Shadow Clone Jutsu!
What the heck!)
Hmmm... Seems useful, but then you realize it's not.
Who is going to use this jutsu? Naruto? Gai? Someone
else? Doesn't matter.
Most of them have a support of 0. Who cares if you
have two Narutos if only one's stats count? Combine
that with the fact that they have to be in your
chakra area, and you have a jutsu that's not only
situational, but useless.
It's also the only Shadow Clone Jutsu that doesn't
give you clone status.
1/5 Nice try, Bandai, but think these things
Art: 3/5 That battle doesn't take place anywhere
except the intro to the show. That's a shame. It's
fun to see ninjas beat up thugs.

Rakath |
Shadow Clone Jutsu (061)
This card is awesome. For 2 chakra (1 Lightning and
the ninja being moved) outta your chakra pool, you
get to put another Ninja onto the head of your team
which bypasses the 1 ninja per name rule. Everyone
on the team is now a back ninja as your new clone is
the head ninja. Your leading clone has an end of
turn death sentance, but you don't care, it has
defensive use of giving you a fall guy when your
team loses (or if you dislike Dosu effect).
Offensively it gives you the ability to use two
effects on 1 ninja.
You're playing an opponent that just sacked all
their chakra for Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu and you
have Kakashi (Confidence), Sakura (No effect), and
Shikamaru (Lazy Bum) (team power 11) and then you
cut in with this Shadow Clone Jutsu and it puts
Kakashi (Copy Ninja at the front of the team). Since
Jutsu revolves reverse, Kakashi (Copy Ninja) leads a
team now of 14 AND the gain from your opponent's
Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu.
Shadow Clone Jutsu rating - 4/5 (Decks that run lots
of REALLY nice effects that are better in sets of
Constructed (Lightning) - 3/5 (It's okay, I love the
card, however it's situational due to the 'ninja in
chakra' rule.)
Limited (Lightning) - 2/5 (The 'ninja in chakra'
thing and 'having two of the same ninja' problems
are more pronouced.)