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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Bingo Book
Common - Path to Hokage
Card Type: Mission
Symbol: Water
Card #: Mission-011
Entrance Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 1
Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck. If ther are 1
or more Ninjas among the cards, select 1 of the
Ninjas and place it in your hand. return the rest of
the cards to your Deck and shuffle it.
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 4.15
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Bingo Book
-turn 1
-not guaranteed
Hi and welcome to this week’s COTD. This week we
will review some really strong cards in the meta,
and other cards worth noting. Today’s is Bingo Book,
an old favorite of everyone’s.
So what’s so good about Bingo Book? Well here it is.
Bingo Book lets you look the top card of your deck
and pick a ninja from the three to keep. This effect
is very similar to (for those who play magic)
Sensei’s Divine Top, but instead of rearranging the
cards, you can keep one. Sure, the rest will go to
the bottom of the deck, but no matter, you still
have the one you picked to keep you alive. What’s
better is the fact that its only a turn one mission.
So if you find yourself low on ninjas on the first
turn, this is going to help a lot.
This card, however, has some competition for the
best water mission card in the game. The other
mission parallel (if not better) is Appearance of
Unknown Rivals. In my opinion, those two work
differently, and is hard to choose. Most people just
go with AoUR. One is faster, the other one have a
better chance for advantage, you figure which is
Ok, ok. So we have a good mission card today. It is
a card that is most worthy for water decks.
Constructed: 4.0/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Searching for stuff is always good.
Ace |
Hello Pojo Naruto Fans!
ZanarkandAce here after missing the last Card of the
Day to bring you my review of the mission: Bingo
Bingo Book
1 Turn and Hand Cost
Effect: Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. If
there are 1 or more Ninjas among the cards, delect 1
of the Ninjas and place it in your hand. Return the
rest of the cards to your deck and shuffle it.
To truely appreciate this card, you must first
understand the actual Bingo Book. The Bingo Book is
basically a hit list for high ranked Ninja. Jounins
and ANBU are usually on the look out for anyone in
their Bingo Book. Typically, the contents were
Missing Nins. Outlaws. High ranking Ninjas from
other Villages. People to be mentioned. Kakashi was
ranked in the Bingo books of other villages as
mentioned by Zabuza. These are high class people if
you make it in the Bingo Book
Now, with this card, you get the general idea, but
it isn't quite the same. Don't get me wrong. This
card helps in a pinch. You get to check the top 3
cards in your deck, and if there is 1 or more ninjas
in there, you get to take one of them to your hand.
Need that ninja cause you got crap on your Opening
hand, and even with a mulligan 2 times? Ack... In
addition, any time you get to change the order of
your deck is a good thing. Maybe you wanna use that
Orochimaru again sometime before the last card of
the deck... Use Bingo Book. You get that deck
shuffle, and odds are, you'll get it before the end
of the game again. If you are lucky, that is. I
think that in a water deck, this card is a good
addition, but not a MUST. I do run a Water/Lightning
deck, and of the 3 missions, 2 are Bingo Books. They
are handy for getting that Haku: Kekkei Genkai into
my hand and let it simmer till the time is right...
Constructed: 4/5, as it can't be thrown into any
deck. But the big decks are half water at the
moment, so that's why it's higher than 3
Limited: If you are building a deck from scratch,
and this card comes up, you can usually still make
good use of it as long as you have a water card in
your hand to get the play off. 3.75/5
And as always, thanks to D-Hero for someone to chat
with. Damn that Judge....
Iceburg |
1 turn 1
discard pick up top 3 of the deck. if any
are ninja, add 1 and shuffle the rest of
them into the deck.
I find
this card to be really useful. when I was in
a tight jam, I pulled it and got a winning
lead with a Zabuza (to be reviewed later in
the week.) man oh man can this card come in
but then
there's the thing of the discard. if you top
deck it, ur screw'd. beyond that, this card
is teh RoxoRz. I love it and should be used
in almost every deck. scracth that-EVERY
Constructed-4.9/5 a staple, but if you have
no hand, it's dead.
It's Kakashi-sensei. wow.
later (or tomorrow.)
Playdoh Dude |
Bingo Book--
Well, here begins staple week! Bingo Book is by far
the best Water Mission, the effect allows you to
look at the Top 3 cards of your deck and take one
ninja there. Then you shuffle. Its amazing. Usually,
with at least 20 ninja in your deck, every 3 card
chunk will have a 13.3 chance of pulling one of your
ninjas. And considering your odds get better as you
draw, this card gets better as you go later in the
game. It also can be played very early:
Turn 1! This is one of teh earliest missions an done
of teh best missions all-around.
You should positively play it if you even have a
smidge of water. Packing your deck with more ninjas
to take advantage of it is also fun to play with.
If you don't run three in your Water deck, its
because you don't have three.
That is the only excuse.
CONSTRUCTED: Holy cow. When you can make a deck
fine-tuned to this card, its much better. When I say
fine-tuned, I mean a deck that runs a nice amount of
ninja so it can actually get a nice 3 card chunk.
LIMITED: Still nice, but not as nice. Considering if
you play it in Limited you have to have teh Water
cost in your deck, plus you need a decent amount of
ninjas, it hinders its playability here. 3.5/5
ART: 4/5. Kakashi looks awesome.
OVERALL PLAYABILITY: 4/5, plus an extra .5 because
it deserves it, 4.5/5.
Timekeeper |
Bingo Book
Mission, Water
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 1
Effect: Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. If
there are 1 or more Ninjas among the cards, select 1
Ninja and place it in your hand. Return the rest of
the cards to your deck and shuffle it.
Flavor Text: "Your profile was in our Bingo Book."
Today's card features everyone's favorite Jonin...Kakashi
Hatake...but guess what? It's not a Kakashi card!
Bingo Book is really good because it's choiceful
draw power, which is awesome. Being Water doesn't
hurt it in this case, and Bingo Book(s) are great
early or late game cards.
BB is a water, as I said above, which puts brings up
it's playability and helps it earn a tough to earn
slot as a mission card that is splashable.
Both the Turn and Hand Cost provide nice advantage
that would kill the card if it were any higher in
Hand Cost and hinder the card if it were higher in
Turn. This card, personally, I find superior to
Mission of Capturing the Missing Pet "Tora" only for
the free shuffle and the choice you are presented,
though I still run an extra Tora.
This card has no target, which is neither good nor
bad here. Its effect however, is what makes it the
most splashable, (like all mission cards, it relies
95% on its effect) and it is good draw power. Bingo
Book is a smart choice in a deck with alot of Ninja
and a water deck.
Constructed: 3.8/5 Really a pretty good card with
the current small card pool.
Limited: 4/5 This card really shines in limited.
Art: 2/5 Really makes Kakashi's hair look
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we look at a
certain mission called “Bingo Book”
Entry Cost: 1 | Hand Cost: 1
Effect: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck. If
there are 1 or more Ninjas among the cards, select 1
of the Ninjas and place it into your hand. Return
the rest of the cards to your Deck and shuffle it.
Let’s take a quick look at the pros/cons of this
On the Pros side, it’s a fairly early Mission,
capable of grabbing some good ninja’s to start your
game off. Pretty straight-forward, though the only
deck’s that will REALLY love this are the kinds of
decks that max out their 25 ninja a deck.
Though, on the con side, you only have a CHANCE to
grab something good. If you run any less then 20
ninja, chances are that you’ll run into Jutsu’s/Mission’s
75-80% of the time. And even if you DO manage to get
something, it does put you at a disadvantage
somewhat, concerning how much you put into it. At
best, it’ll be a 2 for 1 (The mission and the
discarded card for 1 Ninja) and at worst, you’ll
have just wasted 2 cards in hand to see what you
COULD’VE gotten.
To sum it up, if you have the ninja to support it
and enough water to run it, then give it a try. You
probably won’t be disappointed.
Limited: 3.5/5
Constructed: 4/5 (As opposed to the Limited format,
you actually have control as to how many Ninja you
can have it deck. In the other format, it’s
primarily relying on the luck of the draw.)

Uberdylan |
Bingo Book
This is Tora for a water deck, but better. For a
lowly 1 water card, you can get up to 3 cards to
your hand (usually one or two, but that's still
good.) This card will usually end with you having at
least one ninja in your hand, and charges two cards.
This is a good card.
Constructed/Limited: 4.5/5 A staple for a water
Art: 2.5/5 Meh. What's Kakashi doing on a water

Rakath |
Bingo Book
Alright, a Mission that isn't so bad. This card
isn't so bad in a low ninja opening hand. A turn 1
Mission to check the top three and put a Ninja in
your hand, then shuffle. If you're low on ninjas you
can snag one (hopefully). Now then, not a shurefire
snag, but it is our best draw tech for Water. Also
if you don't get a Ninja you get to shuffle which is
a nice side bonus. All in all it's good, but not
However, it is one of the better draw techs out
there compaired to what else is around. Like Missing
Pet or even One Morning. Simple mission reviews
won't get much here either.
Constructed (Water) - 3.5/5 (Unknown Rivals is
Limited - 4/5 (No Unknown Rivals in Path, and you
really gotta work with every resource you can in
Art - 3.5 (Kakashi rocks.)