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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
[Lazy Bum]
Valid: This Ninja
cannot be sent out to Battle by himself.
Card Number: N-005
Rarity - Common
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.43
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we look at one of
the better 0’th turn Ninja, Shikamaru Nara [Lazy
Bum], the poor mans Temari [Violent Temper]
For a 0th turn Ninja, this guy’s got some pretty
decent stats. Sure, he has 0 offensive power, but 2
support is just G0dly, concerning the fact that the
only time you see those kinds of numbers is when you
start getting into the Chunin cards. And what’s the
drawback? He can’t be sent out into battle on his
own. Wait, that’s a drawback?
In all honesty, unless you need a Chump Blocker, you
WON’T be sending this guy into battle by himself.
Now for the downsides. Well, actually, there aren’t
really any drawbacks in my mind. The only thing bad
that I can say is that Temari [Violent Temper]’s
slightly better with that cool discard effect. In my
opinion, he’s almost staple-worthy, the only thing
throwing him off is the fact that he can not be sent
to fight alone.
Limited: 4.5/5
Constructed: 4.5/5
‘Till next time. :D
dust2dust |
Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum]
-0 turn
-2 support
-bad effect
ok after reviewing 2 devastating card in the game so
far, it’s time to go over some not as useful ones.
Everything looks great for this card. It has no turn
cost, and great stats. Not everything is perfect;
unfortunately, he has an effect that stops you from
chum blocking him. This means all those copies of
Shikamaru is potentially useless in the end.
There is one good combo, sorta, that can go with it.
With Kakashi [confidence in subordinates], Shikamaru
is a deadly 3 support. Other than that, I’m afraid,
Shikamaru is not that useful
Temari is the replacement. Even though she is a one
drop, she has 2 support and a great effect. The one
turn thing doesn’t matter anyways, you need to drop
someone to use with her anyways.
Constructed: 3.0/5
Limited: 4.0/5
Ace |
Hey, Pojoers! ZanarkandAce
here with another High Roller today! Shikamaru Nara,
that Lazy Bum! heh... you like that intro? lol right
into the card effect name.... where do I get this
stuff? *takes out a piece of paper and a pen to
write that down*
Shikamaru Nara
0 Turn or Hand Cost
0/2 Healthy
0/1 Injured
[Lazy Bum] Valid: This Ninja cannot be sent out to
battle by itself.
Alright. As I said in the intro, this was one of the
high rollers in the beginning of the game. And it
still gets a little play. With his 2 support, he
pumps a team. If used late in the game, you can make
some nasty teams with him. Zabuza+Shikamaru= 8
Team... Even better! KakashI [Confidence in
Subordinates] + Shikamaru = 9 Team... Throw in the
combination of a Kagemane (Shadow Posession, you
dubbers) and you got a nice attack on a powerless
Drawbacks? Why use this one when you could use
formation? Sure. He's got 1 more support to his
name. But Formation sacrifices that 1 support for 4
Mental Power. Mental power decks are making a big
splash, what with Cheating making a run for it. And
who better to use in a mental battle than Mr.
Over-200-IQ Smarty-pants? Okay, that was a childish
dig, I know. But the main thing is that for one less
Support in both healthy and unjured, you can use the
same jutsu, and have some Mental Power defence.
Especially when you use formation with Ninja Info
Cards. Then again, That could be a plus for the
Bum... The other big problem with this card is the
fact that he cannot be sent into battle by himself.
Not only that, but it's Valid too. He's not getting
out there to defend if he's the only one you got.
That's his biggest drawback...
Constructed: 3/5. As there always will be, there are
better ninjas out there. Especially of himself! Use
Formation over Bum.
Limited: 3.5/5 Same as above. But if you get in a
draft situation, don't be afraid to snag this card
for a deck.
And Thanks again to D-Hero. Though this time, he
didn't actually do anything to help.... Only cause I
knew this card pretty well.... But he still didn't
do anything.... only cause i knew the card.... i
know.... V_V
Stegy |
Time for the lazy genius
himself, Shikamaru Nara.
Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum]
[insert appropriate text here, here, and here]
[and maybe here, too]
Constructed Rating: I hate to say this, but
Shikamaru is now a forgotten
relic. Don't get me wrong--he's still a really nice
card (0/2 Turn 0?
Okay!), but he's now outclassed. We now have Temari
[Violent Temper] for
Turn 1. She has the same Healthy Stats but can chump
block and has that
awesome ability (I attack, you block, you hurt? lose
1 card). Also, there's
the new Shikamaru [Formation!] which has 4 Mental
Power. He's a 0/1, 0/1
Turn 0 drop and a very nice way to combat Mental
Power decks.
Constructed Rating: 3/5 Beatdown should look at him,
but otherwise..
outclassed now. =(
Limited Review: Okay, here we go. He boosts people
early came. I mean,
you can have a Tenten/Shikamaru team of 4 Power on
Turn 1, and if you
haven't drafted before let me tell you this: The
winner of the game is the
one who can get the biggest Power in the early game.
Limited Rating: 3.5/5 Very nice pick.

Uberdylan |
Shikamaru Nara: Lazy Bum
Excellent at first, not so much anymore. The later
Shikamaru has a mental strength of 4, compared to
this one's 0. Being unable to block alone is a
problem, because he would probably be played on your
second or third turn, and by then you can play more
powerful ninjas. Two support is impressive, but not
impressive enough.
Constructed: 3/5 Good support, but flawed.
Limited: 4/5 Better when there aren't other options
and no mental.
Art: 3.5/5 Because I like Shikamaru.

Rakath |
Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum]
I feel REALLY bad about dissing Shikamaru.
However... he's never going to get better since
Shikamaru's support will be more and more Mental
combat as time goes on. 0/2 - 0/1 is cool and all,
but you won't want him over what we get later on.
This is a good card that is fading fast. He also
can't chump block and his effect is a detriment like
Individual Play Sasuke.
Play this for now, lose him soon, trust me.
Shikamaru Nara rating - 1/5
Constructed (All) - 3/5 (He's a good throw in, but
nothing more.)
Limited - 3.5/5 (Slightly higher here outta
Art - Too troublesom to rate/5