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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
[Fragment of
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.43
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Naruto Uzumaki (Fragment
of Power)
good source of chakra
good injured stats
turn 0 ninja
clone status
no health stats
Last card of the week. Its another Naruto Uzumaki.
This is the 2nd out of 8 total we reviewed so far.
So here we go
This card's stats are not as good as some other
versions of Naruto. He has no power when he is
healthy, which means he cant chump block against
team of 5 power. His injure stats is as good as
another Naruto though. He also has "clone status,"
which is nice, but useless. As of now, I think there
is only one card that needs it(Harem Jutsu).
His stats, however, is pointless. His effect really
shines when he is in the chakra zone. When you use
him as chakra, he count as 2 lighting. Of course
this effect have their rules. He is counted as 2
lighting chakra only when the jutsu you are playing
costs exactly 2 (one lighting and one anything, 2
lighting, 2 anything, whatever). So if you play
Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, ([lighting] [X]), it has
to be [lighting] [1]. Also, if you play, lets say,
Kunai, which only cost [1], you can only use Naruto
as one lighting chakra. But if you use Naruto for
Sexy Jutsu, or Harem Jutsu, then this card is
perfect. Works well with Anko also.
So in the end, this is a ok card. If you want 0-turn
Narutos, "nine-tail chakra" is better. If you want
clone status, use "imposter" or "strength in a
Constructed: 3.0/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Stegy |
We wrap up the
week with, of course, Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment of
Naruto Uzumaki
Turn Cost: 0
Hand Cost: 0
Healthy: 0/0
Injured: 3/1
Leaf|Genin|Male|Clone Status
[Fragment of Power]
Counts as 2 Lightning Symbols when in Chakra area.
I'm so up in the air over this card. I mean, he
really helps Lightning decks use Jutsu like Sexy
Jutsu and Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu (Using Naruto
means Clone Status+2 power for 1 Chakra. Not bad),
but he's not that great as a Ninja. If he was a 1/0
then I'd probably feel a lot better using him, but
on Turn 1 a lot of players are able to create a 5
Power team, and blocking with this Naruto means that
he dies.
I personally love the new [Strength in a Crisis]
Naruto. Sure, he's a Turn 1, but he's a 5/0 Ninja
when he attacks and becomes blocked, AND he can be
paired with other Ninja. Drop Shikamaru Nara [Lazy
Bum] Turn 0, next turn drop Naruto Uzumaki [Strength
in a Crisis], and grin as your opponent comtemplates
whether or not to block.
I would play Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment of Power] only
if you're planning on using him just for Chakra;
otherwise, run the [Nine-Tailed Chakra] or the
[Strength in a Crisis] Naruto instead.
Constructed Rating: 3/5 He DOES have Clone Status as
a Turn 0, so Harem Jutsu could be used.
Limited Review: He'd be useful as both Chakra and an
attacker. Not many Ninja would kill this Naruto in
the early game, so he'll essentially be a 3/1
beatstick on Turn 1/2. I'd nab him if you need a
decent hitter and/or playing Lightning in any form.
Limited Rating: 3/5
Playdoh Dude |
Naruto [Fragment of
This is one of the best NArutos out there right now.
It is basically two Lightning Chakra, which is good
for massive chakra payments, like Shadow Clone Jutsu.
Also, whencombined with an Anko+Water Clone, its
completely devastating.
His stats are horrible as regular, but combiend with
Dreadful Scars, he can come in as a 3/1 beatstick.
He already has clone status too, which is useful in
certain positions.
DRAFT: Nice. Double chakra is also good. 3.5/5
CONSTRUCTED: Also nice. Its nice to make your deck
with an Anko+Water Clone Jutsu+Naruto combo. 3/5.
ART: Best art of a Naruto card yet. 4.5/5
OVERALL: 3.3/5
See ya' next week,
Beastly Bruin |
Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment
of Power]
Element: Lightning
Turn: 0
Leaf | Genin | Male | Clone Status
Power: (Healthy) 0/0 (Injured) 3/1
Effect: This Ninja can be treated as Chakra with 2
"Lightning" symbols when placed in your Chakra area.
See? Now why would I lie to you? This card combos SO
well with Sexy Jutsu. Outside of the effect, he's
your basic Naruto card. Hurt me...blah, blah
blah...you'll be sorry...blah, blah, blah.
But, you wouldn't be using him for his power. Nope.
You'd be running him because of his self-replicating
Chakra value and his built in "Clone Status".
Lightning builds should run at least one copy of
this if cards like Sexy and Harem are being run.
Sorry so short, but nothing more really needs to be
said. Clone Status = Good. 2 Lightning Symbols on
one card = Good.
In limited, this card can be a godsend.
Constructed Lightning: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Art: 4/5
Apprentice of Anubis |
To wrap up the week, we
look at Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment of Power]
Naruto Uzumaki
Entry Cost: 0 | Hand Cost: 0
Leaf | Genin | Male | Clone Status
[Fragment of Power]
This Ninja can be treated as Chakra with two
“Lightning” Chakra when placed in the Chakra Area.
Healthy: 0/0 | Injured :3/1 | Ninjutsu
This card, I must say, I’ve fallen for from the
first day I saw it. The pure ability to cheap-shot
into a Sexy Jutsu or Leaf Instant Move Jutsu is just
pure sexiness to me. On top of that, he has a built
in Clone Status, making it MUCH easier to play Harem
Jutsu. Plus, for a turn 0 drop, he isn’t all that
bad, despite the fact that he has no offensive power
when he’s played.
A couple decks I can see this card being splashed
into is for one, Fire based decks, seeing as Mozuku
can bring a discarded Naruto back from the discard
pile for useage as Chakra. Another use would be in
Water/Lightning control decks that utilize A Tool
called Ninja, seeing as you can play one mission,
heal one of your ninja’s and essentially net 4
Chakra from the mission. (The Mission itself, the
discarded card and Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment of
Power]) Plus, with the new Growth cards coming out
in the next set, you can expect to see this guy
being played alongside his Growth Counterpart.
Having said that, the only drawback is that he has
no offenceive power until he becomes injured. But in
all honesty, unless they’re playing Harem Jutsu,
who’s gonna deploy this guy unless they need a Chump
Constructed: 4/5 (3.5/5 for decks with Lightning
splashed in.)
Limited: 4.5/5 (For the love of GOD, if you’re going
to play Lightning in a Booster draft, TAKE HIM WHILE
Dylan Fox |
Naruto fragment of power
is not one of the best Narutos so far. However,
since Lightning cards can use a lot of chakra
(Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, anyone?) that can be a
useful effect. However, starting out with 0/0 is a
pretty big blow; he can easily go straight from
healthy to dead past the first few turns. 3/1 seems
to be the standard for injured Narutos, but having 0
mental power is also going to put him down a notch.
(Granted, other Narutos have 0 (or less : r) but
they have an excuse.) Use Nine-Tails Chakra or
preferrebly Imposter over this.
2.5/5: Slightly below average.
Art: See above
It must suck to have your sole purpose in life as
fodder for others, huh?

Rakath |
Alright, a card I think is
totally awesome! Now then, his stats are nothing
special 0/0 and 3/1 and his effect doesn't help if
he's in play, however he has one key aspect that
instantly bolsters his helpfulness. A Built in Clone
Status. As the game goes on, Naruto's powerful cards
require Clone Status. Having it built in means no
need for using a Clone Status card first. Currently
only Imposter! Naruto has built in Clone Status.
So what makes this a more fun choice than Imposter!
Naruto (ASIDE the not a Super Rare aspect)? His
effect, he counts as Two Lightning symbols in your
Chakra pool. Now this means he is two Lightning AND
two generic. So you can pay for Sexy Jutsu (Two
Lightning), Harem Jutsu (Lightning, One Generic), or
Shadow of the Dancing Leaf (Two Generic) with just
this card. However it only counts as 1 when paying
for an X Jutsu cost. This is a wonderful thing to
discard for Might Guy or Broken Seal to set up for
paying a Jutsu.
This is never a bad thing to have.
Naruto Uzumaki rating - 4/5
Constructed (Lightning) - 5/5
Limited - 4/5
Art - 3/5 (Nothing special in the way of art here)
~Spenser |
Naruto Uzumaki
Leaf|Genin|Male|Clone Status
Turn 0 Cost 0
Healthy stats: 0/0
Injured stats: 3/1
Element: Lightning
Rarity: Uncommon
Combat attribute: Ninjutsu
This Ninja can be treated as Chakra with 2
“Lightning” symbols when placed in your Chakra area.
I LOVE THIS NARUTO! Sorry, had to get that outta the
way. On to the review!
This version of Naruto is by far my favorite. As
with many of the Narutos, his healthy stats are bad,
but when injured, he gains a much needed boost in
Combat and Support (true to the anime). What I like
about this Naruto is that he is a Turn 0 and already
had Clone Status! I LOVE THAT! It makes Harem Jutsu
so much easier to play. And, his effect is truly
something to look at; he is considered 2 Lightning
Chakra in the Chakra area. Wait, not one, but two??
Meaning Sexy Jutsu can be paid with just this ONE
This card can be useful in many decks. Naruto can be
used in, obviously, a Naruto-themed deck. It also
works well in decks that have many Lightning Justsus
or Missions. This Naruto can be ferocious with Anko
Mitarashi. Naruto ver. COS has so much potential.
Of course, not everything is without its weak
points. The most obvious is that his Healthy stats
are really bad. He can be killed instantly with one
blow from a Team with 5 or more Power (if Naruto is
by himself). I want ot try him in a Taijustu themed
Constructed: Any deck: 3/5
Naruto Deck: 5/5 Duh…
Lightning Deck 5/5
Limited: 3/5 I think he could be helpful.
Overall: 4/5 VERY good Naruto. His effect and Clone
stats are too good to pass up.
Dustin Snyder |
Naruto Uzumaki (Fragment
of Power)
Leaf/Genin/Male/Clone Status
Turn Drop: 0
Hand Cost: 0
Healthy Status: 0/0
Injured Status: 3/1
Effect: This Ninja can be treated as Chakra with 2
"Lighting" symbols when placed in your Chakra area.
Well another Naruto Uzumaki card, how are we to
choose which one is best for your deck. Well this
one will most likely not be sent out into your
village. His effect gives you 2 Chakra for the price
of 1 card. This could be very useful. Teamed up with
Jutsu like J-005 Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu,
these counts as 2 for its cost, giving the Ninja you
use it on x4 damage
with this one card, after using another Lighting
Chakra for its first cost.
An interesting way to use it is in a Water Deck.
Water has some costly
Jutsu. If you use N-083 Anko Mitarashi, then if can
really come in handy.
Her effect allows you to use Lighting Chakra for the
cost of Water Chakra.
She maybe a Special Jonin, but there are still some
nice Water Jutsu that
doesn't have a Jonin requirement.
Now if you stuck with having to play him in your
village, he has some
advantages. First off if you play him as your first
Ninja on Turn 0, then
use him to block, he goes from 0 Combat, to 3
Combat. Also he has Clone
Status, so he can use cards like J-004 Harem Jutsu,
without using another
card to give your Ninja Clone Status. This could
give you the edge.
Constructed: 2.5 He's ok, but he will only be good
in the right deck, unlike some of the other Naruto
cards that can be splashed into most any deck.
Limited: 2.0 Really only good if you get a lot of
Lighting Jutsu cards, and
you have to be lucky at that point, but still a
semi-ok 0 Drop Ninja.