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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Card Number:
Rarity - Common
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.15
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Escape Jutsu
-cost only 1, anything
-shuts down decks
-earth type
Welcome the taijutsu’s worst nightmare. There is no
doubt about it, escape jutsu is the ultimate answer
toward rock lee and his kicks.
This card cancels every thing that increase or
decrease power, excluding support power that is. The
good part is that any deck can use this; it only
cost one of any chakra. Against a taijutsu deck,
which really is base on increasing one’s power and
run over them, escape jutsu will stop everything and
make the team a weakling again. At least form what I
know, here is a list of stuff it shuts down:
-Rock Lee [genuine effort]
-Might Guy’s support boost
-Naruto [Nine-tail chakra], [Power in a Crisis]
-Konoha Hurricane/Whirlwind
-sexy jutsu
-water prison
-kunai/ cross-shaped
these are just a few. So there, escape jutsu stop
lots of things. Yet an observant person will see
that most of the cards listed above belong in the
taijutsu decks. In other words, if you are not
playing against a taijutsu deck, and there aren’t
many out there, chances are this card is not going
to help you.
That’s not all, if you randomly put a escape jutsu,
you may ruin the chakra you already have. You may
have a earth chakra sitting around doing nothing at
all, when you really need a water to play vortex
jutsu. Of course, this does not affect earth decks.
But an escape jutsu is not going to help you all the
time, so putting into the side deck maybe better.
That’s where it belongs.
Constructed: 2.5/5
Limited: 2.0/5
Ace |
Hey, Naruto Fans!
ZanarkandAce here with today's review of Escape
Escape Jutsu
Jutsu/Earth Type
1 chakra cost, any type
Target: 1 Ninja
Effect: Negate any additions or subtractions to the
target's power.
Now right off the bat, I don't really care for this
card. And not just because it's got a close up of
Sasuke in Bondage... It's because all it really does
is negate power changes. While it can be good
against something like a Taijutsu deck, it can be
avoided by your opponent by having them pump their
supporting ninja. The alternate of this card is that
if you are fighting against someone, and they manage
to take down your power, you can bring it right back
up again. But it would be in better interests to use
this card in taking down the additions in power of a
opponent's Taijutsu user like, say, Rock Lee...
Constructed: 2/5. A card like this would be better
played in the side deck. Wait till you know that you
are going to go against a Taijutsu user.... Though
in my opinion, Sharingan Eye would be better.
Limited: 4/5. This is a card that's best used in a
sealed draft (I can't think of the right word... I
think that's it... me think no good so at 1am...)
when you have no chance of really pulling off
Art: 0/5 Wait... Cant put 0... Fine. 1/5... I don't
like Sasuke...
Stegy |
Time for the Jutsu that
caused us all so many problems. XD
Escape Jutsu ftw
When you play this card, laugh as the Judge tries to
resolve it.
(no, seriously, I'm j/k on this one XD).
Constructed Review: Pumps have started to die down.
People don't run Kunai
in every deck like they used to. Now it's just
damaging Jutsu. Escape
Jutsu is really only good against Taijutsu/Rush
decks which need their pumps
to win. Still, how often do you play one?
Constructed rating: 3/5 It's now a sidedeck card.
Real shame. =(
Limited Review: Pumps are more common here, and more
game breaking. A
simple Kunai could put your Neji Hyuga/Sasuke Uchiha
[no text]/Tenten team
at 7 Power, just enough to kill/injure a Kakashi
Hatake/Zabuza Momochi [no
text] by itself. Escape Jutsu is bascially the "holy
crap I almost lost"
button. XD
Limited Rating; 3.5/5 Unless you open a pack with no
text Kakashi/Zabuza,
Escape is a nice pull.
Beastly Bruin |
Escape Jutsu
Element: Earth
Cost: 1 Card (No Color)
Target: 1 Ninja
Effect: Negate any additions or subtractions to the
target's power.
Short review today. For the Yugioh players out
there, in my opinion, this card is Waboku. Meaning,
it's good, but it's not all that necessary.
Easy cost, devastating effect when used right.
Even with it's ubiquitous utility, there are just
better options for most decks.
Side deck it if you find you don't need it in your
main deck. There are opponents out there who love to
use boosting abilities...
This card is awesome in Limited, where more
power-ups tend to show up...
Constructed: 3/5 (Better options abound for most
Limited: 4/5
Art: 2/5
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we’re looking at
one of my favorite Jutsus, Escape Jutsu!
Escape Jutsu
Target: One Ninja
Effect: Negate all additions and subtractions to the
target’s power.
Simple, straight-forward and to the point. Basicly,
it’s an Anti Kunai/Cross-Shaped Shuriken/Sexy Jutsu/Water
Prison Jutsu/Harem Jutsu/The Demon Windmill,
Shuriken of Shadows/Anything you dang well please.
You have to admit that when you look at this card
and see (1) for it’s Chakra cost, you think it’s a
pretty good card. Just imagine this after a HUGE
jutsu war, most of the opponent’s jutsu’s targeting
a single character of yours. Ownage, anyone? :D
Though, on the negative side, at least from what I
have seen, boosting cards are on a bit of a decline,
at least in my meta, so you might be best
main-decking one of these and siding the other two,
as to not get caught with dead-draws. Though, if
your’s isn’t like mine, and those things are running
around rampantly, go ahead and main 3 if you can.
Limited: 4/5
Constructed: 4/5
Art: 2/5 (Sasuke?…Tired up in rope?...With Duct Tape
over his mouth?…I think Bandai just scared the minds
of at least 200 fanboys. c_c; )
‘Till next time.

Uberdylan |
Escape Jutsu
Seeing as how a lot of the game as of now is based
on physical power, Escape Jutsu is very good. For a
mere one colorless, you can stop a kunai, a Sexy
Jutsu, whatever and surprise your opponent.
Can often lead to a surprise victory.
Costs one colorless.
Can be negated by Shadow Shuriken Jutsu.
Doesn't affect mental power.
Constructed: 3.5/5 Good, but with so many mental
power cards, not that good.
Limited: 4.5/5 Excellent, cheap, can be used by Rock
"Bushy Brows" Lee (I run a lightning deck, so I may
be a little biased.)
Art: 3/5 Eh.

Rakath |
Escape Jutsu
Ah, yes, our first Trump card. Escape RESETS all
Power changes thus far made on a ninja. All bonuses
by any Jutsu/Mission/Ninja effect, good or bad.
GONE. They return to their printed value. With a
generic cost any deck can use it, and any ninja can
use it but a summon like Frogs or Snakes. As long as
you attempt to change your Power this will make it
fail. However the problem is the Jutsu is not useful
if they don't TRY to pump up and just use strong
teams (Zabuza/Kakashi/Third is 13 NATURALLY) and
will just deadweight against them.
Good sidedeck, decent maindeck.
Constructed (Sideboard) - 3.5/5
Limited - 4/5 (This is good to have here, they won't
have much to work with.)
Art - 2/5 (Hehe, Sasuke bondage is silly.)
Playdoh Dude |
Escape Jutsu
Sorry for missing Shika. COuldn't have time to do
all 5 on Saturday so I just wrote up Bingo and
Zabuza, and missed the deadline for Shika. So I'm
back for Escape JUtsu. If you've played this card,
you know how good it is. You stop popular Jutsus
like Kunai and Cross Shaped, and it can be a
lifesaver. Sorry for the short review, I'm in a
rush. Here's the scores:
CONSTRUCTED: Nice, but more of a sidedeck card.
LIMITED: Its very nice, as common cards usually do
something to stats. And when they pull all commons
and you pull this: nice. 4/5.
ART: 4/5(It's funny seeing Sasuke trapped like an