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Trunks Super Saiyan lv 5

GT Lost Episodes Saga

Reviewed 01.06.2005

Avg. Expanded Rating: 4.35
Avg. Focused Rating: 4.25


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
Trunks, Super Saiyan Level 5 – Dragon Ball GT Lost Episodes Saga
Ultra Rare - #153
Personality – Hero

Constant Power: Your opponent cannot perform energy attacks. Your cards that prevent damage prevent an additional +4 of that type of damage.

PUR: 10

Fans have been wondering with Trunks would get a level 5 that is similar to his upbringing. We started with Trunks HT 1 from Frieza Saga, and were given Trunks the Powerful Level 4 from Cell Saga, along with some semi anti energy levels. Finally Baby Saga was released and we were given Trunks the Scientific Level 2 and Trunks, Super Saiyan Level 3 to basically destroy any attempt to Aura Clash/AYTE Trunks away from his level 1 power. Now with this amazing Trunks 5, he only gets better.

Energetic Trunks can try to get to this level and just stick it out, seeing energies aren’t going to hurt and it won’t be easy to deal him damage with super prevention. His high power level and PUR adds to his amazing power. Sure getting here might be a bit hard, but the bottom line is his whole personality set is solid, making it hard to Gust of Wind him to a level that’s not useful.

And you can always Unlocked Potential. Don’t forget that.

Expanded: 4.7 out of 5.0 (one of the best level 5s out there)
Focused: 4.7 out of 5.0 (if only Trunks could get a new level 4)
Sealed: N/A (Yeah right)
BoBo Trunks lvl 5 - Definitely a better alternative in Expanded than the CGS Trunks 5. He goes along with the anti energy bit and hes a card ball decks can use to fill space and it makes sure they cant be Gust of Winded up to a bad lvl 5. Trunks is relatively good in both formats so I say 4/5 
Scott Guy Trunks, Super Saiyan Level 5
PUR: 10
7,000,000 - 10,000,000

Constant Power: Your opponent cannot perform energy attacks. Your cards that prevent damage prevent an additional +4 of that type of damage.

Along with the Cell Games ultra rare from Dragonball Z CCG, this level 5 for Trunks is one of the only two level 5 cards Trunks gets at all. The power of this Trunks is all about defense, locking down energy attacks and adding mass prevention to all of your prevention sources. With high PUR and power stages this card can take an offensive or defensive function.

Offensive: If you can reach this level quickly enough, this card allows you to run slightly less defense, letting you concentrate more on attacking your opponent.

Defensive: This card is built for Dragonball Stall. Shutting down energies and preventing a lot of physical damage will make it tough for your opponent to capture a DB by hurting you.

Expanded: 3/5
Focused: 4/5
Sealed: 0/5
Trunks Super Saiyan lv 5
Wow, back in cell saga I thought his level 4 was bad (still do also lol) but now he gets an additional level with the same power and then some :P...  In a blue energy deck this level would KILL most opponets,  its not unbeatable but its very intimadating.  Expanded red trunks decks just got better, even though I haven't seen one since Kid Buu.  The ability to shut down an unprepared energy deck is awesome and the fact you will be preventing most physicals thrown at you now is another benefit.  Being at level 5 is the proper level, but still a major hassle to get to at times.  But I'm sure with all the leveling cards now adays, in a right deck you'll be there in no time.  A blue destruction ally deck comes to mind   >:) hehehehe
Focused:  4.7/5.0  The only beef I have is the getting to this level. Besides that read the expanded one lol
Expanded: 5.0/5.0  Can't go wrong with this level.  Blows the old one out of the water.
Sealed:  3.0/5.0  Having the card is a prop, and having the advantage, if you have his 1234, from MPPV.  Otherwise your not gonna get there lol
Richard Barbee Trunks., Super Saiyan Lv 5

Hero personality

Constant Power: Your opponent cannot perform energy attacks. Your cards that prevent damage prevent an additional +4 of that type of damage.

PUR: 10


















I've seen and heard many complaints about this card. I also heard from a friend that he was now arguably the best MP out there now. After seeing this level, I prompltly agree. In focused, he's insane. All of your cards have endurance so they get the prevention bonus of +4. AND your opponent can't preform energies. Gee, wonder where they got THAT idea from... The only good thing about it is that you can't use the entire energy lock set (I'll explain in a moment). In expanded, he only gets better. Basically, he can lock down energy decks now, while being able to shut of many MPPV decks. Using the Lv.1 HT Redemption you get a 2 card cap. Using the Lv.2 and 3 from Baby you get a 3 card cap (and an extra Dball effect on Lv.3). Using the Lv.4 you get to shut off energies. And now, thanks to this Lv. 5, you shut off energies, gain a prevention bonus, AND can stop speed anger decks. That's a lot of energy stoppage or cappage. Another thing about Lv. 5 is that he can be used for virtually any type of deck. MPPV, Beatdown, and Stall Ball to list just a few. One good thing about him in this format, is there are still cards to shut off his power. However, you'll have to watch for Provoke Drill...

Focused: 4.5/5 (insane...)

Expanded: 4.9/5 (even more insane...)

Sealed: 1/5 (Odds are, you won't be getting the other levels to use him)

Trunks, Super Saiyan Level 5

Ah, my favorite character, Trunks, and one of the most powerful hard-hitters. With a constant power of your opponent not being able to use energy attacks, it also lets your card that prevent damage by an additional 4 cards of that type! He's got a PUR of 10, and a highest Power of 10,000,000, and his lowest of 7,000,000.. Hes a most for most Saiyan decks.

Exp- 3

Foc- 4

meb9000 Trunks., Super Saiyan



Constant Power: Your opponent cannot perform energy attacks. Your cards that prevent damage prevent an
additional +4 of that type of damage.

Level 5

PUR: 10

The first thing that I feel when I look at this card is that of nostalgia for the old time favorite, Trunks the Powerful lvl 4 from CS. That card was the classic stop sign for any deck that even slightly depended on Energy attacks. While Expanded has enjoyed this type of ability ever since it was released, it is an entirely different matter in Focused.

As I'm sure anyone can tell you, the energies that you tend to come across can be downright painful. The best examples are things like Blue Draining Kamehameha, Negative Karma Ball, and more. This card just laughs them all away. Not only is this the lvl 5 trunks to complete his MP in focused, it also can singlehandedly end the game against a number of decks.
Blue Destruction? Dead. Orange Pinpoint? How far can u get on physicals alone? Orange Aura? Oh, looks like ur might army of Gohan 3 and his energy-wielding cohorts got shot down. You can see where this is going.
Trunks' power here can make many a deck lose their entire offensive capablities in no time. (Which is one of the reasons why the previous COTD, Gust of Wind, is so powerful :p) Although this is a level 5, Saiyan Supreme and levelers like Saiyan Rage Drill/Saiyan Summoning coupled with Vegeta sensei can make the job easier. Black Energetic can jump up here in a combat easily.
One other ability of trunks that most people tend to ignore is the fact that your prevention has +4 added to whatever it prevents, making this actually good in blue while being its worst enemy at the same time ^_~ This ability along with his primary power could make this Trunks level a force to be reckoned with in Blue Dball decks in Focused.

Expanded-4/10: While the power levels and PUR are nice, the fact that you can get the same key power at lvl 4 makes this level kind of insignificant for the most part.

Focused-7/10: obviously a must in just about any Trunks deck here. It can sometimes be trouble to get to, but once you get there, it can end the game against the right deck.

I hope this summed up everything u needed to know about this new Trunks. Happy playing!


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