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Terrible Torture Tour

World's Promo Card

Reviewed 6.21.2004

Avg. Expanded Rating: 4.1
Avg. Focused Rating: N/A


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
Terrible Torture Tour – Expanded Worlds Participation Card Promo – OP32 Event - Combat

Terrible Torture Tour is Endurance 1.

Power: Expanded only. Choose Allies, Drills, or Setups. If your opponent has more of that card type in play than you, you play 2 of the chosen card type from your Discard Pile. Remove from the game after use.

Heh, not bad at all. I can see this being played in a few combo decks. This will be able to pull random stuff out of nowhere, but the problem stems from actually making this playable.

This isn’t a bad card. Don’t get me mistaken. But let’s look at the problems it can provide first. Your opponent could be a deck that doesn’t run allies, drills, or setups. Either that or very few of them. Red Anger is the first deck that comes to mind. This would generally make this card totally useless in certain situations. Note that you need a discard pile with 2 cards to pull to make this worth it, and usually it needs to be mid to late game for that to occur. With that in mind, if your deck is based on allies, drills, or setups, you should have a basic setup already. It should be greater than your opponent’s, unless your deck isn’t extremely strong in that sense.

But either way, cards like Namek Dragon Ball 4, The Plan, or Drills are For the Weak can give you problems. This card get easily get you started again. Not to mention your opponent could be ahead in the race, and you’ll be able to pull two quick cards that can change the game immediately (ie Fatherly Advice, Hero’s Lucky Break, Trunks Reconstruction, The Help of Earth, Z Warriors Gather, Orange Focusing Drill, Orange Lifting Drill, Caught Off Guard Drill, Android 14 Level 1, Bulma the Mom Level 1, etc).

You also have the option of any of the three. Most decks aren’t extremely strong in all three areas, but could be somewhat strong in two of the three. Use this to your advantage in decks that run all three, giving you a ton of different options against different decks.

The big one is Setup, noting that there aren’t very many cards that search out setups. With HLB and TR, you could access ones from your deck, which can prove to be quite lethal.

Overall, it depends on your deck and the right situation. Try this out if your deck is strong in a few of the areas, giving you different options for different situations. You never know when this could come in handy.

Expanded: 4.1 out of 5.0 (tons of combos, but very situational)
Focused: N/A
Sealed: N/A

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