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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Magneto - Age of Apocalypse

Card #MAA005

Date Reviewed: 11.02.07

Constructed Rating: 3.13
Limited Average Rating: DNA

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Si "Hitman" Parkes

“Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you
It’s Late September and I really should be back in school
I know I keep you amused, but I feel like I’m being used
Oh, Maggie, I couldn’t have tried anymore
You lured me away from home
Just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and that’s what really hurt” 


Magneto <> Age of Apocalypse: Cost 7: 15/15: Flight, Range: Loyalty: X-Men


Discard another Magneto card>Characters can't be stunned this attack. Use only if Magneto is in combat and only once per turn. 


Use the other 7 drop Magneto. He’s better.


Sealed: n/a

Constructed: 3





xstreamzero Magneto

I was trying to make a point about Apocalypse’s existence being contradictory. In essence, the entire storyline of the Age of Apocalyse is a big “What If?” situation.

Age of Apocalypse
Discard another Magneto card > Characters can’t be stunned this attack. Use only if Magneto is in combat and only once per turn.

The “What If?” situation was that, “What if Magneto was killed and never founded the Brotherhood?” That’s what Professor X’s son wanted to do. He travels back in time to kill Magneto, but instead accidentally kills Professor X, saving Magneto’s life.

Because of that, Magneto honors Professor X by forming and becoming the leader of the X-Men. Which, as you can see, is why he has the X-Men affiliation.

But that’s enough story. Now to the card.

Magneto has never been one to be displayed as a weak card. And this Seven drop is no exception. As long as you have another Magneto card to discard, you can pretty much stop an attack. Well, that’s not necessarily true, you can stop characters from being stunned. This is nice when your on the defensive. It’s also useful on the attack if something goes terribly wrong and prevents your Magneto from getting stunned. But otherwise, nothing really game breaking. Other than the fact that he IS an X-Men card…

Constructed: 3/5


Magneto, Age of Apocalypse (X-Men)

7 cost, 15 ATK, 15 DEF, Flight, Range


Discard another Magneto card >> Characters can't be stunned this attack.  Use only if Magneto is in combat and only once per turn.

Only 'eh'... some of the promo cards are pretty freakin' powerful.  This one?  Not in my favorites.  I hope that next week we get to review the Bishop and Wolverine cards. 

This Magneto is, in my opinion, not a good replacement for the 7 cost Mags out of Origins.  Sure, you can keep him alive if he is about to get pounded in combat, but that is really about it.  And even then, you need to discard another copy of Magneto to do it.  Unless you are running alot of Magneto cards, its hardly worth it.

Sealed: N/A

Constructed: 3/5  He's not bad... if you need a 7 cost X-Men and don't have any of the older expensive rare 7 drops, this guy will do in a pinch.  I'm just not too fond of him. 
jajais4u Magneto

At first look, I was like, whatever. I can't be stunned when team attacking with him. Like I'll do that on seventh anyway. Then I realized, it's not while team attacking with him, it's period. While he's attacking alone, with friends or defending. Ok Magneto, we get it. You always get good cards.

Constructed - 3.5

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