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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Cassie Sandsmark
<> Wondergirl

Card #DOR-036

Cassie Sandsmark cannot be stunned by a character with a cost of 6 or more. (While Cassie Sandsmark is defending, apply breakthrough as normal.)

Date Reviewed: 07.26.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: -
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 1
Limited Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Cassie Sandsmark <> Wondergirl - Zeus's Chosen

Hey everyone...guess who is back? I know that some of you may be wondering where I have been - and most of you won't care - but here is the Reader's Digest version:

I have been traveling quite a bit lately - first to a conference out west, then on to England, Ireland, and Scotland. My trip was sort of a "hey, you are going to be graduating soon so you better get this over with while you still have a chance" kind of thing. Yep it is about time I joined the real world, but I planning on having fun right until the very end...

Ok on to today's review...Today we will be looking back at TT. This is probably because they had such a huge showing at the recent 10k in Boston. Today's card is Cassie, a 9/9 5-drop with the added bonus of being unstunnable by any character with a cost of 6 or greater. She certainly isn't my first choice for a 5-drop character...that is reserved by Garth alone. She isn't even my second choice of play on turn 5...that is reserved for Red Star, but perhaps she can be handy when going up against the typical curve deck that you almost never see at major vs events. If it wasn't for the fact that TT has so many other good combos and such that can be played on turn 5, this would be considered decent filler. As it is, this card will end up being just another place holder in your binder.

DCMA constructed - n/a
GA constructed - 1.0/5.0 ...She just isn't worth the space.

Limited - 2.5/5.0 ....Being unstunnable under certain conditions makes this card more playable.
xstreamzero Cassie Sandsmark <> Wonder Girl

Unlike certain five drops for Teen Titans, this is probably the worst.

Cassie Sandsmark <> Wonder Girl
Zeus’s Chosen
Teen Titans/5/9/9
Cassie Sandsmark cannot be stunned by a character with a cost of 6 or more.
(While Cassie Sandsmark is defending, apply breakthrough as normal)

Now let me list the reasons why you should use this card over Garth, Nightwing, or even the new Roy Harper.
Greg Cassie Sandmark
Cassie Sandsmark cannot be stunned by a character with a cost of 6 or more. (While Cassie Sandsmark is defending, apply breakthrough as normal.)

A teen titan, 9/9, flight, cant be stuned by 6 or more, very handy, but with Garth <> Tempest, another 5 9/9 range, this card is outshadowed by Garths better effect, none the less it still is a good titan for golden age.

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