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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Die for Darkseid

Card #DJL-215

As an additional cost to play Die for Darkseid!, KO a character you control.

Target player loses 4 endurance. If you played Die for Darkseid! from your resource row and you control a Darkseid's Elite character, you may replace a face-up non-ongoing plot twist.

Date Reviewed: 04.19.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.25
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Die for Darkseid!

Today's card is going to focus on the pt burn aspect of the new Burn 'Em deck. Die for Darkseid! is a 2-cost PT that causes your opponent to lose 4 endurance, provided you KO one of your characters. Now if you have a DE character you can replace a non-ongoing PT, but that is neither here or there. The whole concept of the Burn 'Em deck is to burn your opponent as fast as possible, so getting out little burn characters and then KO-ing them for this PT serves two purposes. First, you get extra damage on your opponent. Second, you don't have to worry about your little characters hanging around to get smashed. The one thing to notice about this card is that it doesn't specify a character type or position....so you can use this card for already stunned characters as well. There should definitely be 4 of these cards in your burn deck!

DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This is a great card for anyone that is running a rush deck and is looking for a little extra burn.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This is a must for a weenie burn deck!

Limited - 3.5/5.0 ...If you have a character that is going to get KO-ed anyway, you might as well get something out of it.
Die for Darkseid

We continue our look at Burn with Die For Darkseid, a quasi-team stamped plot twist from the recent Justice League set. In High Voltage, it turns a 1-drop from a liability into 4 points of burn. AGL decks already use it to get a little more utility out of Anti-Green Lanterns that are on their way to the KO'd pile anyway. It's a card with a very narrow utility, but very powerful in the right deck. It's second effect only triggers if you have a Darkseid's Elite character out...not something that happens too often. Even if you happen to have one out, you'll probably wind up replacing the copy of Die For Darkseid you just flipped.

In Limited, Die For Darkseid is a pretty nifty pick, especially if you play a copy or two of Gorilla Grodd in your deck. A little extra endurance loss never hurt anybody, and nothing's worse than having a pesky
1 drop that stays on your field and draws attacks from your opponent for massive breakthrough. Not a high pick, but worth including in a Sealed deck for a little added insurance.

Rating: 3/5

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