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Knight of Encouragement, Albion
Reviewed: March
14, 2017
Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Knight of Encouragement, Albion
This or Knight of Twin Sword? Why not both? They can
loop into more attacks, right? Albion's GB1 Soulblasts
and Counterblasts 1 on attack to call a unit from the
deck with Brave, and the called unit gains a skill: if
it hits the Vanguard, it bounces to the hand.
Okay in all seriousness, I don't think this should be
run to replace Twin Sword or together with Twin Sword.
The better Brave support like new Igraine NEEDS that
soul, and so do your better G-Units like Transcending
Altmile, and you won't always have Altmile's personal
Critical or the new Perfect Guard Regius to recoup it.
That being said, he could have relevance in decks
outside Altmile, who don't spend too much soul for
anything else, since he calls stuff of ANY Grade as long
as it's got Brave, like Sanctuary Guard for quick and
easy boosters, since he doesn't need an Altmile Vanguard
to proc. And lacking Brave, he's easy to use whenever.
Bizarrely, more useful for stuff not specialising in
Brave due to redundancy, but not awful.
2.5/5 |

Winston Fairwinds |
Knight of Twin Sword replacement?
Kind of. You'll have to manage your soul to use him,
which isn't the hardest of tasks. He does encroach on
your other plays that use the soul, but he doesn't need
to be boosted, which is great. He bestows an on-hit
bounce effect to the unit he calls, but that's relevant
mostly in the Mid Game only, where the opponent might
not feel like guarding the unit so they can have damage
of their own to counterblast. Realistically, other Royal
Pal decks are gonna keep their Twin Swords, but there's
enough Brave units in Altmile.dek that you'll wanna run
2 or 3 copies of himself. Too bad he doesn't have the
Brave keyword himself, but that's probably asking for
too much.