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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day


Card #DGL-035


Date Reviewed: 08.05.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4.75
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4.375
Limited Average Rating: 3.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.



Ahhh, it looks like today we are going to be looking at the money card of the set - Oa

Oa is a 2-cost location which states 'As an additional cost to flip Oa, discard a Green Lantern character card. Activate >>> Target attacker you control gets +X ATK this attack, where X is its willpower.' Now this may not seem like much to someone not associated with the characteristic of willpower, but for those of us that do, this card is gold. In your typical GLEE/GL deck this card will certainly be found as it can easily power up your characters to an ungodly power. Characters such as Chp'd, Sinestro, and Olapet can easily gain a +5 or higher boost simply by activating this card. Now decks can focus on getting many smaller characters on the field and attacking up the curve. That leaves the door wide open for cards such as Chopping Block.

DCMA - 5.0/5.0 - This card can easily replace Savage Beatdown in a deck.
GA - 3.5/5.0 - Locations have a greater risk of being destroyed in this format, and it is hard to use this card outside of a willpower affiliation.

Limited - 3.5/5.0 - This card's activation can be costly, but in the long run it is definitely worth it.

For our last card this week, we look at a location that rewards a player for sticking to a Willpower heavy set of characters. Oa has a low enough threshold cost to make your characters into early threats, and with high Willpower bombs like Ch'p and Sinestro waiting in the wings, Oa becomes a reusable Savage Beatdown and then some. The only team stamped part of it is the initial discard, so it's a natural fit for GLEE, although GL Weenie will also find a use for it with Ch'p and Olapet to benefit from the attack boost.

Rating: 5/5



Where there's a will, there's a planet... no, wait...

Number: DGL-035
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Location
Cost: 2
As an additional cost to flip Oa, discard a Green Lantern character card.

Activate >>> Target attacker you control gets +X ATK this attack, where X is its willpower.

Cost: 2
Usable early on, which is a real boon for it's use.

Gives a one-shot ATK boost when attacking, can be just the edge you need.

Team Affiliation: Green Lantern
The team already has good ATK stats, but this is still very useful.

A good card to use in your GL decks; the reusable extra ATK boost with a one-time drawback is a definate help at times, and very useful.
Needing you to discard a GL character is a major drawback that restricts Oa to GL decks and two-team decks, but it's still a great card to use.

Modern Age:
Kills in a GL deck or a two-team deck featuring the Lanterns team.
5.0/5.0 in GL decks,
4.5 in mixed team decks.

Golden Age:
Not usable here, but still a good card:

Gl characters aren't that hard to get in this format, and Oa is a rather rare and desirable card to get, so grab it first, then work on nabbing a GL to fuel it's activation.
scyther8 "Doesn't everyone think they're the centre of the universe?"

To round out the week, we have the big location itself, Oa. One of the big
3 chase cards from the Green Lantern set, its power can be tremendous if played properly.

It's team-stamped in the fashion of discarding a Green Lantern card to flip it, but after that, it's a force to be reckoned with. Activate Oa, and give your character an attack boost equal to their willpower. Note that's not restricted to a Green Lantern character, which comes in handy if you splash in another willpower characters. Best willpower character to splash in is definetly the big guy, Appa Ali Apsa as an 8 drop in a curve Green Lantern deck. Using Oa on him gives him 27 attack, and with no reinforcement available to your opponent with Appa's effect, a whole heap of breakthrough will definetly happen! Getting back to Oa, it's an excellent addition to any willpower deck that involves Green Lanterns heavily, the only hard part is acquiring them due to their hefty pricetag. But, smoke em if you got em!

DC Modern Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 4/5
Limited: 3/5

as an additional cost to flip Oa discard a green lantern character card. Activate->target attacker you control gets +X attack where X is its willpower.

This card is pretty straight forward, and is practically a must in most green lantern decks. In most cases where you are going to use this, it is at least as good as a flying kick. In many cases and after some help it can be better than a savage beatdown! On top of all that its reusable unlike plot twists because its a location.

Being a rare, this card can be hard to get a hold of, but is definitely worth the trouble. In short a very good plus for GL decks.

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