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Pojo's Naruto Card of the Day
Card Number: 066
Rarity - C
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 2
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Udon [Feature Article]
-low turn cost
-draw power
-mental power
Mmmm, udon is yummy. As for the card, however, I can
not say the same.
It is Moegi all over again, so I'll make it brief.
Udon, too, has no stats. The effect is a bit
dfferent, though. Instead of trying to get a ninja,
you are trying to get a Jutsu card. Why is this
better you ask? Well if you get a jutsu you can
play, you opponent may act differently, make
mistakes, or even not attack. The chances that you
get a jutsu, however, is lower, since decks
typically have less jutsu than ninjas. Another thing
that sets Udon apart from Moegi is that he has
mental power, which means he can better block mental
teams. I can't stress how important this is.
So which one is better? To be honest I think Udon
might be, but they both still pretty bad.
Constructed: 1.5/5
Limited: 1.5/5
Playdoh Dude |
Udon [Feature Article]
Sorry about missing the first two days of my own
review week. I'm at least here for the last 3! Udon
is what I like to call poor mans Shika[F]. He has a
pretty bad effect, only letting you grab a Jutsu on
chance. And then he has only 1 MP, and has the worst
stats in the game. And worst of all: He's NInja
Academy. Ninja
Academy Students tend to lean towards circumstance,
like Moegi, this guy, and in some way Kono[HG].
Plus, they can't use most cards, like 8 Trigram, and
their stats always suck. But then again, in a
strange, Fire/Lightning Disaster Ninja
Acdemy deck(like that'll ever work) a late-game
combo of Kakashi Foresight. next turn: Disaster
while you have teh 3 students in play, and use
tomorrows card,
Konohamaru Ninja Squad Appears, you can face down
that Zabuza with a team of 3!
Even in the most odd combos, Udon, Moegi, and Kono
don't cut it. Kono is pretty okay, but the other
two: no.
CONSTRUCTED: 1/5. DOn't play it.
LIMITED: 1/5. DOn't play it.
ART: 1/5. Don't play it.
OVERALL: 1/5. Don't play it.
Beastly Bruin |
Udon [Featured Article]
Element: Earth
Turn: 0
Power: 0's all around
Leaf | Ninja Academy Student | Male | Mental Power:
When this Ninja is put in play, show the top card of
your deck to your opponent. If it is a Jutsu card,
place it in your hand.
Like yesterday's card, there are no stats on this
card, aside from the Mental of 1. That's about the
only thing that sets this one apart from Moegi.
If the effect of this card read, "When this Ninja is
put in play, search your deck for a Jutsu card. Show
the card to your opponent, and place it in your
hand.", it might see some play.
Sorry, but I just don't see giving up your summon
for this card in competitive play, and there are
enough good cards to use in your Mental build.
Limited could actually benefit once or twice from
this effect, but don't bet the farm on it...
Constructed Anything: 1.2/5
Limited: 1.6/5
Art: 1/5 (That little snot drip has always annoyed

Rakath |
Udon [Featured Article]
Okay, short and sweet here, since this will look
very much like Yesterdays. Udon and Moegi have very
few differences.
Moegi is a girl, Udon is not.
Moegi is Wind, Udon is Earth.
Udon has Mental Combat of 1
Moegi gets Ninjas, Udon gets Jutsus
Otherwise every stat is the same. Now then, snagging
a topdeck Jutsu is less likely (less Jutsu in a
deck), and less effective (now that you drew in a
Jutsu they know about, they can plan around it). All
in all, less effective than Moegi, but not less
useful in the Student deck since you need students
to make it work.
Constructed (Student deck) - 5/5
Limited - 2/5
Art - Needs Kleenex/5
-Heartless Omega- |
Leaf|Ninja Acadamy Student| Male| Mental Power: 1
Turn 0 Cost 0
Healthy stats: 0/0
Injured stats: 0/0
Element: Earth
Rarity: Common
Combat attribute: Ninjutsu
When this Ninja is put into play, show the top card
of your Deck to your opponent. If it is a Jutsu
card, place it in your hand.
So, today we look at the second weakest of the Ninja
Academy Students, Udon. He' about as bad as Moegi,
but his effect and Mental Power tratis make him
His effect is to simply look at the top card from
youm Deck when you play her. If it's a Jutsu, you
can add it into your hand. This isn't bad, since you
can use the Jutsu right away. Also, his Mental Power
is at least to take down some Ninjas. It's ok, but
still not so playble.
Constructed: 2/5 I wish it had some Combat or
Limited: 2/5 It's okay, but there are better