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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Striking a
Card Number:
Rarity - Rare
Review Date:
Average Card
Rating: 2.6
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
dust2dust |
Striking a Deal
Pro: among the few healing card in the game so far
Game turner
Con: lose battle award
Well, today we have our first mission card. It is
not the best one, but one worthy of note
This card let you exchange battle reward to iruka
noodle shops. This card may not be as bad as some
would think, its just not as good as Appearance of
Unknown Rivals. This card is more for late game
purpose. lets say you have the advantage with some
powerful ninja. Then they play something like
Disaster of the Nine-Tail Fox. This card will then
be perfect to put you back to shape.
The thing is, however, that when you are in an
disadvantage, and try to use this card to gain
advantage, chances are you are too far back behind.
In other words, if your opponent has a powerful
ninjas, this card is most likely not going to help
you beat those ninjas. And of course, you need to
discard a water card just to use it, which is
usually hard to do.
Like I said before, Appearance of Unknown Rival or
Bingo Book is a better choose. And if you need to
heal, Senbon may be a better choice. It takes one
any chakra, and you can choose between 2 effects.
Well this is brief, but I still hope you benefit
from it.
Construct: 2.0/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Ace |
ZanarkandAce Here with
today's review: Striking a Deal
1 Turn Cost
1 Hand Cost
Target: (1) X number of your Battle Rewards
(2) X number of you Ninjas
Effect: Discard target (1) to the original Owner's
Discard Pile and heal target (2)
Alright. This, in my opinion, a terrible exchange.
Give up your Battle Rewards to heal that many
Ninjas? Terrible. Now, if you are in the lead, and
you can afford to lose a few battle rewards, go for
it..... Wait, what am I saying?!? Use an After the
Battle! While the turn cost might be 1 more, the
hand cost is the same. Granted, this is a Water
Jutsu, and if it's used, it will be in a Water deck.
After the Battle is an earth. Won't be used in a
Water Deck... But still. The exchange of Battle
rewards for healing ninjas is terrible. I don't
suggest this card in a Water deck. Even for it's
healing possibilities.
Constructed: 1/5 as it can't get lower (Again, from
the basis of using this card in a competetive deck)
Limited: 1/5 (Still... It's a bad card to use...)
Good Game, America.... Props to D-Hero for letting
me bounce ideas off him.
Stegy |
Today we review a new
Mission from Coils of the Snake, Striking A Deal.
Striking A Deal
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 1
[Don't feel like typing effect XD]
Basically this card is an over-costed After the
Battle for Water. I mean, yeah, healing Ninja is
good, but why do we have to get rid of our hard
earned Battle Rewards? Besides, who wants to heal
Ninja on Turn 1?
I sure don't. ^_^
I just don't see how this card can be useful. I
mean, early game you have very few Ninja, and
late-game you're trying to get those last few BR to
win, so why even play Striking A Deal? I don't like
it at all.
Constructed Rating: 1.5/5 Healing IS good, but the
other effect really hurts it.
Limited Review: Pass on this unless it's the last
card passed to you in a Booster Draft. Ugh.
Limited Rating: 1/5 You really need the Battle
Rewards here.
Playdoh Dude |
Striking a Deal
Today we have a 1/1 Water Mission. You basically
discard BRs to heal ninjas. Now why would you give
up keys to winning the game to heal an injured
ninja? YOU
WOULDN'T. Unless you have some terrible situation
where you somehow have a injured Zabuza that must be
healed so he can own the field, its not worth your
However, as Water is short on healing, you might
want to sidedeck it, as it might come in handy at
Gen Con, where Fire Balls and Water Dragons are
every where. You don't play at Gen Con? I would
still side deck it at small tournaments.
DRAFT: Meh. Sometimes you get a feel for Draft and
think you should play it, but its really not very
good here. 1.5/5
CONSTRUCTED: Better. Still not great, but if you
need a side-deck card, this may be what you
are looking for. 2.2/5.
ART: 3/5. Dosu would look much more threatening if
he shaved his back once in awhile.
OVERALL: 1.9/5
Beastly Bruin |
Beastly Bruin, present and
accounted for. Today's card is Striking a Deal.
Striking a Deal
Type: Mission
Element: Water
Turn: 1
Cost: 1 (Water)
Target: (1) X number of your Battle Rewards
(2) X number of your Ninjas.
Effect: Discard target (1) to the owner's discard
pile and heal target (2).
I like this card. A lot. My Water/Fire hybrid deck
is centered around getting Zabuza [DotCV] and
Kakashi [Copy Ninja] out. More often than not, my
opponents spend most of their resources trying to
injure or kill both of them. Striking a Deal will
fit nicely right next to my Bingo Books.
If you run a Water Deck, or a deck with at least 10
Water or more, this is something to consider.
Sometimes, Battle Rewards you stand to win are more
valuable than the ones you've already accumulated.
Of course, it's a very situational card, and
shouldn't be used frivolously. Just because you can
discard three BR's to heal your whole team doesn't
mean you should. Conversely, you shouldn't be afraid
of the cost either.
Moderation and timing are the keys to this card's
Constructed Water: 4/5
Limited: 4.4/5 if you have the aqua to
spare...obviously, you don't run this if you
Art: 2/5 I liked that guy in the anime, but because
of how Gaara handed his bottom to him in a
Transformer's Lunchbox, the rating drops...
Cogito Ergo, Sum...
Timekeeper |
Striking a Deal
Mission, Water
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 1
Target: (1) X Number of your Battle Rewards (2) X
Number of your Ninjas
Effect: Discard target (1) to the original owner's
Discard Pile and heal the target (2).
Flavor text: "We'll strike a deal. I give you this
scroll and you let us go."
Striking a Deal is a little complicated, so let's
break it apart. Esentially you discard some of your
battle rewards and heal that many Ninja...which is
basically a risky trade off.
Being water this card fits in with decks like Zabuza
Control and Fire/Water Control, which is a small,
but important, plus. As a mission card, however,
there are better choices to fill the regularly small
amount of mission slots in your deck, like Bingo
Book and Ichiraku Noodle Shop.
The Turn Cost is a nice advantage, but doesn't
ultimately matter because you won't have alot of
Ninja or Battle Rewards to make good use of this
card that early in the game.
The hand cost is small, but bothersome,,,esentially
this is atleast a -2, +1 (as you're gaining a healed
Ninja but not losing two cards minimally) and that's
not a good thing.
The Target, as I said early on, contradicts the Turn
Cost. You won't be able to meet the target or make
good use o fthe effect if you play it as soon as the
Turn Cost permits.
The Effect is where this card shines. Sure, it is
quite situational and it has more drawbacks than
good points, but used correctly and this card could
save you the game. However, the chances of you being
able to correctly put this card to use are a bit
Constructed: 2.5/5 There are better missions out
Limited: 3/5 You're starved for options here, so
it's a bit better.
Art: 4/5 It's great to see Dosu on a mission card,
and the pose is nice too.
Apprentice of Anubis |
Striking a Deal
Mission | Entrance Cost: 1 | Hand Cost: 1 | Element:
Target: (1) X number of your Battle Rewards
(2) X number of your Ninjas.
Effect: Discard target (1) to the original owner’s
Discard Pile and heal target (2).
Flavor Text: "We'll strike a deal. I give you this
scroll, and you let us go."
Basically, imagine it like a late game Mass-Ichiraku
Noodle shop. I actually have taken quite the liking
to this card. It’s a Water Element, so Pure Zabuza
decks aren’t left high and dry without healing.
(Disregarding ‘A Tool called “Ninja”’ and ‘Senbon’.)
Now, to look at the requirements. A turn 1 entry
cost definitely isn’t a bad thing. And like most
mission cards, it has a 1 for a hand cost. The real
drawback to this card is that you must give up
upwards of 2-3 Battle Rewards in order to make this
card REALLY devastating. Though, in the shadow of
it’s secondary effect, it doesn’t seem like all THAT
big of a problem. While lengthening the game by a
small amount, it can give you a second shot at
victory. Still, there are better cards to use.
For example, A Tool called Ninja, while making you
sacrifice a Ninja to heal another, nets you 3 chakra
as opposed to two (The Mission itself and the
discarded card.) seeing as it sends the sacrificed
ninja to the Chakra Area instead of the discard
pile. Plus, it combo’s nicely with Naruto Uzumaki
[Fragment of Power]. Also, Senbon just owns this
card so hard, it’s not even funny, basically baiting
your opponent into blocking the injured Anko
Mitasrashi [Forbidden Jutsu] that was teamed with
Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum] and Temari [Violent
Temper]. “Oh, I’m sorry. My team suddenly rockets
from 4 to 8 Total Combat Power with the help of a
Needle.” Situations like that just make me laugh. J
So, in short, Striking A Deal’s good, especially in
a Pure Water deck, but there are better choices out
there. Or to put it in even simpler form…
Senbon > Ichiraku Noodle Shop > A Tool called
“Ninja” > Striking a Deal
Contructed: 3.5/5 (This card is decent, but there
are better choices out there.)
Limited: 2.5/5 (I’d rather use A Tool called “Ninja”
over this in any booster draft tournament.)

Rakath |
Striking A Deal
Ah yes, Water support. It can heal ninjas by burning
your battle rewards.You discard Rewards to Heal
ninjas. Healing is a good thing. Losing rewards is a
bad thing. However this is one of the few healing
cards for Water. So it wins by default in this area.
Sorry this is short, but a 'healing' mission wont'
get much talking.
Constructed (Water) - 3.5/5
Limited - 1.5/5
Art - 2/5 (Nothing special)
Iceburg |
It's time for another
Iceburg's review!
Striking a deal
1 turn/1 card from hand
effect: choose
1- X amount of battle rewards
2- X amount of ninjas
discard 1(X) amount to graveyard to heal 2(X) amount
of ninjas
this card isn't worthy of firestarter. usually the
point is to get battle rewards, not lose them!!!!
plus, it's a waste of a mission card. I hate this
card, only because like 1/5 chances are they ever
injured...heh. then again, others may like it, but I
sure as hell don't. really unless your running a
deck out, this card is kinda pointless.
constructed + limited: 2/5
lamness on a card, and they dishonor the great sound
ninja Dosu.
oh, and for those of you who care, today's my
b-day!!!! WOOT!
Iceburg out~
~Spenser |
Striking a Deal
Water Mission
Turn 1 Cost 1 Water
Rarity: Rare, M-074
Target: (1) X Number of your Battle Rewards
(2) X Number of your Ninjas
Effect: Discard target (1) to the original owner’s
Discard Pile and heal target (2).
First, I want to say that this is my first review
and I feel somewhat honored to be doing these
reviews. So let’s begin!
Striking a Deal is a semi-good Mission card. You can
play it anytime during/after Turn 1 and you must
discard a Water element card to use it. The effect
is simple: by discarding one of you Battle Rewards
to your Discard Pile, you can heal one of your
Ninjas. This effect might prove useful late-game,
especially if you’re running similar to Zabuza
Control and he gets injured. But, experienced
players know that there are cards better than this:
After the Battle and Ichiraku Noodle Shop. Not bad
overall, but due to the fact that you are losing a
BR just to heal a Ninja makes this not really worth
running. This card can be useful with other Ninjas
like Asuma Sarutobi. I would personally stay with
After the Battle. Besides that, there is nothing
more to say about this card. Keep it for your
Constructed: 2.5/5 If you don’t mind losing Battle
Limited: 3/5 Good when you REALLY need it!
Overall: 2.5/5