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Time Maiden of Eternity, Uluru
Reviewed: June 9, 2017
[G guardian] (Usable when both fighters' vanguards are grade 3 or greater, and the number of face up G guardians in your G zone is three or less)-Opponent Turn's Guard Step-[Choose a card with "Heal" from your hand, and discard it] Call this card to your (GC) from face down.
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (GC), choose up to one normal unit and trigger unit from your drop zone, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If a total of two cards were put, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.
Rating: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Time Maiden of Eternity, Uluru
If I'm going to sacrifice one of my available
G-Guardians for the game, I want to damn well be sure it
has something nice to offer like a fuckton of shield or
great relevance to your main gambit. Uluru falls under
the former. When GB1 is unlocked, CB1, flip a
G-Guardian, gains 5k shield for every G-Unit face-up in
your G-Zone.
Admittedly not a very interesting effect, but seeing as
how you will have unlocked GB2 on your first Stride, or
if you're going first and used a G-Guardian to drop
Nextage or some shit, so at minimum it's a 30-35k shield
for CB1 so it's Arlim except a bit less unwieldy.
Clearly meant to be blocking Vanguard attacks when PGs
are somewhat lacking.
Aside from that, simple in use but may not float your
boat depending on how much you emphasise utility in your
G-Guardians, like Hetroround, other Uluru, Raphanna...
3/5 |

License |
So let's see how the best Stride clan makes use of
their new G-Guardian, eh? Oh look! It's like Blizza
decided to switch to the defense team
Seriously this is definitely a tough wall to break.
Usually in gears this'll be +30k or more, though you
also wanna use it early to reach GB8 and pound people.
The biggest drawback to this card isn't really anything
about itself, rather just the amounts of utility and
power the other Gear G-guardians have. At least one for
those massive guards, but it's tough to justify her
above Heteroround or OG Uluru even