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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Card Number:
Rarity - Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 3.2
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Kabuto Yakushi
[Information Collection]
-a water card
-mental power
-better draws
Today we will review one of the more interesting
characters in the anime, in my opinion. Like any
recurring, there is a good possibility that there
will be other versions of this card.
This card's effect is unique for water, but common
for wind. It lets you see the top card and put it
either on top of bottom. Sometimes the effect can
come in handy. Lets say you played Kabuto this turn
and look at the top card. If you think the next card
is not going to help you, then sending it to the
bottom could just save you. Instead if you don’t
have that effect and drew that wrong card and the
wrong time, you would have just lost one turn.
Another good thing this card has is mental power.
This is less useful then it sounds. While it has the
second best mental power for water at the moment
(2nd to orochimaru), it is not going to save you
from mental decks. Perhaps the best this card can do
is to be chump blocker and stall for time.
All in all, this card, while have an interesting
effect, may not be very useful. If the card you see
with the effect is good then this effect is
virtually useless. Further more it is weak for a 1
turn ninja. There are certainly some better 1 turn
ninja out there. Still this card is worthy side deck
Construction: 2.5/5
Limited: 3.0/5
PM me about anything, ill help as best as I can-
Ace |
Hello once again, Pojoers!
ZanarkandAce here with a review of a card of a Ninja
whom I like a lot!
Kabuto Yakushi [Information Collection]
Leaf/Genin/Male/Mental Power: 2
1 Turn Cost, No Hand Cost
1/1 Healthy
0/0 Injured
Information Gathering: When this Ninja is put into
play, look at the top card of your deck, and return
it to the top or bottom of your deck.
Alright. First things first. It's Kabuto. Turncoat,
Backstabber, Medical Nin, and all around good guy! I
would say more, but that would require spoiler
tags... Anyways. Kabuto is a 1/1 Healthy, 0/0
Injured. Not the best in the world for a 1 turn
ninja. In fact, that's pretty terrible. It might be
for the fact that he has an interesting effect when
he is deployed. You get to look at the top card of
your deck, and return it to the top or bottom of the
deck. Why is that so good in this game? Well think
about it. You get a card that is great. You know you
are going to win if you pull this card. BUT... You
still have to get through your opponent's turn...
What if they split their teams, and they get more
teams then you, and you can't block them all? Your
great card that was on the top of the deck has
become a battle reward... UNLESS you are willing to
save it and put it on the bottom of the deck...
Gotta wait longer to get it, but it's safe. How
about this: The card sucks.... You don't need it...
It's a high turn cost, hand cost ninja that just
isn't going to help you right now. Send it to the
bottom of the deck! What if it's great, and you know
that you won't lose it to a battle reward? Put it
right back on the top of the deck! The choices are
endless! What else makes up for this ninja's weak
attack and support scores? 2 Mental Power. Higher
than most of the ninjas out there! Remember, if
there is no printed Mental Power, it's assumed to be
0. Thus comes Cheating! Use it, and watch their 6/2
Zabuza wet his pants. Kabuto wins!
Constructed: 3/5. I can't in good consience give
this card a higher score than this. He's not got the
physical part to back his great effect, and decent
Mental Power...
Limited: 5/5 Use him! He's great to have fun with!
Timekeeper |
Kabuto Yakushi
[Information Collection]
Ninja; Water
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 0
Leaf|Genin|Male|Mental Power: 2
Effect: When this Ninja is put into play, look at
the top card of your deck and return it to the top
or bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: "These cards have been Chakra-encoded
with everything I've learned over the past four
Kabuto here has mediocore stats, so if you play him
you're going to make use of either: his Mental
Power, his Effect, or possibly his Water attribute.
Having a Water class doesn't really help ol' Kabuto
out here...especially considering there are better
first turn drop Water Ninja.
Being a Male Leaf Genin doesn't help him out at all
really here, as much as it helps any other Male Leaf
Genin. Being water throws off the whole point of
being a Leaf Genin, because the majority of other
Leaf Genin aren't water. His Ninjutsu classification
doesn't help (or hurt, for that matter) much either.
His Mental Power is nice here, especially since
plenty of Ninja have a Mental Power of zero. Any
Mental Power deck could take advantage of Kabuto to
control what they're drawing.
Kabuto's turn cost is okay, but doesn't really help.
To me his effect makes him seem more as a late in
the game, topdecking for help type Ninja, but his
stats don't seem to agree with that.
The hand cost is good, as if he had a hand cost at
all it would've severly impaired his playability,
which isn't that high to begin with.
His stats are [1/1] when not injured which makes him
a bit of a laugh. Once you see his injured stats
[0/0] it makes him more of a laughing stock. Again,
however, Kabuto isn't a ninja you'll be playing to
do battle with.
This card's effect is where most players will make
use of the card. Here you have the oppurtunity to
control what will be coming into you're hand, which
is never a bad thing. The only way this card
could've been improved in the effect area would to
allow it to work on your opponent's deck as well.
Constructed: 4/5 in Mental Power decks, 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5, He's a pretty good way to control your
hand somewhat
Art: 2/5 It's okay, however it could've been alot
better, instead of focusing on his cards.
Stegy |
Today we review Kabuto
Yakushi, the old Genin with a Pokemon name. ;x
Kabuto Yakushi
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 0
Healthy: 1/1
Injured: 0/0
Leaf|Genin|Male|Mental Power: 2
When this NInja comes into play, look at the top
card, then put it on top of deck or bottom. [rough
Meh. I mean, the Mental Power is nice, and it helps
Water Decks combat Mental Power decks a bit better
(Kin Tsuchi has 1 MP--anyone else notice that? ^_^).
Looking at the top card of the deck is nice as well.
You're able to control what card you draw next,
which is useful for, say, Appearance of Unknown
Rivals or Bingo Book.
Thing is, if he was a Turn 0 I'm sure he would see
more play.
Currently, however, he's in very litte decks, and if
he's in any he's probably sidedecked in Water/X
decks to combat Mental Power decks. In mono-Water,
however, I would recommend running Kabuto because
he's a "decent" early drop that helps set up for
Unknown Rivals and Bingo Book.
Constructed Rating: 3/5 He's okay, but there are
better options.
Limited Review: Unfortunately, Kabuto is a Rare
(Believe it or not!), so the chances that you'll
nab/draft him is slim. Still, a 1/1 that can control
the next card drawn is pretty good.
Limited Rating: 3.2/5 Slightly better here. If
nothing better, I'd grab Kabuto.
Playdoh Dude |
Kabuto Yakushi[Information
Unlike the way of most sound ninja, Kabuto is pretty
good. His stats aren't amazing, 1/1 regular, 0/0
injured. But his effect and MP are nice. Water is
probably the weakest MP element, with him and
Orochimaru being the only real
Mental beatsticks. His effect allwos you to control
your next draw: look at the top and choose whether
to top or bottom deck it. Usually, you'll keep teh
card at the top, but if you were about to draw
into somethign horrible, like a Kin, you'd want to
see what the next card is.
DRAFT: Nice, as in draft you aren't as familiar with
your deck as you would in constructed so its harder
to guess your next draw. 4/5
CONSTRUCTED: Nice. Its always good to see what your
next draw will be. Maybe we could get some good
comboes with draw cards in teh next set. 3.5/5
ART: 4/5. He's got the dorky look down.
OVERALL: 3.8/5
Beastly Bruin |
Kabuto Yakushi
[Information Collection]
Element: Water
Turn: 1
Power: (Healthy) 1/1 (Injured) 0/0
Leaf | Genin | Male | Mental Power: 2
Effect: When this ninja is put into play, look at
the top card of your deck and return it to the top
or bottom of your deck.
Hmm...this is an interesting card. It definitely has
potential. I haven't had any experience with Mental
decks yet, but I'm guessing this card would be a
good choice. Outside of that, I can't really see
throwing him in a standard Water deck. His Power is
unacceptably low for a 1-Drop, and his effect nets
no real advantage. Being able to see your next card
and determine whether or not you use it next could
be beneficial in some cases, but that utility is
overshadowed by his weak field presence.
Bottom line, Mental Power decks have more fodder.
Outside of that, there are better options available
for Water builds...and in case you need to be told,
his effect really doesn't warrant random splashing.
Constructed Mental: 4/5
Constructed Water: 2/5 (Bingo Book is a better
card...even if it isn't a ninja)
Limited: 5/5 if you're going Mental, 2/5 if you
Art: 2/5
Dylan Fox |
Kabuto Yakushi
Bleh. A 1/1, 0/0 with turn cost 1? And only 2 Mental
power for the young doctor. Hmm. As for the effect,
I don't believe there are any combos as of yet, and
he only gets it when he goes into play. Knowing the
top card of your deck doesn't help a lot; next turn
it will likely be irrevelant. He's only a genin,
1.5/5 Next to worthless.
Art: 2 Meh.
PS: In my Naruto: Fragment of Power review, I should
have mentioned Naruto: Strength in a Crisis as
another valid option.
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we look at Kabuto
Yakushi [Information Collection], one card that I
have been waiting a while to review (Besides
tomorrow’s card.)
First, let’s take a look at his stats.
Kabuto Yakushi
Entry Cost: 1 | Hand Cost: 0
Leaf | Genin | Male | Mental Power: 2
[Information Collection]
When this Ninja is put in play, look at the top card
of your Deck and return it to the top or bottom of
your Deck.
Healthy: 1/1 | Injured: 0/0 | Ninjutsu
Flavor Text: “These cards have been Chakra-encoded
with everything I’ve learned over the past four
I have to say, for a second turn drop (Turn 0 then
Turn 1), this guy ain’t too bad. His stats are less
then impressive, but his effect is definitely
unique. Basically, you put this little guy into
play, and you can see the top card of your deck and
choose whether or not to keep it, depending on the
situation. On top of that, 2 Mental Power is
somewhat decent, considering the pool of Mental
Power Battle cards we have out there.
I guess the best way to put how good he is is with
an example from Magic the Gathering. A card called
“Telling Time”, which allows you to look at the top
three cards of your deck, place one into your hand,
one back on top of the deck, and the last one on
bottom. Card Drawing, while being good, manipulating
what cards you’d draw is still a little better. Why
keep a useless card in hand if you have the option
to ditch it for something potentially better?
So in short, try this little guy out. You probably
will like him. Besides, considering the current pool
of 0-1 turn drops, giving up a couple points for an
effect likes this doesn’t really seem too bad.
Constructed: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Art: 3.5/5 (Kabuto’s a bad boy, yes, but what the
heck’s with the cards?)

Rakath |
Kabuto Yakushi
[Information Collection]
Ah yes, he was my favorite character till... ah,
spoilers comin' if I speak more. Anyone shocked by
leaf and Water symbol shouldn't be. Kabuto's stats
(1/1 Healthy, 0/0 Injured, Mental Power: 2) is not
special. Aside the Mental Power of 2 he's nothing
special here. Is his effect worthwhile? Well, he
lets you see the top of your deck, and choose to put
it to the top or bottom of your deck. This is an
okay thing to do if you're about to draw something
you don't want, or let you know if you want them to
get a reward outta the next draw without worry (or
with the knowledge that it's a Rogue Nin and you
have Unwanted Child in hand.
Note: When I review a card that I know has multiple
prints of the same name, I will rate it based on the
other cards you can run in place of it in addition
to the Constructed, Limited, and Art ratings.
Kabuto Yakushi rating - 1/5 (This one won't be
worthwhile later, trust me.)
Constructed (Water) - 3/5 (Just for having a mental
of 2 he's worth it, since Water has some of the
dumbest nins ever.)
Limited - 3/5 (Draw control when you have such
limited resources, worthwhile at all times.)
Art - 4/5 (His outfit rocks, totally.)
~Spenser |
Kabuto Yakushi
Leaf|Genin|Male|Mental Power: 2
Turn 1 Cost 0
Healthy stats: 1/1
Injured stats: 0/0
Element: Water
Rarity: Rare
Combat attribute: Ninjutsu
When this ninja is put in play, look at the top card
of your Deck and return it to the top or bottom of
your deck.
Alright! My first Ninja review (if only the Ninja
was actually GOOD…)
Kabuto is an okay card. His stats for a Turn 1 are
mediocre; 1/1 won’t get you far, especially not 0/0.
His effect isn’t all that great either. Being a Yu-Gi-Oh
player, I’ve learned that seeing the top card of
your deck and placing it top or bottom isn’t a good
thing overall. But, it helps if the card isn’t
something you need RIGHT NOW and you can use it for
later in the game. The thing that makes this card
playable is its Mental Power, something new in Coils
of The Snake. For Turn 1, his Mental Power is good.
Then again, Shikamaru Nara, another Ninja in the
same set, is a Turn 0 and has a Mental Power of 4!
Kabuto is okay if you’re running a Water deck. Most
of the time, he’ll be used as fodder to pay for
other Water cards. This cards works especially well
in a deck that focuses around Mental Power; try him
in one.
All together, Kabuto can be a useful card, but you
have to be smart with it. Don’t splash him in ANY
deck; be wise WHEN to use him and HOW to use him. He
shines best in a Mental Power deck, especially when
combined with the “Ninja Info” jutsu card.
Constructed: Any deck: 2/5
Mental Power deck: 4/5
Water Deck: 3/5
Limited: 3/5 this is where Kabuto can come in handy.
Since you only have limited cards to work with,
getting a card to the bottom of the deck might prove
Overall: 3/5