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Video Card Comparison: GTX 1050, 1060, 1070, 1080


Price and Benchmarks

  1050 1050 Ti 1060-3GB 1060-6GB 1070 1070 Ti 1080 1080 Ti
Price $110 $150 $200 $270 $410 $460 $510 $710
4393 5757 8696 8778 11003 12234 12072  13594
Cumulative 100% 114% 195% 210% 289% 337% 365% 446%
Relative +0% +15% +72% +7% +38% +17% +8% +22%

Benchmarks were from Passmark and Userbenchmark.  Of course, take these numbers with a little skepticism because (a) some users can see meaningful benefits in incremental improvements (b) some users don’t need (or aren’t capable of fully utilizing) a higher-end video card (c) different users use their video cards for different applications. 

Prices, of course, are flexible.  At the moment, 1050 and 1050 Ti are good budget options.  The more close they are in price, the more the 1050 Ti makes sense.  However, if you can afford to spend a bit more, the 1060 (3GB) offers the most bang for buck.  The 6GB version of the 1060, as long as its well over $50 more expensive, offers diminished returns.  While 1070 and 1080 once dominated the high end, the 1070 Ti offers the performance of a 1080 but at a lower price.

Resolution and Frame Rate

Resolution Framerate Recommendation
900p 60  GTX 1050
1080p 30 GTX 1050
60 GTX 1050 Ti or GTX 1060 
100+ GTX 1060 or higher
1440p 30 GTX 1060
60 GTX 1070 
100+ GTX 1080 or GTX 1080 Ti
4K  30 GTX 1080
60 GTX 1080 Ti


Specs (from


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