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Sky Guardian Supreme Dragon, Impede Dragon
Reviewed: June 7, 2017
[G guardian] (Usable when both fighters' vanguards are grade 3 or greater, and the number of face up G guardians in your G zone is three or less)-Opponent Turn's Guard Step-[Choose a card with "Heal" from your hand, and discard it] Call this card to your (GC) from face down.
[AUTO] Generation Break 1:[Choose a face down G guardian from your G zone, and turn it face up] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, retires it, binds it face up, if the number of rear-guards your opponent has is two or more than yours, your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and retires it.
Rating: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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Sky Guardian Supreme Dragon, Impede Dragon
Here is Narukami's solution to unlock Thunderstrike if
the opponent's some douchebag using Magia. On GB1, flip
a G-Guardian to make the opponent retire and bind a
rear-guard of their choosing, and then if the opponent
still has 2 or more rear-guards than you, they have to
retire (but not bind) another rear-guard of their
This is admittedly no Denial Griffin since the opponent
usually won't retire the attacker unless they have
everything else yet to attack, but that's not the point.
What's he's meant to be here for is to not only get
something, ANYTHING, in the bind zone so Thunderstrike
isn't dead, but also to buff Dragonic Vanquisher by
another 6k power potentially during your opponent's
turn, so it can shrug off more attacks. The conditions
to retire 2 are pretty tricky unless the opponent is a
habitual field ruin-er like Link Joker or a fellow
retire-based player, or if you spammed Vanquisher's
personal Crit pretty cleverly, but the potential is
New staple for any Narukami deck.
3.5/5 |

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Narukami thankfully followed the trend and also got a
G-Guardian that blows stuff up. However theirs is a
bit... different
Impede Dragon still lets you retire a unit, but giving
the choice to the opponent isn't necessarily a good one.
Although considering they may also have to retire a
second unit, it feels worth it. Definitely a 1-of, but a
good 1-of